For personal and select distribution only (c) by Lori Martin, December 2000

Michaela was standing in front of a full-length mirror, her mouth opened wide in horror. "Absolutely not!" she exclaimed, "I cannot go out in public like this." She was holding up a pair of shorts and a tank top that Gracie had given her to try on.

"Everyone wears shorts Dr. Mike," Gracie said in exasperation as she eyed the many outfits strewn across the bed. Michaela was refusing to wear anything that did not fully cover her arms and legs. "Well I don't," Michaela exclaimed as she tossed the shorts on the bed, "I'd feel half naked wearing something like this."

Gracie put her hands on her hips. "Alright then, if you won't wear shorts you can wear a pair of my jeans. You can't go wrong in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt." Gracie went to her closet and pulled out a tee shirt and a pair of jeans and laid them on the bed. Michaela eyed the clothing and then as she picked them up to put them on, she mumbled, "That's much better."

Gracie snickered lightly as she watched Michaela examine herself in the mirror. She wondered how Michaela would react when she took her to try on swimming suits today. Grabbing her own one-piece bathing suit that she now wore due to her blossoming figure, she quickly stuffed it into a small beach bag and then turning to Michaela she said teasingly, "Are you satisfied now or are you going to try on my entire wardrobe."

Michaela looked at herself one last time in the mirror and then turning to Gracie she smiled slightly, "I suppose this will do. I have worn pants before, when I was climbing Pikes Peak, but of course they definitely weren't this tight fitting."

"Then Sully will love them," Gracie replied with a slight grin. Grabbing Michaela's hand she hurried her out of the bedroom to where the men were now waiting for them.

"Wow!" Sully exclaimed softly as Michaela entered the room, a slight blush on her cheeks. "You look great Michaela." Michaela's cheeks turned an even darker red. "Do you really think so?" she answered timidly, her eyes searching his. "Yeah, I do," Sully returned and then taking her hand he asked, "but how come you're not wearing shorts?" and then leaning closer for her ears only he whispered huskily, "you got real nice legs Michaela," which only caused her to blush even more.

"I tried to get her to wear a pair of shorts, but she wouldn't listen," Gracie jumped in, "this was the best I could do." Turning to Michaela, Gracie said, "See, even Katie is wearing a pair of shorts. You'll be the only one on the beach today in a pair of jeans."

Michaela reached out and took Katie from Sully's arms. Kissing the top of her head she spoke in a soft voice, "You do look cute don't you, but then you'd look adorable in anything," and then looking sheepishly up at Sully she whispered, "but for now I think your ma will keep her legs covered."

"You look nice, Dr. Mike," Bobbie chimed in, trying to make her feel comfortable. "Now how about we get the car packed up and head out to the beach. I can't wait to show Sully our new wave runner."

"Wave runner?" she asked, her eyes darting to Bobbie, grateful for the distraction from her clothes.

"I'll show you when we get there," was all Bobbie would say as he gathered their belongings and headed out to the car. "First thing we're gonna do though is stop by a coin collector and see what we can do about getting you guys some money." As Bobbie bent over to pick up one pile, Sully stooped over and retrieved the other and the two of them headed out the door.

Sully was dressed in a pair of cutoff blue jeans and a tight fitting muscle shirt that clearly defined his broad shoulders and his bulging tanned muscles. On his feet he wore his familiar moccasins and his long wavy hair hung loose to his shoulders. As Michaela watched her husband's retreating form, her heart quickened and she felt a sudden rush to her head. She was suddenly startled when she felt Gracie's hand on her shoulder. "Are you sure you don't want to change into a pair of shorts?" Gracie asked, "you already look flushed and we haven't even left the house yet."

Quickly Michaela tore her eyes off of her husband and turning her attention to Gracie she answered , "Yes, yes.. I'm sure," she was clearly flustered, "I'll be just fine in what I have on."

"Alright then, let's go, the men are waiting," Gracie replied. As Gracie put Katie into the car seat, Michaela stood up on her toes and whispered into Sully’s ear, "I like what you're wearing also." Sully looked at Michaela in surprise but only smiled. Taking her hand he then helped her into the car.

Sully was grinning from ear to ear as he opened the car door and turned to Michaela who was sitting in the back seat with Gracie. "You won't believe it Michaela," Sully exclaimed excitedly, "you'll never guess how much money I got from those two coins."

"Calm down Sully," Michaela placed her hand calmly on his shoulder. "Don't keep me guessing, just tell me." Sully pulled out a piece of paper and holding it up to Michaela he showed her the amount that was written on the paper. "Twenty-two thousand dollars!" Michaela shouted in disbelief. "Yep, twenty-two thousand," Sully replied joyfully. "He gave me seven thousand for one coin and he told me the other one was in such 'mint' condition that it was worth fifteen thousand dollars. Can you believe that?"

Michaela took the piece of paper from Sully's hand and turning it over she carefully examined both sides. "This isn't one of those notes, is it Sully? You know the ones that aren't really worth what they say?"

"Nope, Bobbie told me it's called a check and it's used just the same as cash money. He said we could go to his bank on Monday morning and cash it and we'd have the money in our hands then," Sully reassured her.

"Sully, maybe we don't have to gamble after all," Michaela softly implored, "maybe we should just take this money and offer it to Mr. Dodge, see if he'll take it in return for our house."

"You heard him, Michaela," Sully replied as he gently squeezed her hand, "he said he wouldn't take a penny less and this isn't nearly enough. We'll go to Las Vegas and win the rest, you'll see, everything will work out."

"All right," Michaela answered softly, "I'm trusting you completely on this Sully. But you know how much I dislike gambling."

"I know, I know," Sully returned, "and I don't like it either, Michaela. But there just ain't no other way right now." Leaning over he lightly brushed her cheek. "So how about we put all of this out of our mind right now and enjoy our day at the beach. What do you say?" Michaela flashed him a slight smile and then softly she replied, "Alright."

After almost an hour's ride in the car, in which both Sully and Michaela again asked Bobbie and Gracie endless questions, they finally arrived at the beach. After parking the car, Bobbie turned to Sully and said, "After we get our things set up on the beach we'll go over to the Beachcomer and get the three of you something to wear on the beach."

"What's the Beachcomer?" Sully asked.

"It's a small shop where they sell everything and anything that has to do with the beach, along with swimming suits for all of you," replied Gracie from the backseat.

Their arms loaded with beach chairs, beach towels, beach umbrellas, and one small child, everyone slowly made their way to the beach. As Bobbie and Sully struggled with their numerous belongings, Michaela followed with Katie in her arms while Grace carried a small cooler filled with refreshments. But neither Sully nor Michaela was prepared for what they saw next.

Michaela looked up at Sully and immediately noticed that his mouth was wide open and his eyes were bulging wide. She followed his gaze and gasped in utter shock as three young and very shapely women casually strolled by, clad in next to nothing. Instinctively Michaela covered Katie's eyes with her hand and as she did so she noticed that Bobbie's eyes were also watching the three beautiful women.

Their bronzed bodies were shapely and their busts were overflowing from their meager attire. Their long flowing hair swayed gently back and forth in perfect synch with the slight swinging of their small rounded hips. As they walked past Sully one of them turned and gave him a slight wink, batted her eyes and then continued on, leaving Sully to watch her backside, which was completely bare.

"Sully, close your mouth for God's sake and quit gawking," Michaela's flustered voice caught Sully's attention. "I... I wasn't gawking," Sully stammered but once again he turned back to watch the three retreating forms. With his eyes fixed on the three women Sully didn't see the empty chair in front of him and before he knew what was happening he toppled over, their belongings flying haphazardly through the air.

Sully quickly picked himself up and went dashing for their belongings. As he looked up he saw Michaela standing over him, one hand on her hip, her eyes glaring. "You weren't gawking?" she asked accusingly. "You had your eyes so glued to them that you weren't even watching where you were going. I thought I was going to have to perform an operation on you to pop your eyeballs back into their sockets," she continued in a raised voice.

"Michaela, I'm sorry," Sully pleaded, "I was only...."

Suddenly Michaela and Sully turned around when they heard a loud cackling sound behind them. There on their knees Bobbie and Gracie were laughing hysterically. "I don't see what's so amusing," Michaela retorted angrily, "I thought he was going to pounce on them at any moment and he was drooling."

Grasping her stomach with her arm, Gracie took a deep breath and tried to bring her laughter under control. "Oh come on Michaela, he was only looking," Gracie said lightly as she tried to defuse Michaela's anger. "Bobbie does the same thing but I always tell him he can look but he can't touch." Gracie looked at Michaela and smiling at her she shrugged her shoulders lightly and said, "No harm in looking, is there?"

The anger quickly left Michaela and looking back at Gracie she replied softly, "No, I suppose not. My mother used to tell me the same thing." She felt Sully's gentle hand on her shoulder and turning around she met his gaze. "You're the only woman I want, Michaela," Sully's eyes pleaded for forgiveness. In answer Michaela leaned over and lightly kissed his lips. "I know," she whispered as she gazed lovingly into his eyes.

As they continued walking Bobbie came up beside Sully and playfully slapping him on the back he chortled, "You looked as if you'd never seen a woman's body before." Sully looked at Michaela and then at Bobbie and grinning he said, "Well, I sure haven't seen so many all in one place, and wearing practically nothin'. And they were so.. so big.. so..."

"Endowed," Bobbie grinned broadly, as he spoke the word that Sully was searching for.

"Yeah, well, that's one way of puttin' it," Sully smiled naughtily as he glanced over his shoulder at Michaela, who shyly returned his smile.

"What was that thing she was wearing?" Michaela leaned in closer to Gracie and asked in a whisper as she shifted Katie into her other arm. Gracie laughed softly and her eyes twinkling she said, "That 'thing' is called a thong bikini. And not everyone wears them," she added quickly, "only those that want to show off their 'perfect' bodies."

"Well, I never... I mean it would be absolutely scandalous if any woman wore something like that in Colorado Springs. Even Hank's girls wear more clothing than those women," she said in disgust.

"Hank's girls?" Gracie questioned.

"Hank runs the saloon in town, and he hires working girls that 'entertain' the men of our town," Michaela spoke reputedly as she watched another scantily clad young woman stroll by.

"Well, this is the nineties Dr. Mike and today women like to show off what God has given them. We no longer keep everything covered like you do and men like it that way," Gracie cheerfully explained. "And it goes both ways, Dr. Mike. We can look just as much as our men folk can."

Just then something out of the corner of Michaela's eye caught her attention. She turned her head to look and as she did so she ran right smack into a large, tanned, shirtless chest. "Oh!," Michaela gasped softly as she looked up and saw a gorgeous blond-haired, blue-eyed man staring deep into her eyes.

"Excuse me," Michaela began to stammer as she quickly backed up a step, holding Katie tighter against her chest.

"No, please, it was my fault," echoed a deep voice with a Swedish accent as he slowly raked his eyes over Michaela's body. Stepping closer he leaned down and spoke softly, "I wasn't watching where I was going."

Unable to stop herself, Michaela's eyes moved quickly over his tanned body, starting at his broad muscular chest and moving downward. But as her eyes moved downward she suddenly let out a small gasp. She turned a scarlet red as she noticed that he was wearing much the same type of 'thong' bikini that the women had on.

Sully heard Michaela gasp and turning around he saw a half-naked man standing in front of Michaela with his face inches from hers. He quickly walked over to her and standing next to her he put his arm around her shoulder and asked in a demanding voice, "Excuse me, is there a problem here?"

Seeing Sully the man backed away and then quickly replied, "No, no problem." He glanced one last time at Michaela and then walked away, leaving Michaela staring at his bare backside. Now it was Sully's voice that was tinged with anger. "Talk about me gawking!" he whispered loudly. "Seems to me it's you who needs their eyes put back into their sockets," Sully stated sarcastically.

Totally flustered, Michaela began to stammer, "No, Sully, I was only... I mean he was"

"Endowed!" Gracie spoke up with a twinkle in her eyes. "Yes," Michaela answered shyly, her eyes lowered to the ground. "Michaela? You're a doctor even," Sully feigned mild shock. Suddenly they all looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Even in all my days as a doctor, I've never...," her voice trailed off as her cheeks turned red in embarrassment. Lifting Michaela's chin to his face, Sully leaned down and in a teasing voice he spoke softly, "Guess it's kinda hard not to look, isn't it?" Smiling back at him, Michaela whispered sheepishly, "Yes, it is," and her cheeks blushed even more.

"Oh! That's right, I forgot," Gracie suddenly remembered as she searched up and down the beach, "they're having a body building contest here this weekend. That's why all those men and women are hear. Maybe later this afternoon we can go and watch them."

Bobbie scoped the area for a nice spot on the beach. "Here, this spot should do," he said, dropping their belongings onto the sand and then turning to Gracie with a lopsided grin he said, "I don't know if Dr. Mike is ready for that yet." They both snickered and then turning to Sully and Michaela he said, "We'll leave everything here for now while we go see about swimming suits for the three of you. When we come back the girls can set everything up while we go put the wave runner in the water."

Gracie was holding Katie outside the small dressing room, a sly smile on her face. Inside the dressing area she could hear Michaela's soft voice, "Oh my goodness..., absolutely not..., women actually wear these things?"

They were inside the Beachcomer trying on swimming suits. Michaela had been amazed at the rows and rows of suits for both men and women. She had vehemently shook her head when Gracie held up a tiny red striped string bikini. "I am not wearing something like that," Michaela had retorted as she picked up a modest one-piece instead. "Oh come on, Dr. Mike," Gracie had pleaded with her. "You got a great body so why not show it off some," and then with a twinkle in her eye she added, "I bet Sully would love you in this."

Michaela threw her head back in disgust, "Well, he's not going to see me in it, that's for sure." Just then Sully had walked by with a handful of swimming trunks to try on. As he saw the bathing suit Gracie held in her hand, he walked up behind Michaela and whispered into her ear, "If you wear something like that I'll pounce on you too." Michaela felt herself blush and looking up into Sully's eyes, she saw the gleam in them that she knew so well.

"Sully!" she softly reprimanded as she grabbed the suit out of Gracie's hand and hung it back onto the rack. Gracie grabbed the suit back off of the rack and threw it into Michaela's arms, "Just try it on, please, for me. You don't have to buy it, but just try in on for the fun of it."

"I don't see what is so fun about trying on something that I'll never wear," Michaela shot back, and then with a slight smile she said, "but I will just to keep you quiet."

Now as Gracie waited outside the dressing room, she tried unsuccessfully to stifle her laugh as she heard Michaela exclaim, "My corset has more material than this thing." Finally after several more minutes Michaela opened the dressing room door. "Well?" Michaela asked hesitantly as she took a small step forward, "How's this one?" Gracie studied her for a brief second and then shaking her head she said, "Wait, I'll be right back." A minute later Gracie handed Michaela a suit and said, "Try this one on instead."

After stepping back inside for several minutes to change, Michaela opened the door and once again took a hesitant step forward. Gracie smiled at her and shaking her head she said, "I like that one. Buy it!"

"Are you sure?" Michaela asked as she tried desperately to cover her body with her hands. She had on a slim one-piece bathing suit, cut high in the legs and low in the front with something called a zipper down the center. "I don't know if I can wear something like this Gracie. I feel so.... so naked."

"You look great, Dr. Mike, really, you'll have all the men looking at you," she said with envy as she patted her swelling stomach. As an afterthought Gracie walked over to a rack and pulled off a long shirt. "Here, you can wear this over your suit. It's called a beach cover-up." Michaela gratefully took the shirt from Gracie and put it on over her swimming suit. "Well," Michaela said as she observed herself in the mirror, "that's somewhat better, but I still don't know..."

"Come on, let's pick out something for Katie and then go meet the men outside,." Gracie said. "We can change clothes at the bath house."

After picking out a cute little two-piece swimming suit for Katie, the three of them went outside to meet the boys. Sully was carrying a small package and pointing to it Michaela asked cheekily, the corner of her mouth turned upwards, "So did you buy one of those thongs to wear?"

"A thong?" Sully queried, unaware of what she was talking about. "You know, the kind of swimwear that those body builders were wearing on the beach," Michaela explained, "Gracie told me they were called thongs."

Sully smiled at her warmly and then taking Katie from her arms he said, "I'll wear one of those if you wear that swimming suit that Gracie picked out for you, you know the tiny red striped one."

Smiling up at him she batted her eyes and replied sheepishly, "I don't think so, Mr. Sully. I'm not even sure if I'll wear the one I bought. I just don't feel comfortable wearing... hardly nothing at all."

Sully put his arm around her shoulder and leaning close to her ear he whispered teasingly, "I'm sure you'll look beautiful, but I'm not so sure I'm gonna like other men gawking at you." But before she could answer he kissed her softly on the lips.

Gracie and Michaela took Katie into the bathhouse with them to change into their suits. Gracie finished first and decided to wait outside while Bobbie and Sully put the wave runner into the water. She was sitting on the ground resting when she looked up to see Michaela and Katie walking towards her and putting her hand over her mouth she stifled her laugh. Michaela still had on her tee shirt and jeans but she now wore the cover-up over the top of her tee shirt. "Dr. Mike, where's your swimming suit?" she chuckled.

"I have it on underneath my clothes," Michaela answered shyly. "Gracie, I can't go out in public like that," she spoke in a low voice. "Suit yourself, Dr. Mike," Gracie snickered, "I can see that nothing I say is going to change your mind, so when you start melting out there don't say I didn't warn you."

"I'll take my chances," Michaela answered, a faint smile on the corner of her lips.

Michaela and Gracie sat with their feet buried in the sand while Katie sat happily between Michaela's knees, waving her hands back and forth each time a wave came rushing in and wetting their toes. With the back of her hand Michaela swiped the sweat from her brow as they watched in amusement as Bobbie zoomed by them in the wave runner, with Sully holding on tight.

"Do you ever ride on that thing?" Michaela asked as she waved to Sully riding by.

"Well, not right now, but when I wasn't pregnant I would ride it all the time. It's really a lot of fun, you should try it," Gracie answered.

"Oh, I don't know," Michaela replied, "it looks awfully dangerous, but Sully does seem to be enjoying himself."

Gracie looked at Michaela and then said, "You need to quit being so serious, Dr. Mike. Have some fun."

"You sound just like my husband," Michaela's mouth turned up in a smile. "He's always telling me I'm much too serious. He says that if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have any fun at all." Gracie looked at Michaela and raised her eyebrow quizzically, "Well, now's your chance to show him that he's wrong. When the boys return, Bobbie can take you out on the wave runner."

Just then Bobbie and Sully pulled up to the shore and Sully came running up to Michaela, his eyes shining with laughter. "Oh Michaela, you gotta try that thing. It was so much fun." Sully leaned down and lightly brushed Michaela's lips and then lightly tousled Katie's hair. "I'll watch Katie while you go ride."

"No, I don't think so Sully, I'm fine right here. You go ahead and enjoy yourself," Michaela stated. "Michaela, come on, have a little fun," Sully gently implored. Just then Bobbie waved his hand and yelled to Michaela, "Dr. Mike! Come on, try it." Sully picked up Katie and with his other hand he gently urged her on. "Go on, it's fun, you'll see. Katie and I will sit here and play in the sand."

Michaela was hesitant at first but with much prodding from Sully and Gracie she finally stood up and walked out to where Bobbie sat on the wave runner. As she waded into the water, Bobbie looked at her with a huge grin on his face. "You can't come out here dressed like that. Where's your swimming suit?" She looked up at him shyly and with a small smile on her face she spoke in a mere whisper, "I have it on underneath, but I am not wearing it out in public." She glanced back at Sully but suddenly her smile disappeared as she saw him gazing at several young, scantily clad women walking by. Bobbie saw the look on her face and as he followed her gaze, he leaned in closer and whispered, "Dr. Mike, he'd be looking at 'you' that way if you let him see you in your swimming suit."

Michaela felt herself blush and turning her head back to Bobbie she said timidly, "I don't think I can, Bobbie, not with so many people around." She once again turned back to watch her husband as another wave of young woman caught his gaze. Bobbie turned to her and with a slight grin he said, "Come on Dr. Mike, you want him to look at you that way, don't you?"

She looked at Sully and then back at Bobbie and in a slightly quivering voice she replied, "Of course, I do."

"Then take off those clothes and let him see you in your suit and I guarantee, his eyes will only be on you," Bobbie told her matter-of-factly.

Glancing back at Sully she watched his eyes travel up and down the beach. Making a rash decision, she bit her lower lip and hesitated only a moment before she unzipped her jeans and slowly slid them down over her hips.

Sully sat in the sand with a silly grin on his face as he watched the girls stroll by when suddenly something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Turning his head his heart skipped a beat as he watched his wife, her back to him, slowly slide her tight jeans down over her hips. Suddenly Michaela turned around and flashing him a slight smile, she began to remove her cover-up. Finally she swiftly lifted her tee shirt off over her head, revealing her shapely figure and the slight swell of her breasts. Her long copper hair flowed freely in the ocean breeze. Much to his dislike though, he noticed that he wasn't the only one staring.

"Nobody's ever seen that much of her before, 'cept me," Sully replied, his tone somewhat rigid, "and I'm not so sure I like everyone else seeing her like that." Sitting next to him he heard Gracie snicker as he watched Bobbie hand Michaela a life vest.

"Here, you'll need to put this on," Bobbie said to Michaela as he handed her a life vest.

Michaela took the life vest from Bobbie but as she looked at it she was unsure of how to put it on. Suddenly out of nowhere a tall, blonde-haired man appeared and taking the vest out of her hands he looked into Michaela's eyes and leaning in close he spoke in a low and husky voice, "Here, let me help you with that."

Sully watched as a tall, blonde-haired man suddenly seemed to appear out of nowhere and approaching Michaela he took the vest out of her hands. To Sully's dismay, he realized that it was the same man that had 'bumped' into her earlier. He laid a now sleeping Katie on the blanket next to him and turning to Gracie he asked, "Would you mind keeping an eye on her for just a minute?" Gracie watched in amusement as Sully jumped up and scurried over to his wife. Roughly yanking the life vest from the man's hands, Sully glared at him and said, "Thanks, but I'll take it from here."

Seeing Sully, the man quickly released the vest and then turning to walk away he glanced over his shoulder and giving Michaela a slight wink he said, "See ya around sometime."

Sully slipped the life vest over Michaela's arms and then turning her to face him, he began to fasten the front. "You didn't have to be so curt with him," Michaela said as she gazed into his eyes, a slight smile on her lips, "he was only trying to help."

"I didn't like the way he was o

gling you," Sully returned not meeting her gaze.

"Ogling me?" Michaela asked with a twinkle in her eyes, "Is that what you were doing up there on the beach as you watched all of those beautiful women walk by? Ogling?"

Knowing that he was caught, Sully quickly tried to recover. "I wasn't... I mean it's not what you think," Sully began to stammer and then raking his eyes slowly up and down her body he whispered softly, "Oh God, Michaela, you look absolutely fabulous." Michaela blushed lightly but as she opened her mouth to speak, Sully quickly seized her lips and kissed her soundly. Turning to Bobbie he pointed to the wave runner and asked, "Do you mind if I take her out?" Bobbie gave him a slight slap on the back and answered, "No, of course not. Just be careful on your turns, not to sharp, alright?"

As Bobbie got off of the wave runner and let Sully take the controls, he leaned down and whispered into Michaela's ear, "See what I told you, you definitely got his attention." Michaela shyly returned his smile and then with Bobbie's help, she climbed onto the back of the wave runner and together they took off.

With her hands wrapped tightly around Sully's waist, she leaned in closer so that Sully could hear. "You weren't jealous were you?" she teased. "Me, jealous, of course not. I was just protecting what's mine," he answered. "Protecting what's yours?" she bantered, but then quickly she squeezed his waist tighter and kissing the back of his head she said, "I love that you want to protect me." Michaela's laughter filled his heart with joy as they skidded across the water, her hair blowing wildly in the wind.

An hour later Sully and Michaela were lying out under an umbrella, soaking up the afternoon sun. Katie was still asleep under the other umbrella, along with Gracie, who was now accustomed to an afternoon nap. Glancing quickly over at Bobbie, who was engrossed in a book, Sully leaned over and kissed Michaela lightly on the lips. "Mmmm, what was that for?" Michaela asked, a smile on her lips.

Sully leaned over even more and Michaela could feel his warm breath on her face. "I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are and how much I love you," Sully replied huskily. His eyes roamed the length of her body and then laying his finger on the clasp of her zipper he whispered, "Do you know how easy it is to undo this thing, with just one little finger." His eyes twinkled merrily. "What was it you called it?"

"It's called a zipper," Michaela answered softly as a warm blush crept to her cheeks, but then quickly her head darted around to see if anyone was looking. "Sully!" she admonished sternly as she reached up and quickly removed his hand from her zipper, but her eyes betrayed her anger. "I think I like zippers," Sully continued to tease her as he lightly ran his hand along her shoulder, laying it to rest precariously close to her zipper.

"Sully! Stop it, please," she whispered imploringly, "someone might be watching." He laughed softly at her embarrassment but looking up into her face, his eyes glazed over with longing, he whispered huskily, "Lying here next to you, seeing you in that suit, I can't help myself, Michaela." Sully smiled mischievously as he lowered his hand to her thigh.

Michaela smiled inwardly as she gazed back into her husband's burning eyes. She had indeed accomplished exactly what she had intended when she had decided to wear her suit; her husband now only had eyes for her. She rested her hand firmly on top of his and with the corner of her mouth turned up in a smile, she leaned over and as she kissed his lips she whispered, "Well try harder."

Just then Bobbie snapped his book shut, startling the couple and they both sharply turned their heads. "How about some Frisbee," Bobbie asked the couple as he reached over and gently rubbed Gracie's back. "Frisbee?" questioned Sully, "what's that?" Reaching into a small beach bag Bobbie pulled out a flat circular object and tossed it to Sully. Sully turned it over in his hands to examine it. "It's awfully light," Sully looked at Bobbie, "what do you do with it?"

"Come on, I'll show you," Bobbie said as he stood up. Sully stood up also and then reached down to pull Michaela up. "You throw it back and forth," said Bobbie, "but you have to kind of flick it with your wrist. Here, like this." With a slight flick of the wrist Bobbie sent the Frisbee sailing through the air. Sully ran to retrieve it and then he too attempted to throw it to Michaela, but when he attempted to throw it the Frisbee went high into the air and came down with a thud. Michaela stood laughing at Sully and then much to her surprise, and Sully's also, she threw the Frisbee and it went gliding through the air with ease.

Sully stood with his hands on his hips, watching as the Frisbee sailed straight into his hands. Determined not to let his wife do something better than him, he picked up the Frisbee and flicked it hard into the air. This time it landed in the water next to a surfer and Michaela was laughing even harder. "I'll get it," Michaela yelled as she ran towards the water. Wading out several feet she bent down to pick it up when suddenly she looked towards the surfer and yelled, "Matthew!"

The surfer's head jerked up and in surprise he exclaimed, "Dr. Mike!" and then seeing her bend down and retrieve the Frisbee out of the water he croaked, "Wow, you look great." Flustered, Michaela quickly tried to cover herself with her hands but then just as quickly Matthew said, "Sorry, Dr. Mike, it's just that I've never seen you in anything like that."

Michaela wanted to die from embarrassment but just then she felt Sully's hand on her shoulder and she heard him exclaim in astonishment, "Matthew? How... what are you doing here?"

Matthew looked around at all of them and then shrugging his shoulders he explained, "I don't know really. When I woke up yesterday I found myself lying here on the beach, a surfboard next to me. I'm what they call a beach bum."

Michaela raised her hand to her head in confusion and in a muffled voice she whispered, "Sully, what is he doing here, what are we all doing here?" Sully squeezed her shoulder tightly and softly he returned, "I don't know Michaela." Then Michaela gasped once more and putting her hand over her mouth, terrified her voice quivered, "Oh my God Sully, if Matthew's here, what's happened to Brian?"

"Brian's alright, Michaela, just calm down," Sully tried to calm her as he looked at Matthew for help. Matthew quickly jumped in, "That's right, Dr. Mike. I'm sure Brian's fine. He's probably at Grace and Robert E's right now having a nice big lunch. You know he can't go without a meal," he said with levity.

Michaela attempted a smile and then glancing at her husband she said, "Yes, I'm sure that's what he's doing. I don't want him going hungry and since we're not there to..."

Sully turned Michaela around to face him and looking into her eyes he said with conviction, "Brian's alright Michaela, you gotta believe that." Michaela looked back into her husband's eyes and nodded her head. "Yes, yes, you're right, Brian's fine," she whispered, trying to convince herself. Suddenly her eyes widened and once again she gasped, "Colleen! Matthew was going to meet Colleen's train."

"Colleen's fine ma," Matthew looked helplessly at Sully as they both saw the panic in her eyes. "I couldn't get through to her train. I'm sure she's still in Denver at school."

"That's right," Sully chimed in as he pulled her close to his chest, "See, all of our kids are safe Michaela. There's no need to worry," his hand soothingly rubbed her back. A moment later he gently lifted her chin and wiped away the single tear that trickled down her cheek. Searching her eyes, he asked, "You okay?"

Michaela took a deep breath and then pulled back slightly. "Yes, I'm alright," she answered, though her voice still quivered slightly. Sully kissed her forehead lightly and then released his grip on her. Michaela once again took a deep, cleansing breath and then regaining her composure she looked at Matthew and asked, "And exactly what does a beach bum do, Matthew?"

"That's just it, you don't have to do anything," Matthew beamed, "just ride the surfs all day. Isn't this the life Dr. Mike?"

"Matthew, I don't think..." Michaela's voice trailed off as she suddenly noticed the earring in Matthew's ear. "Matthew! What in heaven's name is that," she asked sternly as she pointed to his ear.

"You know what it is Dr. Mike, it's an earring," Matthew answered sarcastically, "and today it's called body piercing. See, I have one in my belly button also. All the kids are doing it."

Michaela looked down at his stomach and gasped in utter shock and disapproval. "Well, you're not like all the other kids and I forbid you to wear them. Take them out now," Michaela commanded loudly.

"You forbid?" Matthew retorted angrily, "I'm almost twenty Dr. Mike, you can't tell me what to do. Besides, we're not in Colorado Springs anymore, or haven't you noticed." Just then Michaela felt Sully's hand firmly on her shoulder and turning around she heard him speak in a quiet voice, "Michaela, Matthew's of age." Michaela shot him a piercing look that told Sully she was angry but he simply said, "It's your decision, Matthew, but I hope you didn't do that just because everyone else does."

Sully heard Bobbie clear his throat and turning to him he said, "Oh, excuse me Bobbie, this is our oldest son, Matthew. Matthew, this is Bobbie and his wife Gracie is over on the blanket sleeping with Katie."

Matthew extended his hand and Bobbie shook it warmly. "Nice to meet you Matthew, won't you join us?" Bobbie invited.

"Sure, why not, I don't have nothing...." Matthew began.

"Anything Matthew," Michaela corrected, "It's I don't have anything."

Matthew cast his mother a perturbed look and then turning back to Bobbie he continued, "I don't have 'anything' else to do," Matthew replied.

"Good," Sully placed his arm on Matthew's shoulder, "where are you staying, Matthew?"

"Well, like I told you Sully, I'm what they call a beach bum and so far some friends here have been letting me crash at their pad," Matthew answered.

"Crash at their pad?" Michaela interrupted curtly, "what exactly does that mean?"

Sully turned to Michaela and with a slight grin on his face he said, "I think he means he's been staying at a friend's house."

"I think Gracie is awake now," Bobbie spoke up, "so why don't we all go back to our blanket. I think Katie's waking up also." Michaela turned to face the blanket and noticed that indeed her youngest daughter was beginning to stir, and somewhat irritably since mama was nowhere around. Michaela quickened her pace and quietly called to her daughter, who was crying loudly. "Sshhh, I'm coming Katie, I'm right here." Quickly Michaela reached out and lifted a screaming Katie from the blanket.

Soon Michaela had Katie calmed down and she was now sitting in Matthew's lap. Matthew began to tell everyone of how he came to be here, that only two days ago he had woken up early to the sun warming his skin, only to find that he was nowhere near Colorado Springs.

Michaela was beginning to wonder more and more now how this could be anything but a dream. Sully saw a swarm of emotions cross over Michaela's face; worry, fear, panic, disbelief. Trying to calm his own fears, he kept his voice even. "I know this all seems incredibly unbelievable, Michaela, but it's happening," Sully spoke softly as Michaela tightly grasped his hand, "so we all just need to find a way to get through it."

Unaware of what had happened to Sully and Michaela over the past few days Matthew asked, "So how do we do that?"

Sully spent the next fifteen minutes telling Matthew all that had happened in the past two days, including the impending trip to Las Vegas to try and win a half million dollars, gambling no less. At the mention of gambling, Matthew's head jerked up. "You're not seriously thinking of gambling all that money you have? Don't you remember what happened to me when I thought I couldn't lose?"

Matthew had been tricked by a card shark into thinking that he couldn't lose at a big poker game at Hank's saloon. He had initially been beaten and robbed of his winnings but the town had gone together to back him and had come up with the $100 to enter the game. But of course he had been tricked by a dirty poker player and had ended up losing not only the town's money, but also Dr. Mike's engagement ring, which had been returned to him by Ingrid. Now he couldn't believe his ears.

Sully quickly spoke up. "I know how it sounds to you Matthew, but we just don't have any other choice. The only way we can get back home is if we have our house back, and we're not gonna get it back unless we can come up with a half million dollars. Unless you got any better ideas...." His voice trailed off.

"Unfortunately, I don't," Matthew reluctantly replied.

Suddenly it was Gracie that spoke up. "Why don't you come to Las Vegas with us, Matthew. You can stay with us until then."

"Of course Matthew's coming with us," Michaela replied frantically, and then looking at Matthew her voice squeaked, "Aren't you?"

Matthew raised his hand to his chin. "Gosh, I don't know, I haven't really thought about it. I kind of like it here." Turning to Sully he said, "I can hardly believe all of the neat things they have now. I'm not sure if I want to go back where we don't have all of these conveniences."

"Matthew, I understand how you could be so intrigued by all of these things," Michaela tried to reason, "but they're only material things. What about your family?"

"Your ma's right, Matthew," Sully replied as he placed a comforting arm around Michaela. "All of those things don't really matter much if you don't have family, people that care about you and love you."

"Yeah, well maybe you're right," Matthew conceded, "but I haven't been too lucky when it comes to love. I'm not so sure if I want to give all of this up." Then his eyes widened with excitement and like a small excited child, Matthew exclaimed, "I mean, did you see what they get around in these days. I even rode on a motorcycle, a Harley I think they called it. It was totally awesome."

"Totally awesome, just like those rings you have in your ear and belly button," Michaela replied sarcastically as she cast a scornful look at Matthew.

"Ah, come on Dr. Mike. This is 1990, not 1870, and we're not in Colorado Springs anymore, we're in California," Matthew pleaded with her. "And what about you," he asked accusingly as he pointed to her swim suit, "You'd never wear something like that in Colorado Springs, now would you?"

Michaela could feel herself blushing as she quickly grabbed her cover-up and put it on. "Of course not, Matthew, but that's different," she replied flustered, not able to think of anything else to say. She turned to Sully for support, but instead she saw a smug smile on his face also. "And what are you smiling about," Michaela retorted, "surely you don't approve of that?"

Sully took hold of Michaela's hand and squeezed it tightly. "It's not a matter of me or you approving. It's about letting him make his own decisions," and then looking into her eyes he softly added, "it's about knowing when to let go."

Michaela's eyes welled up with tears and in a frightened voice she asked, "But he has to come back with us Sully. What would happen if he didn't?"

"I don't know," Sully answered truthfully, "maybe that's something we need to ask Dancing Cloud. Maybe he'll have our answers." He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it "Let's not get all worked up just yet, until we have some answers, alright?" Michaela nodded her head as Sully wiped away her tears. "You're right," she answered as she reached over and lifted Katie off of Matthew's lap.

Sully turned to Matthew then and asked, "Well, Matthew, it looks like you have a big decision to make. Will you come with us?"

"I don't know Sully," Matthew replied, averting Michaela's eyes, "it is a big decision, and one I can't take lightly. I'll think about it, alright,... but in the meantime I'll come with you to Las Vegas. Being a beach bum and doing nothing but surfing all day can get a little boring. And besides, you're going to need someone who knows how to play poker. Someone that knows how to win," he grinned. He looked around at all of the faces that were now staring at him and with an air of confidence he said, "I'll do it, I'll win the money for you."

"But what makes you think you can win?" Bobbie asked out of curiosity.

"Well," Matthew ran his fingers through his hair, "even though in the end I did lose to Julius Hoffman, I beat everyone else at that table. He only won because he cheated."

"Matthew does have a good point," Sully conceded, though he felt the cold stares from Michaela eyes.

"Then that's settled," Gracie chimed in. "Matthew will come home with us and then we'll all go to Las Vegas on Monday and Matthew will win us that money."

Michaela was obviously not pleased with Matthew gambling again and just as she was about to protest Sully quickly jumped in. "Sounds like a good plan to me," Sully stood up and pointing to the surf board he said, "Now how about showing me what that thing does, Matthew."

Taking Sully's queue, Matthew quickly jumped up and grabbing his board, he said, "Come on, let's go. You're in for the ride of your life, Sully." And then turning back to the blanket he said with a slight laugh, "You too, Bobbie. You don't want Sully to look like the only fool out there, do you."

Bobbie quickly jumped up and with a huge grin he called back, "I've ridden my share of boards in my younger days," but then he was quickly halted by his wife's voice, "Don't come crawling to me when you can't move tomorrow. You're not eighteen anymore, Bobbie." Michaela and Gracie both glanced out at the three men and then they both burst out laughing.

As the three men walked away, Gracie put her hand on her stomach and rubbed it lightly. "Teenagers!" she exclaimed, "I guess we still have that to look forward to."

"That, and grown men acting like teenagers," Michaela laughed as she lifted Katie into the air. "God definitely knew what he was doing when he gave us babies first. If we had to deal with them as teenagers first, I don't think anyone would have anymore babies." At this statement Gracie burst out laughing also.

Later that afternoon as they were packing up all of their belongings, Gracie turned to Michaela and said, "On our way home I thought we would stop and buy all of you some clothes. Matthew is going to need something to wear this week also."

"You're right, we can't very well wear yours and Bobbie's clothes all week. Now that we have money we do need to pick up a few things," Michaela bent down and picking Katie up she gave her a kiss, "And this little one needs more diapers."

They pulled into the parking lot of a very, very large building and as Gracie saw the look of astonishment on Michaela's face she looked at her and said, "This is called a shopping mall. There's over a hundred different stores all under one roof."

Michaela shook her head in amazement. As they walked inside the building, she could barely believe her eyes. They had a different store for just about everything. "It's like all of the shops of Boston all in one giant building," Michaela squealed. "Sully, look at all these stores," Michaela could hardly contain her excitement as she grabbed his arm and tugged him along, "isn't this wonderful."

They had rented a stroller from the mall and as he pushed Katie along he looked at Michaela and rolling his eyes he sighed, "You know I ain't much for shopping, Michaela, never liked it much in Boston either."

"Maybe not, but you did it for me, right?" she said as she hooked her arm through his. She lowered her voice and then smiling shyly at Sully she raised her eyes and spoke softly, "And now you'll do it for me again, please." How could he resist those beautiful, sulty eyes. And he did enjoy seeing Michaela acting like a small, excited child. "For you, anything," he smiled in return as he leaned down and lightly kissed her mouth.

With so many different types of stores, it was no wonder that each of them had a favorite. Matthew's favorite store was The Surf and Sand, where he found all of the latest surfing equipment. The store that caught Michaela's attention was the Bath and Beauty Shop. She couldn't believe all of the different fragrances of shampoos, soaps and other items.

Even Sully found a favorite store, called Kites and Things. He couldn't believe all of the different shapes and sizes of kites, nor could he believe the price tag on some of them. He smiled as he remembered the day that he had taken Michaela away from town and he had shown her how to fly a kite for the very first time. He studied a row of kites a few moments longer and then making a rash decision he picked one up and bought it.

After purchasing enough clothes to last them the week they were just about ready to leave the shopping mall when Gracie suddenly tugged on Michaela's arm. "Wait, there's still one store we have to go into," Gracie exclaimed and looking at Michaela she added, "This store's a must." As they stopped in front of a store they looked up at the sign that read 'Victoria Secrets'.

Sully looked at the mannequins in the store window and seeing that it was another 'girls' store, he looked to Bobbie for help. Bobbie turned to Gracie and said, "Sully, Matthew and I will wait out here for you two, but try to make it fast, okay." Gracie looked sharply at Bobbie and started to retort until seeing the twinkle in his eye she knew he was only teasing. Bobbie knew how she loved this store, though decidedly more so when she wasn't expecting.


Michaela sat at the dressing table silently counting each long stroke as she ran the brush through her long silky hair. She watched through the mirror as her husband prepared for bed when suddenly she saw him wince in pain as he lifted his shirt off over his head. Setting the brush down, she turned to face him. "Sully, are you alright," she asked in concern.

"Yeah, it's nothin', just a little sore is all," he replied lightly as he slowly rotated his shoulder to ease his discomfort. "I didn't think surfing would be so dangerous is all," he added sheepishly. "I think maybe Bobbie and I both should have heeded Gracie's warning."

Quickly becoming the doctor, Michaela reached over into her bag and pulled out a small bottle of oitment and set it on the small table next to the bed. She had seen the tumbles that Sully had taken as the surf had crashed down upon him, his body tumbling over and over as he was caught in a giant wave. But each time he would stand up and as he would slowly recover his senses he would look at her with a huge childish grin on his face and wave. Now, several hours later, his body was beginning to feel the pain.

"Here, why don't you let me massage your shoulder for you. Come and lie down on the bed," Michaela directed. Sully stretched out on the bed face down, his chin resting on his hands as Michaela knelt down beside him. She was quickly knocked off balance as the bed lurched forward like a giant wave and she landed squarely on top of Sully.

She burst out laughing as the bed continued to sway back and forth. "I don't think I could ever get used to a bed like this," Michaela giggled. She could feel Sully's body shaking with laughter as well as she slowly pushed herself off of him. "Do you know what Bobbie said to me tonight?" Sully watched Michaela out of the corner of his eye as she slowly uncorked the bottle and poured a small amount of liquid into her hands.

"No, what?" Michaela returned as she rubbed her palms together and then slowly she lowered her hands to Sully's back and firmly began to massage his sore muscles. Michaela felt Sully slowly begin to relax as she continued her soothing massage.

Sully turned his head slightly and then with a mischievous grin he smirked, "He said that we haven't made love until we've made love on a waterbed."

"Sully!" Michaela playfully admonished as she gently pushed his head down on the bed. Sully turned over onto his back and smiling up at Michaela he quickly pulled her down against his chest. Again the sudden movement caused the bed to sway and looking at each other, they once again began to laugh.

"He told me something else too," Sully's voice softened as his hands slowly moved across her back, "he said this is where they conceived their second child."

"Their second child?" Michaela asked quizzically as she gently pushed back a lock of hair that had fallen across Sully's cheek. She leaned down and lightly brushed his lips. "They have another child?" she asked.

Sully's eyes were suddenly moist and his voice was shaky. "Bobbie told me they had a son who died eight years ago. His name was Tonie. He was 10 years old," he said solemnly. Michaela's arms tightened around her husband's neck. Being a mother herself she knew there could be no greater loss than that of your own child and her heart ached for her new friend.

Michaela looked at Sully, her brow creased in consternation. "I wonder why Gracie never said anything to me?" she pondered.

"Gracie had a really difficult time after his death," Sully replied. "Bobbie told me that even after all these years she still finds it difficult to talk about." Sully clasped her hand tightly in his and then gently he raised it to his mouth for a kiss. "They weren't even planning on having any more kids," Sully spoke softly, "this one just happened."

"How did he die?" Michaela sniffled as she played with a lock of Sully's hair that had fallen down over his shoulder.

Sully shifted so that they were now lying on their sides facing one another. His finger gently caressed her cheek as his thumb wiped away her tear. "He died from something called Sickle Cell Anemia," Sully answered, swallowing hard over the lump in his throat.

"I've never heard of it before," she said softly and then the doctor in her once again taking over she asked inquisitively, "do they know what causes it?"

"Bobbie said it's a disease of the blood and that even now, after all these years, they still don't have a cure for it. He told me it affects mostly blacks and other minorities and that somehow it is carried in their genes and they passed it on to their baby."

"Gracie must be terrified about this pregnancy then," Michaela quickly asserted.

"Yeah, they both were at first but he said now they have tests to determine if a baby has it before it's even born. They've already gone through all of the tests and to their relief this baby is perfectly healthy."

"Amazing," Michaela whispered as she slowly shook her head. "They can tell all of that while the baby is still inside her?"

"Yeah, apparently they can," Sully answered, "they can even tell the sex of the baby. They already know that they're having a girl."

"That's unbelievable. I imagine they've learned a lot about medicine in the last hundred years," Michaela replied, her thirst for knowledge always evident. "If only I could take some of that knowledge back with me," she said wistfully. Her eyes widened and she said excitedly, "Sully, do you think I could meet with some doctors here and learn about all of the latest medical advances."

Sully smiled as he looked down into his wife excited eyes. Kissing her lightly on the cheek he placed his finger over her lips to quiet her. "I think you're getting way ahead of yourself, Michaela. Even if you did learn about new techniques and such, you gotta remember that back home all of this has yet to be discovered."

"You're right I suppose," Michaela lightly ran her fingers across his chest, "but still, all that knowledge..."

"There's something else," Sully gently interrupted as his eyes met hers, "we don't even know if we'll remember any of this when we do get home." Suddenly her eyes welled with tears and she quickly lowered her gaze. Sully knew what she was thinking and lifting her chin to meet his eyes he said with conviction, "We will get home Michaela. We will, I promise." Gently caressing her cheek his lips found hers and as the kiss quickly deepened Michaela responded in kind. Pulling back breathless she gazed into his burning eyes, "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Sully whispered as he slowly began to unbutton her nightgown, his fingertips grazing lightly over her bare chest, igniting her passion even further. Sully felt Michaela's heart pounding against his own as his body reacted to her nearness. "I think we should test out Bobbie's theory, don't you?" he whispered in her ear.

"What theory is that?" Michaela's eyes sparkled softly in the dim light as she rested her head on his shoulder. She could feel those familiar stirrings of arousal as her fingers played with the hair on his chest.

"The one about making love on a waterbed," Sully's voice was low and husky as he found the hem of her nightgown and slowly eased it upward. "I wonder if there's any truth in it..."

"Sully," her voice was low and raspy as she placed her finger over his lips. "Mmmm," he returned as his fingers lightly raked her thigh. "Stop talking, please" she breathed heavily as she pulled his head down for a kiss.

"Anything you say," he whispered in return as his hands continued to roam over her body, tantalizing her senses until she was ready to explode. His heart was now pounding in synch to hers as he kissed her deeply, his tongue probing every recess of her mouth. Sully positioned himself so that his weight was resting lightly on top of her and smiling down at her he gazed into her burning eyes now filled with longing.

"Oh, God how I love you so much," Sully murmured softly as his tongue lightly grazed her neck. A slight smile played across his lips as he looked down to see Michaela's eyes were closed and she was softly moaning in pleasure. United at last and their bodies burning with desire, they came together as one. Their movements were slow and gentle at first but as their passion peaked and the waves of the bed crashed with them, their bodies collided together with force until they were both spent and in total bliss.

Covered in a sheen layer of sweat and panting heavily, Michaela collapsed onto Sully's chest. Their coming together had been powerful and exhilarating. Even though their breathing was beginning to slow, their bodies were still shaking, the bed was still shaking. THE BED WAS SHAKING! Michaela quickly shot up and as she looked around she noticed that the whole room was shaking. The pictures on the wall were rattling and the items on top of the dresser were shaking as well. "Sully!" Michaela called out in fear, "what's happening?"

"I don't know," Sully answered in a low voice but quickly throwing off the covers he rushed over to the crib to get Katie. She was still sleeping soundly when Sully brought her back to their bed and by the time he had returned, less than 30 seconds later, the trembling had stopped. One look at Michaela though, and he could tell that she was clearly shaken.
