DR. QUINN, MEDICINE WOMAN "Woman of the Year" Written by Paul Stubenrauch Directed by Gabrielle Beaumont CBS ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTIONS Prod. #2244-0423 in association with PRODUCTION DRAFT THE SULLIVAN COMPANY February 21, 1996 (C) MCMXCVI Rev. Blue, February 28, 1996 CBS Inc. Rev. Pink, March 1, 1996 All Rights Reserved Rev. Yellow, March 4, 1996 Rev. Green, March 6, 1996 CBS INC. IS THE AUTHOR OF THIS PROGRAM FOR THE PURPOSE OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHER LAWS No portion of this material may be copied or distributed without the prior consent of CBS Inc. DR. QUINN, MEDICINE WOMAN "Woman of the Year" Cast List MICHAELA QUINN SULLY COLLEEN MATTHEW ADDED BRIAN LOREN DOROTHY GRACE BECKY HANK HORACE MYRA JAKE REVEREND BEATRICE CARTWRIGHT ILSE LAWSENSTROM TOM (WORRIED FATHER) FEATURED EXTRAS: ELLIE (5 YEAR OLD GIRL) LINE ADDED* TWO OF HANK'S GIRLS YOUNG COWBOY SAMANTHA 2 YOUNG MEN BACKGROUND: TRAIN PASSENGERS TOWNSFOLK CUSTOMERS IN BAR ANIMALS: WOLF PRESTON OMITTED * ROBERT E OMITTED CLOUD DANCING OMITTED CUSTOMER IN BANK OMITTED INDIANS OMITTED* GIGGLING INDIAN GIRL OMITTED ARAPAHO WOMAN OMITTED TEASER FADE IN: EXT. TRAIN STATION - DAY ONE 1 A newly arrived train blows steam while SULLY and MIKE ride up in their wagon. They stop and Sully helps Mike down... +ON THE LANDING 2 HANK and two of his GIRLS look over the arriving passengers, watchful of any new "customers." He spots a young COWBOY collecting his gear and turns to his girls: HANK Wait here. Grinning, Hank moves forward to offer his assistance... +OUTSIDE THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE 3 HORACE reviews his clipboard as Mike and Sully approach. MIKE Hello, Horace. Have my medical supplies arrived? HORACE 'Afternoon, Dr. Mike, Sully... Sure did. Got 'em all stacked for you right down there. They follow his look toward the back of the landing. SULLY I better get a cart. Mike heads for her supplies. As Sully starts off, Horace quickly stops him. HORACE Sully, hold up... Horace reaches through the window and grabs a letter. HORACE Almost forgot. 'Nother of them letters from the government come. He hands the letter to Sully, who's clearly not pleased. SULLY Thanks. (CONTINUED) 2. CONTINUED: 3 Sully tucks it away unopened, then heads down the landing to a baggage cart. Nearby, a tiny steamroller of an old woman, ILSE, exits the front of the train and steps up to Sully. ILSE Young man, please to tell me where to find Hans Lawsenstrom? He is town tailor. INCLUDE Hank now introducing his Girls to the Cowboy. Hank suddenly stops to look over. Recognizing the old woman, he quickly backs behind a pillar to watch. SULLY Sorry, Ma'am, I don't know 'im. (nods toward town) You might ask in the General Store. Hank, aware of his cigar, quickly snubs it out and peeks around the pillar. As Ilse ambles on toward town, Hank takes off running in another direction, passing -- Mike, checking her supplies. Curious, she watches Hank's dash down the rails. Nearby, a billowy woman, BEATRICE CARTWRIGHT, steps down from the train as Sully comes over with a cart. SULLY Sure these're all yours? MIKE I ordered medicine for the Reservation and the clinic. Beatrice reacts and looks over. As Sully loads supplies, Beatrice steps tentatively to Mike. BEATRICE Excuse me, might you be Dr. Quinn? Dr. Michaela Quinn? MIKE (surprised) Yes, I am. Clearly pleased, Beatrice boldly shakes Mike's hand. BEATRICE I'm so very honored to meet you. I'm Beatrice Cartwright, of the Denver chapter of the Women's Suffrage League. MIKE I'm pleased to meet you. This is my husband, Byron Sully. (CONTINUED) 3. CONTINUED: (2) 3 BEATRICE Yes, of course, the mountain man. (shakes Sully's hand) May I be the first to offer your wife my personal congratulations? SULLY (in the dark) Sure... He trades puzzled looks with Mike. Beatrice notices. BEATRICE You mean no one has notified you? MIKE Notified us about what? TOM'S VOICE Dr. Mike!... Dr. Mike!? Mike looks over. A worried father, TOM, runs toward them carrying his crying girl, ELLIE, 5, bleeding from her knee. MIKE (to Beatrice) Excuse me. Mike rushes to meet them as Sully goes for Mike's medical bag. Concerned, Horace comes over as a small crowd starts to gather. Beatrice slips up to the front, eyes glued curiously to Mike. TOM She tripped on the train rails! MIKE (calmly to girl) I've stumbled on those rails myself. May I have a look? (gently examines gash) Well, it doesn't appear too deep, but it is time for you to be joining the club. She's got Ellie's attention now, who works to stifle her sobs. ELLIE Club? MIKE What I'll do, is take a few tiny stitches, then you can have a crisscross scar, too. See, mine's under here... (MORE) (CONTINUED) 4. CONTINUED: (3) 3 MIKE (CONT'D) (tilts head back, points under chin) I was dancing on my bed, when a table jumped right in my way. The girl manages to return Mike's smile, the moment not lost on Beatrice. Unaware she's under observation, Mike looks to Tom. MIKE Let's take Ellie to my clinic. As Tom starts off with Ellie, Sully hands Mike her medical bag. Mike sees Beatrice and remembers. MIKE I am sorry. If you're staying in town, perhaps we can visit later? BEATRICE I do hope so. You're precisely the reason I'm here -- to observe you for a few days. MIKE Observe? I don't understand. Beatrice announces proudly, for everyone to hear. BEATRICE Dr. Quinn, you are one of our nominees for Colorado Territory's Woman of the Year! Mike is caught by surprise. As others react, she looks to Sully. SULLY Better go on to the clinic. I'll bring Miss Cartwright over. Mike nods, then hurries off to catch up, as we: FADE OUT. END TEASER 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. STREET - DAY ONE 4 Sully drives the wagon around the corner and toward the clinic; boxes and valises in back, Beatrice sitting at his side. As Sully stops the wagon, something up the way catches his eye -- It's Hank, peeking around the Gazette. Seeing the coast clear, he races across the street and into the saloon. INT. SALOON - CONTINUOUS 5 JAKE is with the usual drinkers. Everyone looks up as Hank stops behind the door and peers back out. Collecting himself, he turns and quickly orders the room: HANK Nobody here knows me! You don't look at me, you don't talk to me! (OFF their reactions) Not a word -- you got that? Silence. Hank heads out the door. As Jake rises, curious -- EXT. SALOON - CONTINUOUS 6 Hank cautiously makes his way up the boardwalk, then freezes. +HANK'S POV - GENERAL STORE 7 Ilse ambles along, peeking in windows, looking around town... +RESUME ANGLE 8 Hank backs to the saloon door and ducks inside -- INT. SALOON - CONTINUOUS 9 Hank crashes into Jake, spilling Jake's drink over them both. But Hank is oblivious. HANK Jake, there's a little 'ole lady down by the store. Take a look, see where she's goin'. Purposefully mum, Jake brushes himself off and walks away, heeding Hank's earlier order. OFF Hank's reaction -- 6. INT. GENERAL STORE - DAY ONE 10 MATTHEW brings supplies to the counter where LOREN tallies an order for DOROTHY, who's thrilled at Horace's news. DOROTHY "Woman of the Year"... Imagine! HORACE Said she's come to watch Dr. Mike in action. DOROTHY (hopeful) Do you suppose she has a chance of winnin'? MATTHEW Why not? There's nobody more deservin'. Behind them, Ilse enters unnoticed and approaches. DOROTHY Michaela must be so nervous. LOREN Can't see what difference it's gonna make. It's all just a bunch of hoopla anyway. DOROTHY That "hoopla" is a great honor. And it'd be a nice reflection on our town. As Loren considers this... ILSE Excuse, please. I look for tailor, Hans Lawsenstrom? Everyone looks at Ilse, then each other -- who? EXT. STREET - DAY ONE 11 Hank runs from the saloon toward the bank, dodging traffic. In the b.g., Sully unloads Beatrice's bags from the wagon. He pauses to watch Hank run. Beatrice follows his amused look as -- Hank jumps up onto the boardwalk outside the bank. Myra exits and locks the door, cooly regarding Hank's frazzled look as he peers up the street. MYRA Sorry, Hank, I was just closin'. (CONTINUED) 7. CONTINUED: 11 Hank sees Ilse leave the store and he quickly turns away. HANK Gotta talk to you now. MYRA You'll have to -- HANK Myra... would ya be my wife? OFF Myra's stunned reaction: OMITTED (12-13) 13 EXT. CLINIC - DAY ONE 14 Sully and Beatrice stand by the wagon waiting for Mike. BEATRICE How long have you two been married, Mr. Sully? SULLY Just Sully, Ma'am. 'Bout a year. An awkward beat. Sully glances at the clinic. SULLY She should be out anytime now. BEATRICE (another beat) It must be quite interesting for you. I mean, sharing your life with a professional woman. SULLY This a interview, Miss Cartwright? BEATRICE I need to learn as much about the doctor as I possibly can. It's the only way to make a fair recommendation. COLLEEN excitedly hurries up, interrupting them. COLLEEN Sully, I just heard 'bout Ma! (CONTINUED) 8. CONTINUED: 14 SULLY Colleen, meet Miss Cartwright. She's come from Denver. BEATRICE Pleased to meet you, Colleen. Colleen enthusiastically shakes Beatrice's extended hand. COLLEEN You're gonna see, Ma's the best and the smartest -- She stops as the clinic door opens. Tom exits carrying Ellie, her knee freshly bandaged. Mike follows, instructing: MIKE I want you to keep my fancy stitchwork dry, alright? Ellie nods proudly. Tom frees a hand to shake Mike's. TOM Sure wish I could pay cash money. MIKE A jar of your wife's peaches is more than enough, Tom. As Tom nods and goes, Mike and Ellie trade waves. Then, realizing she has an audience, Mike walks over to Beatrice. MIKE I'm sorry to rush off like that. BEATRICE I apologize for my unannounced arrival, Dr. Quinn. Perhaps the committee thought a spontaneous visit would allow me a more... candid observation. Mike glances at Sully, then back to Beatrice: MIKE This is all so very flattering... But my life feels quite ordinary. As you can see, my practice is mostly fevers and scraped knees... COLLEEN But you do so much more. (to Beatrice) Ma's treated epidemics, and she's done all kinds 'a surgeries and -- (CONTINUED) 9. CONTINUED: (2) 14 MIKE Colleen, I'm sure Miss Cartwright must be exhausted from her trip. BEATRICE I am rather hungry. Perhaps we could continue over some food? Mike catches an "okay by me" look from Sully, then nods. MIKE I just need a moment inside. INT. CLINIC - DAY ONE 15 Colleen enters to find Mike washing her hands at the basin. COLLEEN Don't worry, Ma. You're gonna win this, I know it. MIKE This award is hardly something one competes for, Colleen. COLLEEN I know. Miss Cartwright says it's s'pose to be inspirin'. "Woman of the Year"... All she's gotta do is watch you. Mike smiles back, already feeling the pressure. She removes her apron and comes over, putting a loving arm around Colleen. MIKE I appreciate your vote of confidence... But I'm honored just to be nominated. EXT. GRACE'S CAFE - DAY ONE 16 GRACE serves Jake and Loren coffee. Myra anxiously jiggles Samantha's carriage while waiting with Hank for Horace's answer. HORACE Nope. Absolutely not. HANK I'm only askin' a few hours -- HORACE You can't go borrowin' a family! (CONTINUED) 10. CONTINUED: 16 MYRA Horace, just let 'im explain. JAKE Yeah, I'd like to hear this. Hank shoots Jake a look, then shifts. He's not having fun. HANK A ways back, I had some letters writ. In 'em I kinda told this person... a few things. (sees all waiting expectantly) Like... I had a wife and kid. And that I was... you know... (swallows his pride) respectable. GRACE That's gonna take some pretendin'. MYRA It'd just be 'til mornin' when Hank can get 'er on the train. JAKE And we're s'pose to act like you don't run the saloon? HANK Right. So, how 'bout it, Horace? Horace balks. Desperate, Hank finally loses it and grabs him. HANK You want money, you got money. You want me to beg, I can beg. ILSE (O.S.) Hans!... My little Hans! Color drains from Hank's face. He releases Horace and rises to find Ilse behind him. With a mixture of terror and affection: HANK Nana! He lifts her into a hug as amused looks abound. But Horace is silent as Myra regards the warm affection in their embrace. Hank puts Ilse down, choking back his panic. HANK What're ya doin'?... Here? (CONTINUED) 11. CONTINUED: (2) 16 ILSE I cannot go back to homeland without seeing my Hans. I want meet your wife and baby. GRACE Wouldn't we all... Helpless, Hank watches Ilse survey the group's curious smiles. She spots Samantha's carriage and moves in for a closer look. ILSE This cannot be Samantha?! And this pretty girl is your Myra? Horace is horrified. Myra stares at Hank in stunned disbelief, and nods. Ilse squeezes Myra in a joyous hug. ILSE Hans writes me so much of you. Welcome! Welcome to family! Over Ilse's shoulder, Myra catches Hank's pathetic, pleading look... Realizing the full meaning of his lie, Myra softens. MYRA Thank you. And I'm so happy to finally meet... Hans's... HANK ... Nana. ILSE (looks around) And these friends I must meet. HANK (wanting away, fast) Nana, this's ever'body -- we gotta get your bags. JAKE No, please stay... Jake Slicker. Jake offers Ilse his hand. Hank smells doom as they shake. ILSE The Mayor? I hear hard work Hans do on town council. You must listen more, Hans is bright boy. Hank squirms. Jake grins at Loren, who pulls out a chair. LOREN Madam? Have a seat... 12. +AT ANOTHER TABLE 17 Beatrice explains further to Mike, Colleen and Sully. BEATRICE The Suffrage League recognizes the woman pursuing excellence in all aspects of her life: raising a family while working her career, building the rich fiber of her community... MIKE Miss Cartwright, the fact that your chapter would consider me is... overwhelming to say the least. There must be so many deserving women -- She's interrupted by the REVEREND stopping by, eager to shake Mike's hand. REVEREND Dr. Mike, this is wonderful news! (boasts to Beatrice) You couldn't make a better choice. MIKE Thank you, Reverend. But I... this is only a nomination. REVEREND (pours it on) And she's modest, too. Mike shifts. Beatrice returns the Reverend's smile. He leans closer, more serious. REVEREND If you want to hear about the miracles this woman works, I hope you'll seek me out. (beams at Mike) We're so proud of you. And he's gone. Embarrassed, Mike smiles thinly at Beatrice. MIKE News travels in a small town. BEATRICE It's alright. I intend to speak with your friends as well. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 13. CONTINUED: 17 BEATRICE (CONT'D) (OFF Mike's reaction) Dr. Quinn, I realize following you around will seem like an intrusion. But I'm here merely to observe, I won't interfere. Mike smiles appreciatively, then looks to Sully. MIKE Sully, what do you think about all this? SULLY You got my vote a long time ago. COLLEEN (excited, to Beatrice) You can stay with us. BEATRICE I'll be fine in a hotel. COLLEEN But we don't have a hotel. She looks to Mike. Trapped, Mike gracefully plays hostess. MIKE I insist you stay with us. Please, we have plenty of room. Beatrice clearly likes the offer. As she nods, Mike manages a smile, uncertain what's ahead. Grace whisks by filling their cups. With a sly grin: GRACE Hear congratulations're in order. As Mike reacts, FOLLOW Grace back over to -- +HANK'S TABLE 18 Myra now sits next to Hank and Ilse, avoiding Horace's troubled gaze. Loren and Jake are having fun at Hank's expense. LOREN That one kept the council goin' all night... JAKE Darned if I can remember why Hans voted against the school. (CONTINUED) 14. CONTINUED: 18 ILSE (to Hank with surprise) You did not want school? HANK (at a loss, evades) We can talk politics any 'ole time. (stands up) Don't ya wanna see the town? ILSE First, you show tailor shop. As she stands to go, Hank quickly sits back down, his head spinning. Taking pity, Myra comes to the rescue. MYRA Uh... Hans gave up tailorin' months ago. Dazed, Hank nods. Ilse sits down again, stunned. ILSE You gave up shop? Why not you tell me this? HANK It's kinda hard to explain... JAKE Tell her what you do now. MYRA (thinking fast) Why... Hans runs the telegraph. Everyone reacts as Myra sends the charade out of control. MYRA He took over the office after Mr. Bing... bought the saloon. Horace stares at Myra in disbelief. Needing to get away from this, Hank quickly jumps to his feet, helping Ilse up. HANK You really gotta see this town -- But Ilse suddenly collapses against Hank, fainted dead away. HANK Nana!... Nana!? Frightened, Hank lowers her to the ground. Grace turns to CALL for Mike, but she's already walking quickly over. (CONTINUED) 15. CONTINUED: (2) 18 MIKE What happened? HANK She just dropped. Mike checks pupils, feels for a pulse. Hank watches, silently fighting his panic. Mike finally looks up at the group. MIKE Help me get her to the clinic? As Sully and Jake move in to help, Hank makes himself ask. HANK It ain't one of them ruptures? Surprised, Mike meets his worried look. MIKE Do you know this woman? HANK She's my grandma. OFF Mike's reaction -- INT. CLINIC - MOMENTS LATER 19 Beatrice watches with Myra from the back of the room near the door. Hank hovers anxiously over Ilse, unconscious on the table. Colleen is with Mike, who listens to Ilse's heart. MIKE Has this happened before? HANK I dunno. She gonna be alright? Mike SHUSHES him as she listens a moment longer, then: MIKE Colleen, the spirits of ammonia? Colleen hands over a tube Mike waves under Ilse's nose. Ilse responds, groggily waking, then looking at Mike with alarm. Hank leans down to her, gently reassuring: HANK 'S alright, Nana, she's a doctor. MIKE It seems you fainted. How do you feel now? (CONTINUED) 16. CONTINUED: 19 ILSE I am fine. Mike is checking Ilse's fingers, testing reflexes as she talks. MIKE Have you ever fainted before? (OFF Ilse's shake) Any lightheadedness now? Pain? ILSE No, nothing. I want go. She tries to rise but Hank gently holds her down. HANK Just hold your horses. We gotta find out what happened. He looks to Mike for an explanation. MIKE Everything seems fine, now. It's quite possible this was caused by fatigue from the trip. Perhaps even rising too quickly. (to Ilse) I'll need to do a complete exam and history, and I would like to monitor you for a few days. Ilse looks to Hank, who nods. But Myra smells bigger trouble. MYRA Hans, honey, we gotta talk... Hans! She finally gets Hank's attention. Mike and Colleen trade puzzled looks as Myra drops heavier hints. MYRA A few days could be a problem... Maybe your grandma'd be more comfortable in Denver. They got good doctors, right Dr. Mike? Mike isn't quite sure why Myra's acting so strange. Myra gives her a "play along" look. MIKE I don't think that's necessary, and travel isn't wise until I'm more certain of her condition. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 16A. CONTINUED: (2) 19 MIKE (CONT'D) (to Ilse) I'm sure you'll be comfortable in a room upstairs. And your grandson's welcome to stay. (CONTINUED) 17. CONTINUED: (3) 19 Ilse nods, satisfied with the offer. Mike looks to Colleen, and together they usher Hank toward Myra and the door. Mike misreads his troubled expression. MIKE Try not to worry. Your grandmother seems quite strong. She grabs the screen to pull around the exam table. COLLEEN (reassuring Hank) If there's anything wrong, you know Dr. Mike'll find it. Colleen glances at Beatrice, which Mike sees before disappearing behind the screen. As Myra and Hank exchange miserable looks, we: FADE OUT. END ACT ONE 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT ONE 20 An awkward silence as Beatrice eats supper with Sully, Mike, Colleen and BRIAN, each aware of their visitor's purpose. Beatrice tries to make polite conversation, looking to Sully. BEATRICE I understand you're the Indian agent for this district? SULLY That's right. More silence. MIKE These have been terrible years for the tribes here. But they have no better friend than Sully. Trading glances with Colleen, Brian launches their "plan." BRIAN These potatoes are real good. BEATRICE Yes, they certainly are. COLLEEN (to Mike) I really like the different spices you put on 'em. (to Beatrice) Ma's always tryin' new recipes. Beatrice smiles back. Smelling a ploy, Mike gently corrects: MIKE I think what Colleen means to say is, I did a nice job of peeling the potatoes. BRIAN You should try her pot roast. It's Ma's best thing to cook. COLLEEN Maybe we could have it tomorrow? Mike and Beatrice trade knowing looks, hiding their amusement. (CONTINUED) 19. CONTINUED: 20 MIKE If we want Miss Cartwright to enjoy her stay, perhaps it's best if we stick to our usual routine? (OFF the guilty silence) Colleen does most of the cooking. BRIAN But Ma's gettin' a lot better. You shoulda eaten the pies she useta make. 'Member them, Sully? Sully and Brian share a smile, until Brian catches a "you're not helping" look from Colleen. He sobers, Colleen brightens. COLLEEN Ma, Becky and me were wonderin' if you'd help us with our science project? We picked electricity. You're so good explainin' things. Mike misses Colleen's glance Beatrice's way. MIKE Electricity? We'll have to wait until Sunday, tomorrow's my day at the reservation. (to Sully) I'd like to look in on Mrs. Lawsenstrom before we go. BEATRICE Perhaps you could drop me in town then. I can conduct most of my interviews while you're away. As Sully nods, Mike shifts, smiling thinly at the prospect... INT. BING BEDROOM - NIGHT ONE 21 Horace polishes a boot, nearly brushing a hole in the leather. Myra dresses SAMANTHA for bed. The air is thick with tension. MYRA He's tryin' to make his grandma happy. Why can't we help?... Ain't we even gonna talk 'bout it? HORACE Nothin' to talk 'bout. Fighting frustration, Myra smiles at Samantha and picks her up. (CONTINUED) 20. CONTINUED: 21 MYRA There, Sweetie. Papa's gonna hold ya while I get your socks. She holds out Samantha. Trapped, Horace takes her. Samantha squirms in his arms as Myra goes to the dresser. MYRA It's just pretendin', Horace... All you gotta do is let 'im stand around the telegraph office. And you keep watch over the saloon. HORACE And let you be his wife... How come you wanna help 'im so bad? Myra returns, puts the socks on Samantha. A little defensive: MYRA I ain't doin' this for Hank. Nana's a sweet 'ole lady thinkin' her grandson's somethin' special. And I don't wanna hurt her... Sure never figured you would. (OFF his reaction) 'Cause you're a good person, Horace. You're the one Hank's been tellin' her he is. You got the life he wishes he had. She takes Samantha back and goes to put her down. HOLD on Horace, mulling this over. INT. TELEGRAPH OFFICE - DAY TWO 22 Hank, clean shaven and dressed neatly with operator sleeves, peers nervously out the window as Horace explains from his desk. HORACE If you hear a telegram comin' in, tap back like this to hold it -- (taps couple times) Then you come get me. He looks over for assurance. Not interested, Hank plays along. HANK Figure I can do that. Look, can we speed this along? HORACE Now you try. (CONTINUED) 21. CONTINUED: 22 HANK Alright... Hank forces a tight smile as he sits. He taps a few times, but Horace quickly corrects him. HORACE Not like that. Like this... Just keep practicin'. (digs out paper) And I made a list 'a things for you to do ev'ry mornin' -- HANK (clenched) I can't read, Horace. Horace, growing irritated, adds to the list. HORACE Oh, well, first you wash every window in 'n' out, then the shelves all gotta be wiped down... (grabs pail and mop) And then you sweep the walk out there and mop the floor in here -- HANK (the last straw) I ain't doin' no cleanin'. Horace confidently meets Hank's glare for a tense beat. HORACE Guess you don't want the job. Don't matter to me what your grandma thinks. He starts for the door leaving Hank with no choice. HANK Horace... (as Horace stops) Where do I get water 'round here? As Horace relishes his victory: OMITTED (23) 23 INT. GAZETTE - DAY TWO 24 Dorothy preps her printing press while speaking to Beatrice. (CONTINUED) 22. CONTINUED: 24 BEATRICE Does she go to the Reservation often? DOROTHY As much as she can. Michaela's been a friend to the Indian from the very start. It's just the way she is 'bout folks. Once she believes in you, she never gives up... She never gave up on me. BEATRICE You weren't always friends? DOROTHY Our friendship's had some bumpy rides. But through it all, she's been there. Steady as a rock. Wouldn't be a writer today if it weren't for her. (a thoughtful beat) Truth is, Michaela saved my life. EXT. SHERIFF'S OFFICE - CLOSE ON BEATRICE 24A BEATRICE So, she's had a big influence on you? WIDEN TO INCLUDE Matthew brushing down his horse. MATTHEW Sure. Dr. Mike has on just 'bout everybody here. BEATRICE And how does she feel about you being the town Sheriff? MATTHEW (smiles, remembering) Well, she didn't much take to the idea at first, bein' worried 'n all. But, she's comin' 'round. (beat) Never thought 'bout it before, but I think she's part 'a the reason I wanted this job. Feelin' like I wanna help people. 23. OMITTED (25) 25 INT. GENERAL STORE - DAY TWO 26 Loren dusts as he shares a confidence with Beatrice. LOREN When Dr. Mike first come from Boston, some folks had real trouble with her. You know, her bein' a woman and all... Beatrice nods, covering her amusement. BEATRICE But not you, of course. LOREN No, no, not me. She's a real doctor. Knew it first time I saw her in action. Why, I even let her cut into me once... (stops working, pointed) Truth is, Dr. Mike saved my life. OMITTED (27-28) 28 INT. TELEGRAPH OFFICE - DAY TWO 29 Hank leads Ilse into the office as he finishes explaining the telegraph, winging it as he goes. HANK And the sound bounces along the wire into here... and somethin' special in the glass here makes the sound real loud... Then when it gets loud enough? We got ourselves a telegram... Hank sits, leaning back in his chair. Ilse is impressed. ILSE I always knew you were smart boy. HANK Well, it's all... scientific. And it takes sensitive hands. ILSE A tailor's hands... (CONTINUED) 24. CONTINUED: 29 He smiles, uneasy. Ilse looks around. Hank spies a photograph of Myra and Horace on the wall. As Ilse turns toward it, Hank leaps up to block her view. HANK You never told me why you're goin' back to Norway. ILSE I leave my village so small. You get old, you want see home again. HANK You ain't so old, Nana. Ilse smiles, touches his face. ILSE You never good liar, Hans. Hank guiltily covers his reaction. Suddenly, the telegraph begins CLICKING. Hank ignores it, hoping she won't notice. HANK So, how long you gonna stay in Norway? ILSE You have telegram coming? HANK Oh. Right. He sits at the desk and feigns devoted attention. ILSE You do not write down message? HANK Keep it all right up here. He touches his temple, then confidently taps a few times. The CLICKS from the other end stops. Hiding his surprise, Hank rises. Then the CLICKING resumes. As Hank scrambles back... OMITTED (30-31) 31 INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT TWO 32 Wearing her robe, Mike sits in a chair by the fire, book propped in her lap as she makes notes. Sully enters with wood he adds to the fire. (CONTINUED) 25. CONTINUED: 32 SULLY Didn't 'spect you'd be stayin' up. Been a long day. MIKE (nose in book) I promised Colleen I'd explain these electrical properties tomorrow... I could never follow this type of science in school. SULLY Why don't ya just tell her you don't know 'bout 'lectricity? MIKE I can't do that, she and Becky are counting on me. I'll figure this out. Mike finally looks up from her book to see Sully staring into the fire. She senses his mind is elsewhere. MIKE Is something troubling you? Sully considers her a moment, then goes to a sideboard. He grabs several letters and comes over, handing the first to Mike. As she reads, Sully explains. SULLY It's from Hazen. He's comin' out next month to review my work on the reservation, see what kind a "progress" I'm makin'. Mike meets his look with a pained understanding. He gives her the next letter, then the next, anger building as he goes. SULLY This one says I gotta make the men cut their hair... This one, Medicine Men gotta stop their ceremonies... This? Take down the teepees 'n build log houses. Build a church! (crumbles last letter, throws in fire) Government don't want me helpin' 'em rebuild their tribes. They want me makin' 'em white! Devastated, Mike looks up from the letters. (CONTINUED) 26. CONTINUED: (2) 32 MIKE Hazen doesn't know you've been ignoring these? (OFF his shake, grim) What are you going to do? SULLY Same thing I been doin'. He gathers the other letters and tosses them into the fire. They both know it's only a matter of time... EXT. CHURCH - ESTABLISHING (STOCK) - DAY THREE 33 INT. CHURCH - DAY THREE 34 The congregation includes Mike, Sully, Beatrice, Matthew, Colleen, Brian, BECKY, Dorothy, Jake, Loren and Horace, eyes glued to Hank holding Samantha, flanked by Myra and Ilse in the front; the perfect family. The Reverend glows from the pulpit. REVEREND Before we conclude our service today, I want to welcome two very special guests in our midst. Mrs. Ilse Lawsenstrom, who's visiting with Hank... (stumbles over lie) ... and his lovely family... (avoids Horace's eyes, smiles at Beatrice) And Miss Beatrice Cartwright. Of course, we all know why she's here, and we certainly hope her visit is a... fruitful one. Mike shifts, embarrassed as people rise to go. Matthew and Brian are up quickly. MATTHEW We're off to the creek. MIKE Good luck fishing. As Matthew and Brian hurry down the isle -- The Reverend steps down from the pulpit as Hank steps up, surrounded by his "family". Hank is the epitome of respectability, shaking hands with the Reverend. (CONTINUED) 27. CONTINUED: 34 HANK Beautiful sermon, Reverend. Like they always are. REVEREND You have no idea how surprised I am to hear you say that, Hank. As Ilse reacts to hearing "Hank" again, Hank quickly ushers her away. Myra hurries after them, avoiding the Reverend's look. ILSE Why he call you Hank? HANK His mind's slippin'... Nobody's got the heart to tell 'im. They walk by Horace, under his watchful glare, passing -- Mike, Sully, Colleen and Beatrice. Mike watches Hank and Myra introducing Ilse to Dorothy in the back. Mike shakes her head, mildly amused. MIKE How much longer do you think "Hans" can keep this up? SULLY (follows her gaze) Not much. Guess he's just wantin' to make a good impression. She catches his wry look as Becky approaches (from the direction of pulpit). BECKY Dr. Mike, I wanna thank you for sayin' you'd help us with our project. We've been tryin' to understand electricity all week. (for Beatrice's benefit) There's nobody else we could ask. Becky gets a "well done" grin from Colleen. Mike can feel Beatrice's watchful eye -- and Sully's knowing smile. MIKE I'm happy to help, Becky. We'll see you later today. (CONTINUED) 28. CONTINUED: (2) 34 BECKY (on a roll) And I figured you'd wanna know, I'm feelin' lots better since the operation... (to Beatrice) Truth is, Dr. Mike saved my life -- Colleen quickly pulls Becky on, enough is enough. As Mike turns, she comes face to face with Jake. Loren is behind him, watching. Jake is all business. JAKE Sorry I gotta interrupt, Dr. Mike. I was just talkin' with Zeke Devans and he's askin' for a 'mergency council meetin' today. MIKE What's the problem? She notices his glance at Beatrice. Mike senses another ploy to show her off. It's getting to be a little much. JAKE Run-off from the street's dumped a load 'a mud on his porch. MIKE (downplays) It's hardly a civic crisis, Jake. We're obligated to maintain the front of all the businesses. And it says right in the town charter you have authority to act alone. JAKE (deflated) It does? (then realizes gift) It does, you're absolutely right. (to Beatrice) As usual... Can't figure how we ever got along without her. Mike's about to respond when SHOUTING draws their attention. People are collecting near the exit. AD LIBS: "get Dr. Mike!" Mike hurries over with her medical bag, Beatrice and others following. Ilse lies unconscious, Hank on the floor at her side gently cradling her head in his hand. Myra helps ease Mike down, who quickly feels for Ilse's pulse. Overwhelmed with worry, Hank looks to Mike. (CONTINUED) 29. CONTINUED: (3) 34 HANK What's wrong with her? (pleads) You gotta help her -- please. MIKE Don't worry, Hank. I'll do everything I can. As Mike pulls out her stethoscope and leans in, we: FADE OUT. OMITTED (35-36) 36 END ACT TWO 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: INT. CLINIC - DAY THREE 37 Mike stands at her bookshelf, skimming a medical text. While reading, she wanders to her desk where another text lies open. Mike refers to it, then satisfied, she closes her book... EXT. CLINIC - DAY THREE 38 Seated alone, Beatrice writes notes in a book. Hank anxiously waits in the street, unable to sit still. Myra and Samantha visit with Horace while Myra darts worried glances at Hank. Mike steps from the clinic to see Beatrice making notes. But Mike's focus is on Hank, and she quickly crosses over to him. MIKE Your grandmother is fine now. She's up and getting dressed. Hank reacts with a mixture of relief and uncertainty. HANK You sure? You said she was fine before. MIKE When I checked her this morning all her vital signs were normal. HANK (confused) Well somethin' ain't workin' right. MIKE I agree. Your grandmother now admits she's been fainting like this for several months. HANK (shakened) She... she never said nothin'. Sully approaches from up the street, stopping by their wagon to listen. Mike meets his look, then gently proceeds with Hank. MIKE This time I was able to detect an irregular, rapid heartbeat. It could cause her to faint... I've given her digitalis to slow the heart, and I'm hopeful it will regulate the problem. (CONTINUED) 31. CONTINUED: 38 HANK (fear rising) Hopeful? How come ya don't know? MYRA Hank, it sounds like Nana's gonna be fine. HANK What if she ain't?... Maybe she oughtta go see one 'a them special doctors... Maybe in Denver. Sensitive to his distress, Mike is calmly reassuring. MIKE Hank, I've done another thorough exam, referred to all my texts, and in my best judgement, the digitalis should help prevent any further spells. Beatrice watches Hank digest this, his panic slowly subsiding. HANK So... she's really alright? MIKE Why don't you see for yourself? He starts for the door, then stops to look back at Mike. HANK Myra 'n me was gonna take Nana for a buggy ride later. We still do that? Mike catches Horace's tense look, making her answer difficult. MIKE I don't see why not. Glancing at Myra, Hank goes in. Uneasy, Myra turns to Horace. MYRA Guess I better be goin' with 'im. She picks up Samantha and follows Hank. Horace struggles to contain his feelings, then walks off. As Mike watches him go, Sully steps closer. SULLY Buggy ride sounds kinda nice. There'll be a full moon, we could go out to the lake. (CONTINUED) 32. CONTINUED: (2) 38 MIKE (tempted) Sully, I can't... I had to put Colleen off until tonight. Sully nods; both disappointed. Mike goes back into the clinic. Beatrice rises from the bench, looking to Sully; wry: BEATRICE Fevers and scraped knees...? OMITTED (38A) 38A EXT. SALOON - DAY THREE 39 It's dusk. Jake exits the saloon looking for Horace. He finds Horace sitting dejectedly on a bench. JAKE What're ya doin' out here? (OFF Horace's silence) Look, Smithy wants a bottle of whiskey for the poker game. HORACE You know where to find it... And tell 'im it's on the house. Jake shrugs and returns inside. Horace suddenly snaps alert, finally seeing what he's been waiting for. +HORACE'S POV - DOWN THE STREET 40 A surrey enters town. Ilse plays with Samantha in back, while Myra sits up front at Hank's side. They're all laughing... +RESUME ANGLE 41 As Horace bitterly watches his family in his surrey ride up to the front of the clinic and get out. +RESUME POV 42 Ilse embraces Samantha and Myra goodbye. Hank awkwardly does the same before starting for the clinic door. Ilse stops him. 33. +ANOTHER ANGLE - THE CLINIC 43 ILSE No, Hans. This time, you go home with family. Hank and Myra trade uneasy looks as Ilse pulls him to Myra. HANK I wanna stay here with you. ILSE I am fine alone. Family should be together. Go home, be happy. She sends them on their hesitant way with a gentle push. MYRA See ya tomorrow, Nana. Hank and Myra cross the street toward the boarding house. Myra spots Horace coming over and quickly cuts him off, talking low: MYRA Not now, Horace, she's watchin'. HORACE Where're you goin'? HANK Get 'way from us -- MYRA He'll be out soon's she goes in. They pick up their pace, leaving Horace behind. He watches them go into the boarding house, then looks back at Ilse. +HORACE'S POV - THE CLINIC 44 Oblivious, Ilse settles on the bench to enjoy the evening air. OMITTED (45) 45 INT. HOMESTEAD BARN - DAY THREE 45A It's late evening. Brian is gutting a trout as Beatrice forces herself to watch. Wolf rests nearby. BRIAN My real ma was the only one that liked Dr. Mike at first. They got to be friends fast. (CONTINUED) 34. CONTINUED: 45A Behind them, Mike walks up to the open door. She hears Brian talking and she pauses there to listen. BRIAN That's why she made Dr. Mike promise to look after us. BEATRICE What happened to your mother? BRIAN Rattlesnake bit her. Dr. Mike tried real hard to save her. A silence fills the barn. Mike finally breaks it, entering. MIKE There you are... It looks like your fishing was prosperous. BRIAN Got 'em all clean for supper. MIKE Well, supper's already cooking... (OFF his reaction, catches herself) But if you rush those up to Colleen, I think they might just make the perfect addition. BRIAN Sure thing. He drops the fish in a pail and hurries out, leaving the women truly alone for the first time. They trade awkward smiles. Then Mike grabs a bucket and stool and crosses to the cow. MIKE Ever milk a cow? BEATRICE I've missed that experience. Along with the joys of disemboweling a trout. This time their smiles are genuine. Mike eases onto the stool and settles into a rhythmic milking. BEATRICE Should you be doing that in your condition? MIKE Actually, I find it relaxing. (CONTINUED) 35. CONTINUED: (2) 45A Beatrice watches, shaking her head with amazement. BEATRICE It's a long way from Boston. (beat) Your children are quite wonderful, Dr. Quinn. MIKE They came to me that way already. I'm afraid that credit belongs to their real mother. (a pensive beat) I suspect the truer test of parenting comes when you start from scratch. I only hope I can do as well. A long silence. They both grow aware of it. BEATRICE We haven't had much time to talk alone, have we? MIKE I am sorry. Most of my days aren't quite so demanding. BEATRICE From what I understand, they're usually worse. Mike is unable to read Beatrice's expression. She forces her attention back to milking, feeling surprisingly unsettled... INT. BING BEDROOM - NIGHT THREE 46 Myra gathers Samantha's bed clothes as Hank rides Samantha atop his shoulders, romping about the room like a horse. HANK You want horsey to buck, gotta hold on tight. Samantha SQUEALS with delight. Myra laughs, wistfully watching them play in a way Horace never would. After a beat: MYRA Time to get Samantha ready. HANK Oops, back to the stable. Hank does one more round before stopping by Myra at the bed. As he lifts Samantha from his shoulders, he catches her scowl. (CONTINUED) 36. CONTINUED: 46 HANK Hey, none 'a that. Horsey's gotta sleep, too. He twirls her onto the bed. As Myra removes Samantha's dress, Hank slides off her shoes. Myra fights a surge of feelings... MYRA You're real good with her, Hank. Wish ya could 'a done this with your own boy. HANK (feelings stirred) Kids 'n me get along alright... Not much to squawk about 'tween us, huh? He blows a big RASPBERRY on Samantha's tummy. As she GIGGLES, Hank catches Myra's smile. Embarrassed, he grins wryly. HANK It's me 'n the rest 'a the world's got the problem. MYRA I dunno. You get along good with Nana? HANK Well, Nana's a special lady. Only one in my family I ever gave a damn 'bout. Only one gave a damn 'bout me... It's why I sent her them letters. He plays with Samantha's toes. Myra doesn't know what to say. HANK When I was a boy, she'd tell me I was smart. Be anything I wanted. Ya believe that? He grins to lighten the moment... and run from the memories. It's a revealing moment for Myra. MYRA If she means so much, how come ya moved so far 'way from her? Hank considers the question, covering the emotions it brings. HANK Didn't wanna let her down. He meets Myra's look. There's a sudden BANGING on the window. 37. EXT. ROOF - NIGHT THREE 46A where Horace is crouched, banging on the window. +BACK INSIDE 46B Myra hurries over and opens the window. MYRA Horace, what're you doin'? Horace climbs through, struggling to keep his composure. HORACE Get outta here, Hank. Now! MYRA But Nana could still be -- HORACE I said get out! EXT. BOARDING HOUSE - NIGHT THREE 47 From above, Hank drops to the ground. Mood soured, he looks around, then bee-lines for the saloon. Half-way there, Ilse steps from a shadow into his path. Hank startles, swallowing his heart. HANK Geez, Nana!... What're ya doin'? ILSE I take walk before sleep... Something is wrong? Rattled, Hank quickly tries to cover. HANK No,... Me, too. I like to walk, too. After Myra's in bed. (calmer, offers arm) Wanna go with me? Ilse takes his arm, to Hank's relief. As they start down the street together, Ilse fondly gazes up at her grandson. ILSE You grow to handsome man, Hans Lawsenstrom. But your hair...? HANK I been meanin' to cut it. ILSE No, is most beautiful. (CONTINUED) 38. CONTINUED: 47 As they disappear around a corner... OMITTED (48-49) 49 INT. BING BEDROOM - NIGHT THREE 50 Horace paces as Myra leans into Samantha's crib, trying to soothe Samantha's CRIES. MYRA Would ya settle down, Horace? Nothin' was goin' on. HORACE Didn't look that way to me. MYRA He's just helpin' with Samantha. (to Samantha) Shusshhh, honey, it's alright... (back to Horace) You shouldn't a been peekin' in windows in the first place. HORACE He was sittin' on our bed! Samantha CRIES LOUDER. Exasperated, Myra jiggles the crib. MYRA You're scarin' Samantha. HORACE (building steam) I'm tired of seein' another man goin' 'round with my wife. I'm tired of always bein' the one givin' in... You hear that, Myra? I'm tired of bein' nice! MYRA (not getting it) But you are nice, Horace. HORACE Well maybe I ain't!! His outburst startles Samantha into silence, and finally gets Myra's full attention. She sinks onto the bed, stunned. HORACE Why should I be? Nothin' I do is enough for you. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 39. CONTINUED: 50 HORACE (CONT'D) I let you climb that stupid mountain, I let you take that job -- MYRA You let me? HORACE What about me, Myra? Me! When are we doin' what I want? Unnerved by his anger, Myra can only stare back. HORACE Maybe I ain't the nice man you think I am. (beat, contained) And maybe you ain't the only one who's unhappy. He leaves. ON Myra's shattered reaction: EXT. HOMESTEAD - ESTABLISHING (STOCK) - NIGHT THREE 51 MIKE (V.O.) Scientists have experimented with electricity since time began... INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT THREE 52 Mike stands before Becky and Colleen, who sit eagerly at the dining table covered with paraphernalia (and Mike's notes). Mike wraps a spoon with wire as she talks. MIKE And we experience its properties in our lives almost daily. Can you think of any examples? Seated by the hearth, Beatrice makes entries in her book while Sully and Brian play checkers. They glance over to listen. COLLEEN Lightning... The telegraph? MIKE Very good, Colleen. What else? BECKY Sometimes I take off my shawl, my hair goes straight out. Then it sparks if I try brushin' it down. (CONTINUED) 40. CONTINUED: 52 MIKE (this is going well) Precisely. BECKY What makes it do that? MIKE (not a clue) That's... an excellent question, Becky. Perhaps we'll discover the answer as we proceed. (avoiding Sully's amused look) It's been proposed that two types of electricity exist. Colleen, would you rub this jar, please? Mike sets the spoon in a jar with a long tail of wire extended and hands it with some material to Colleen. As Colleen rubs, Mike wraps another wire around a chunk of hardened tree resin. MIKE Objects of the same type repel, while opposite types attract... (peeks at notes) Now Benjamin Franklin said electric charges were fluid, meaning they move along objects... Would you rub this? She hands Becky the resin and a chunk of wool. As the girls fiercely rub their items, Mike grabs the tails of both wires. MIKE So, by creating different kinds of charges, they should move into the wires, speeding to the ends, (moving wires closer) so when we touch the two wires together, they will produce a... She touches the wires expectantly. And nothing happens. COLLEEN ... Spark? MIKE Perhaps you should rub harder. Mike's spared by a sudden POUNDING on the door. Sully gets up and opens it. The Reverend urgently steps inside. REVEREND Sorry to bother you folks, but Hank's grandma collapsed again. (CONTINUED) 41. CONTINUED: (2) 52 MIKE (stunned by news) She lost consciousness? Are you certain? REVEREND She cut her head when she fell. Hank can't seem to rouse her... Alarmed, Mike is grabbing her bag as Sully goes for her coat. MIKE I better stay in town tonight. SULLY We all will. As Sully helps Mike into her [coat, the Reverend looks to Sully.] REVEREND [I've got Horace's surry. You and Dr. Mike take it.] I'll hitch-up your wagon and bring the children along. SULLY Thanks. Sully and Mike hurry out. As Beatrice quickly follows: EXT. CLINIC - NIGHT THREE 53 An agitated Hank waits outside. Mike approaches followed by Sully and Beatrice. They stay back as Mike hurries up to Hank. HANK She's awake, no thanks to you. MIKE Thank God... Relieved, Mike moves for the door. Hank blocks her, glaring. HANK Dorothy's sittin' up with her. She finally stopped the bleedin'. MIKE (calmly) Hank, I'm sorry this has been so trying for you, but I did believe her condition would stabilize with this medicine... (more) (CONTINUED) 41A. CONTINUED: 53 MIKE (CONT'D) Now clearly it hasn't, but I'm certain with more time I can - - (CONTINUED) 42. CONTINUED: (2) 53 HANK What's more time gonna do?! You don't even know what's wrong, you're just too bullheaded to admit it! MIKE I don't think you're being -- HANK Go 'head, admit it!! (OFF her reaction) You can't, 'cause the great Michaela Quinn's gotta have all the answers. Mike stiffens, holding Hank's hard look for a tense beat. She maintains her composure. MIKE I'd like to see my patient now, if you don't mind? Hank looks at Beatrice watching. He finally moves aside, pushing the door open for Mike. HANK Go 'head. Wouldn't want you to lose your big award. He's hit the right nerve. Satisfied, Hank walks off into the street. It takes a moment for Mike to muster her composure. Without looking back at the others, she goes inside leaving Sully and Beatrice alone, sharing a strained silence, as we: FADE OUT. END ACT THREE 43. ACT FOUR FADE IN: INT. CLINIC - NIGHT THREE 54 It's dark and late. A single lamp burns on the desk where Mike, wrapped in a quilt, pours over her medical books. In contrast to earlier, she's not finding the answers she needs. Sully comes downstairs, not surprised by what he sees. SULLY Any luck? MIKE If only there were a pattern... Her attacks happen day or night, when she's active or sitting... Sully crosses over, gently suggesting: SULLY It's late. C'mon upstairs. MIKE I want to stay with this. Determined, she opens another text. Sully watches patiently. MIKE There's just so much we still don't know about the heart. SULLY Maybe that ain't the problem. MIKE Her circulation is good, I can't detect any blockages... No, I'm certain the irregular heartbeat is connected. I just don't understand why the digitalis isn't helping. SULLY So ya ask for some help. I seen you do that before. It seems so simple. Surprised, she looks at him a moment. MIKE The answer's here, Sully. I just haven't seen it. Mike returns to her book. Sully studies her thoughtfully. (CONTINUED) 44. CONTINUED: 54 SULLY Then maybe Hank is right. MIKE (unnerved) How could you suggest such a thing? SULLY What would happen if they didn't pick you? MIKE Honestly, Sully. She gets up and feeds the wood stove. Sully presses: SULLY What would happen if the Denver Suffrage League said you weren't their Woman of the year? He pulls her around to face him, sees her defenses slipping. SULLY ... What? Mike stares back; there's no escape. After a troubling beat: MIKE I'd disappoint everyone; Dorothy, the Reverend, the town. Colleen. Just saying the words floods her face with emotions. He lets go and Mike moves away, sorting her thoughts, feeling exposed. MIKE They expect so much. Always wanting me to be so strong. Decisive. Know everything about everything... (through wry tears) They don't see the half of me. SULLY They see what ya let 'em see. MIKE It took me so long to win their confidence. Sometimes I think if I let down for one second... Sully walks over and embraces her. Mike clings to his support. MIKE I know it's silly. (CONTINUED) 45. CONTINUED: (2) 54 SULLY It ain't. MIKE (beat) There're some mornings, I just want to stay in bed and hide under the covers. Or take a buggy ride out to the lake, without anyone knowing where I am... I'd let life go on without "Dr. Mike" for a few days. SULLY It would, y'know. Mike manages a smile, studying him with envy and admiration. MIKE It's so easy for you, always being yourself. Mike searches his eyes, fearing what's ahead for him. MIKE But you pay a price, too. I mean, when Hazen comes to the reservation...? SULLY (beat, resolved) Gotta live with myself first. (holds her look) Figure we all do. As Mike takes this in... EXT. TRAIN STATION - DAY FOUR 55 Early morning. Hank, still dressed for the part, approaches from town. Horace is waiting for him at the platform steps. HORACE Where do you think you're goin'? Hank tries walking by, but Horace quickly moves in his path. HORACE I asked you a question. HANK I ain't in no mood for this... (CONTINUED) 46. CONTINUED: 55 HORACE I don't care, Hank. I'm takin' my job back. And my wife and my baby girl, startin' right now! HANK (annoyed, bargains) Look, give me 'til tomorrow and I'll get Nana outta town. He tries again to move by, but Horace holds firm, blocking him. HORACE I said no. I ain't doin' this! HANK (getting mad) Don't push me, Horace! HORACE You want what I got so bad, go get your own family! I worked hard to get mine. Hank can only glare back. Something pathetic in his desperate look touches a soft spot deep inside Horace. HORACE You could start with the family you already got -- if ya had the guts to be honest. And Horace walks back to the office, a little taller, leaving Hank alone on the steps with much to chew on. Behind him, Mike approaches the station. Hank finally turns and walks off, passing Mike. Their eyes meet for a strained, awkward moment as they pass. STAY WITH MIKE keeping steady to her course -- +ANGLE - TELEGRAPH OFFICE 56 Horace's back is to Mike walking up. She taps on the window. HORACE I told you I ain't doin' -- (spins around) Oh, sorry, Dr. Mike. MIKE Horace, what's wrong? HORACE Nothin'. What can I do for you? (CONTINUED) 47. CONTINUED: 56 MIKE (hands him papers) I need to send these wires right away. The first is to Dr. Nicoli Antone at Boston Hope Hospital... EXT. GRACE'S CAFE - DAY FOUR 57 Ilse heartily eats breakfast as Grace fills her coffee. Ilse smiles pleasantly at Grace, compelling Grace to make an effort, in spite of her feelings about Hank. With difficulty: GRACE Havin' a nice visit with... Hans? ILSE Yes. You know my grandson? Grace knows she's going to regret this: GRACE Hans... made a coat once. For my husband... It was a fine coat. Ilse beams. Grace moves on, coming face to face with Hank. She hates that he heard her. She passes him, her voice low: GRACE You owe me, Mister. But Hank's mind is elsewhere. He gathers his courage to go over and sit. Ilse's pleased to see him, then concerned. ILSE Hans, why are you not at job? HANK (a difficult beat) I don't work mornin's, Nana... Matter-a-fact, I'm usually just crawlin' outta my bunk 'bout now. (OFF her confusion) I don't run the telegraph office. Never been a tailor. And I ain't married to Myra, neither... I own the town saloon. To his surprise, she doesn't react, but quietly studies him. HANK I told ya all them things so you wouldn't haveta be 'shamed of your grandson. (CONTINUED) 48. CONTINUED: 57 ILSE I see. HANK Didn't think it was hurtin' nothin', just never figured on you comin' to visit. ILSE You go to much trouble. Your friends must care much for you. (a thoughtful beat) Is good to know truth. I should have told truth, about fainting. They share an understanding. One weight is lifting from Hank, but he still feels grave concern for her health. A beat. HANK Y'know, I got a son. ILSE (pleased) A great grandson! HANK He lives at a special school. Draws real good pictures... Havin' Zach's the only thing I ever done that amounted to somethin' important. She takes his hand. So much is passing between them unsaid. ILSE Your great-uncle, my brother Gustav in Norway? He is artist. HANK Yeah? Guess it's in the family. +ANOTHER ANGLE - BACK OF CAFE 58 Mike enters and surveys the cafe. She heads for a table where Dorothy and Beatrice talk. Dorothy sees Mike coming. DOROTHY 'Mornin', Michaela. I was just tellin' Miss Cartwright 'bout our climb -- (CONTINUED) 48A. CONTINUED: 58 MIKE Dorothy, I'm sorry to interrupt. (to Beatrice) You should come with me. There's something you'll want to hear. (CONTINUED) 49. CONTINUED: (2) 58 Puzzled, Beatrice rises. Mike then adds to Dorothy: MIKE Perhaps you should hear this as well. Wary, Dorothy follows with Beatrice across the cafe. They pause as Mike goes right up to Hank and Ilse's table. MIKE May I join you both a moment? ILSE Yes. Yes, please sit, Doctor. Mike sits, trading uneasy looks with Hank. Then to Ilse: MIKE How are you feeling? ILSE I am fine. Sometimes bump to head can be good thing. Ilse winks at Hank. Mike's in a more serious mood. MIKE It was fortunate you weren't seriously hurt. (collects thoughts) I've wired a colleague who treats people with problems specific to the heart... He does suggest the fainting is related to your irregular heartbeat, but he also says the digitalis won't manage the problem alone. He recommends a second medicine, quinidine sulfate, which I have. HANK It'll stop Nana from faintin'? MIKE Both medicines should stabilize her heart until she can see the right doctor. Mike glances Beatrice's way to be sure she's paying attention, then turns back to Ilse. MIKE There's one in St. Louis who's had great success. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 50. CONTINUED: (3) 58 MIKE (CONT'D) If you leave on the afternoon train, you'll be there by tomorrow night. HANK You gotta see this doctor, Nana. I'll take ya. ILSE I ride train here alone, I can see doctor alone. (beat, decides) Before go, I want see your saloon. As others react, Mike stops them from going. There's more. MIKE Mrs. Lawsenstrom, it was poor medical judgement for me not to seek a consultation earlier... I hope you'll accept my apology. ILSE (considers Mike, smiles) You think too much, Dr. Quinn. Mike reacts to her smile. They rise and Ilse goes. Hank lingers, sharing an awkward moment with Mike. HANK Thanks. For helpin' her. Hank leaves her alone with her thoughts. Then Mike remembers. Still troubled, she faces Beatrice, needing to do one more thing. MIKE I allowed myself to put a patient at risk because of... professional pride. It was wrong of me. BEATRICE Yes, it was. (off Mike's reaction) My work here is completed. I'll be leaving on the next train. Thrown, Mike catches Dorothy's uncomfortable look. MIKE Well, I need to prepare this medicine... Excuse me. (CONTINUED) 51. CONTINUED: (4) 58 Mike starts to go, but doesn't get far. She stops, turns back. MIKE There must be women somewhere who can do everything, Miss Cartwright. Raise children and be a wife and friend and have a career. And they probably do it all quite well... But that woman isn't me. Beatrice meets Mike's unwavering look. BEATRICE You're wrong again, Doctor Quinn. Which is precisely why I'm recommending you receive our award. Amused by Mike's shocked reaction, Beatrice moves on by. As Mike and Dorothy exchange looks -- EXT. TRAIN STATION - DAY FOUR 59 The train is being prepared for departure. Horace loads freight, keeping an eye on the back of the train where -- Myra says goodbye to Ilse while Hank takes her valise inside. MYRA You got all the medicines Dr. Mike gave ya? ILSE I do. No more worry for me. MYRA Hope Norway's everything you want it to be, Nana. ILSE Thank you... And one day I hope Hans find real lady like you. Touched, Myra embraces her, and finds herself staring up the way at Horace. They hold each other's troubled looks for an uncertain moment. Shakened, Myra breaks the embrace. Then managing a smile at Ilse, she leaves. Hank returns from inside the train, dreading this moment. He faces his grandmother. HANK Wish you'd let me go with ya to this doctor. (CONTINUED) 52. CONTINUED: 59 ILSE You have business to run. HANK (dismissing) You mean a saloon. Hearing his tone, Ilse studies him with a grandmother's love. ILSE I know you, Hans. In here. (touches his heart) Is all matters to me. Overwhelmed, Hank struggles to keep his emotions in check. HANK I ever gonna see you again? ILSE There are no answers to such questions. They stare at each other, knowing they won't. Then, Hank remembers. He hands over a folded piece of drawing paper. HANK Here. To take with ya to Norway. Your great-grandson drew it. He could have given her the moon. They embrace, holding on with great emotion. Then Hank kisses her and gives her a hand up the train steps. Ilse blows him a kiss before disappearing inside the car. And Hank stands there, heart in his throat. He finally turns to catch Horace watching him. Covering, Hank steels himself and surveys the platform area. Spotting a couple YOUNG MEN collecting their bags, Hank saunters over and offers them each a cigar. HANK You gentlemen look in need 'a entertainin'. Just happens I own the finest establishment in town. The Men smile as Hank lights his first cigar in a long time. As they leave together, Hank casts a look back at Horace, who watches, seeing through the act... +ANOTHER ANGLE 60 Colleen walks with Beatrice toward the train. (CONTINUED) 53. CONTINUED: 60 BEATRICE And how did your electricity demonstration fair today? Caught in her own trap, Colleen smiles sheepishly. COLLEEN It didn't. But the Reverend's givin' us an extra week to figure it out. They arrive on the platform and stop. BEATRICE Well, young lady, I wish you much success with electricity and medical school. Colleen shakes her hand as Mike and Sully come up from behind. COLLEEN Thanks. Hope ya have a good trip back. BEATRICE I suppose you expect me to say something wonderful. Like... Colorado needs more women like your mother? Uncertain, Colleen glances at Mike, then back at Beatrice. COLLEEN Only if you mean it. BEATRICE I won't be saying that. I happen to believe we need more women like your mother everywhere. Beatrice holds Mike's look a moment, then nods to Sully. BEATRICE Thank you for your hospitality. SULLY Yes, Ma'am. Mike walks Beatrice to the train steps. They start to shake hands, but then embrace, sharing an unspoken understanding. BEATRICE You'll be hearing from us. MIKE I'll look forward to it. (CONTINUED) 54. CONTINUED: (2) 60 Beatrice smiles warmly, then climbs on board. Sully comes up behind and puts his arms around Mike. She sinks against him. SULLY What d'ya say you 'n me take a buggy ride out to Midnight Lake. Have supper under the moon. Mike faces him, overwhelmingly tempted. But she sees Colleen waiting down the way. MIKE How can we, with the children? SULLY The man 'a the year just arranged for 'em to stay with Matthew. She matches his grin, unable to believe such good fortune. MIKE He did, did he? Sully kisses Mike deeply. He did. As they start off toge