TEASER FADE IN: INT. GENERAL STORE - DAY ONE 1 LOREN is stocking infant food on a shelf (beside some baby bottles designed to look like turtles). As he stocks, he casts a frustrated glance over at: EMMA, who sits at her sewing machine, bored, having no work to do. She gazes off, deep in thought, until MIKE enters toting KATIE in the Cheyenne sling Sully made, and carrying an armful of her pregnancy dresses. As she passes Loren: MIKE Good morning, Loren. LOREN Mornin', Dr. Mike. (to Katie) And a good mornin' to you, sweetie. (to Mike, holds up infant food) Got a new brand of infant food. Just come in. (to Katie, rubbing his stomach) Mmm... MIKE (smiles) We're going to hold off on that for a few more months, Loren, until Katie's ready. (continuing to Emma) Emma, I'd like to hire you to do some more work for me. Loren takes note of this, as Mike sets the load of dresses in front of Emma. MIKE My pregnancy dresses. They need to be taken in. (beat) A lot. EMMA (brightening) Sure. LOREN (also brightening) Oughta keep her busy for awhile. (CONTINUED) 2. CONTINUED: 1 The moment is interrupted by DOROTHY, who hurries in, concerned. DOROTHY Michaela, that new couple from Denver -- the lawyer and his wife -- just pulled up in front of the clinic. Their baby's sick. Mike reacts, hurries out with Dorothy. EXT. CLINIC - CONTINUOUS - DAY ONE 2 As Mike and Dorothy rush over to the clinic: DOROTHY I checked inside -- Andrew's not there. MIKE He rode out to look in on Mrs. Borman. They arrive at the clinic, as a frantic MR. and MRS. NORRIS (well off) hold their swaddled, crying BABY (about ten months old). As Mike steps up to them: MR. NORRIS (to Dorothy) I thought you were getting the doctor? MIKE I'm Dr. Quinn. Instantly all business, Mike starts looking at the baby. MRS. NORRIS He has diarrhea, it's getting worse... Mike feels the baby's forehead. MIKE What's his name? MRS. NORRIS Michael. MIKE He doesn't seem to have a fever -- let's go inside, Mrs...? (CONTINUED) 3. CONTINUED: 2 MR. NORRIS (before she can respond) Norris. DOROTHY I'll look after Katie. MIKE Thank you, Dorothy. As Mike hands Katie to Dorothy: MR. NORRIS (to Dorothy) You said there was a real doctor in town. Mike ignores this as she holds the clinic door open for Mr. and Mrs. Norris. MIKE Please come inside. Mrs. Norris carries the baby in. Mr. Norris hesitates a beat, then follows. INT. CLINIC - MOMENTS LATER - DAY ONE 3 Mike examines the baby, as Mr. and Mrs. Norris look on. MRS. NORRIS (quietly, to Mr. Norris) This is just why I didn't want to move here -- no hospital, no doctor we know -- MIKE How long has Michael had the diarrhea? MR. NORRIS A few days. MIKE Have you been nursing him? MRS. NORRIS No. We've been weaning him the last month, feeding him milk from our cow -- (CONTINUED) 4. CONTINUED: 3 MR. NORRIS (to the point) What's wrong with him? MIKE It's most likely gastroenteritis, which often occurs in babies, especially during weaning. But I don't think there's anything to be too worried about. The Norris' relief is huge, immediate. MIKE I'd like you to withhold the cow's milk for the next day or so. We'll give him some water and weak tea. There are some Cheyenne herbs that are particularly effective -- MR. NORRIS Cheyenne? You don't mean Indian? MIKE I've used them on my own baby. The herbs are actually gentler on their stomachs than most medicines. Mrs. Norris looks at her husband, who hesitates a moment before turning back to Mike, still wary: MR. NORRIS You're the doctor. Off Mike, trying not to let Mr. Norris' tone get to her... EXT. CLINIC - DAY ONE 4 Mr. Norris stands near the door, struggling with feelings of guilt, as Mrs. Norris sits, worrying: MRS. NORRIS In Denver, we could've taken him to a proper hospital -- MR. NORRIS (cutting her off) We've been over this. There are too many other lawyers in Denver. Here I can be the only one. (CONTINUED) 5. CONTINUED: 4 MRS. NORRIS (beat, very quietly) Business... always business. Mike comes out; they spring to attention. MIKE Michael's sleeping comfortably, I think he's over the worst of it. Mrs. Norris shuts her eyes with relief. MIKE But I'd like to keep him here overnight and observe him, just to make sure. You may stay with him if you'd like. Mr. and Mrs. Norris exchange a look, then Mr. Norris looks back at Mike and nods. INT. NURSERY/RECOVERY ROOM - NIGHT ONE 5 Katie (offscreen) sleeps in her bassinet. Mike is sleeping in the bed. All is quiet for a moment... then suddenly, a baby's piercing SCREAMS startle Mike awake. MIKE (disoriented) Katie... She jumps out of bed and rushes to the bassinet to discover Katie sleeping soundly. The baby's SCREAMS continue, and Mike now realizes it's coming from the other recovery room -- from Michael. INT. RECOVERY ROOM - NIGHT ONE 6 Mike bursts into the room (this should all feel fast and panicked); Mr. Norris watches helplessly as Mrs. Norris cradles the baby, desperate. The baby's WAILS are weakening from exhaustion. MRS. NORRIS He's worse -- ! MIKE (feeling forehead) He has a fever -- MR. NORRIS I thought you said he was going to be fine... (CONTINUED) 6. CONTINUED: 6 Mike takes the baby and lays him on the bed, checking his respiration. Mrs. Norris hovers: MRS. NORRIS He won't stop crying... MR. NORRIS What's wrong with him!? Mike notices a baby bottle on the bed. It's the same kind (with the turtle design) Loren has stocked in his store (though we don't need to draw much attention to it). MIKE Have you been feeding him? MRS. NORRIS He was hungry -- MR. NORRIS She had to. He wouldn't drink any more of that Indian tea. MRS. NORRIS I didn't know what else to do... The baby's constant SCREAMS and deteriorating condition are getting to Mike. This is one very sick baby. She unwraps the swaddling blanket and lifts him in her arms. MIKE We need to bring down the fever... Mike carries the baby out of the room -- INT. CLINIC - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT ONE 7 -- and rushes into the darkened clinic, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Norris. She lays the baby on the examination table. The baby's CRIES are barely audible now, as Mike unbuttons his sleeper and removes it. She hurries over to the wash basin and pours in cool water. Mike realizes the gravity of Michael's condition and struggles to maintain her composure, as she dips a cloth into the water. MRS. NORRIS (desperate) He's not crying so much anymore. Is he getting better...? Mike takes the wet cloth and presses it to the baby, trying to cool the fever. She dips the cloth in the water again, but when she turns back to the baby, she suddenly reacts with alarm. She leans in, examining the now silent baby. (CONTINUED) 7. CONTINUED: 7 A tortured look crosses Mike's face as she checks for a pulse, but finds nothing. Mr. and Mrs. Norris watch in horror as Mike closes her eyes for an agonizing moment. She turns to them in shock, barely able to speak. MIKE I... I'm so very sorry... Mrs. Norris looks at Mike, dumbfounded. What can she mean? She rushes to the baby: MRS. NORRIS No! No... She gathers the baby in her arms, and wails: MRS. NORRIS No no no... Mr. Norris hurries to his wife's side, holding her and the baby tightly. Mike can't watch. She looks away, tears welling in her eyes as we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. HOMESTEAD PORCH - DAY TWO 8 Mike, exhausted, sits under the oak tree on this warm afternoon, holding a sleeping Katie in her arms. Mike stares down at her baby, her expression one of deep anguish. SULLY comes out of the house, crouches beside her. SULLY (gently) Why don't you go lay her down? You need to get some sleep. But Mike isn't about to let go of her baby. MIKE (quiet) In a minute. Mike continues to gaze at Katie. After a moment: MIKE (still trying to figure out what killed the baby) Perhaps it was cholera infantum... SULLY (concerned) Cholera? MIKE No... it's not actually related to Asiatic cholera. It's a severe, inflammatory diarrhea, occurring mainly in infants. (beat, quiet) It strikes suddenly... oftentimes fatal... Mike falls silent for a moment, struggling with emotions that are becoming increasingly difficult to suppress. MIKE It's not the first time I've lost a patient... It's not even the first time I've lost a baby... SULLY (understanding) First time since we got our own. (CONTINUED) 9. CONTINUED: 8 Mike quiets, nods. Sully watches her a moment, reading the pain in her eyes. SULLY Michaela... (she looks at him) You did everythin' you could. Mike holds his look a moment, then gazes back down at Katie. MIKE I can't imagine what those parents must be feeling... Sully quiets -- he knows exactly what they're feeling. INT. CLINIC - DAY TWO 9 Mike's at her desk, studying a medical text, as ANDREW leans in, observing over her shoulder. MIKE It appeared to be a simple gastrointestinal catarrh. But then the baby developed a sudden fever. His pulse was quick and small, respiration distressed -- ANDREW Cholera infantum? MIKE I believe so. The frightening thing is that the baby appeared to be recovering. After I administered the tea, he was able to sleep comfortably -- ANDREW Tea? MIKE A Cheyenne drink, made from the roots of a wild geranium plant. ANDREW (intrigued) Another Indian remedy? MIKE It's a very effective astringent. Andrew considers this a moment, impressed. (CONTINUED) 10. CONTINUED: 9 ANDREW Wild geranium... interesting. MIKE Cholera infantum is usually brought on by eating improper foods... ANDREW Or poor living conditions. MIKE The parents seem well-off. It was more likely the food. They were in the midst of weaning the child -- In fact, the mother had just fed him some milk before the final attack. ANDREW The milk was probably bad. Mike nods, then hesitates a moment. She knows what she must now do, but it's very difficult for her. MIKE I should go check. I'll drop Katie off with Becky and ride out to the Norris' homestead. Mike stands, starts for the side door (to go up to the nursery and get Katie). Andrew sees how uneasy she is and volunteers: ANDREW I can go if you'd like. Mike stops at the door, looks back at him appreciatively: MIKE No... I should do this. I haven't spoken with them since... since it happened. Andrew nods quietly, as Mike goes out. EXT. NORRIS HOUSE - DAY TWO 10 Mike rides up on FLASH and dismounts. She pauses a moment, takes a deep breath, then starts over to Mrs. Norris, who numbly takes laundry down from the clothesline. MIKE Mrs. Norris...? (CONTINUED) 11. CONTINUED: 10 Mrs. Norris takes down some baby clothes from the line. Mike tears her eyes away from the baby's clothes: MIKE I... I can't tell you how sorry I am. I feel... But nothing she can say will suffice. She falls silent, as Mrs. Norris looks at her a moment, then continues folding the baby clothes mechanically. Mike doesn't know what to say; this is even harder than she thought it was going to be. MIKE (very delicate) We need to find out what happened to Michael... MRS. NORRIS (barely audible) We know what happened... MIKE Yes, but... we need to discover the cause. The milk you had been feeding him -- was it drawn from only one cow? MRS. NORRIS You'd better go home. MIKE I will... I'd just... I'd like to take a small sample of the milk, to see if there are any impurities. And if I could see the room where Michael slept -- MR. NORRIS (O.S.) Are you implying we didn't take care of our son? Mike turns to discover Mr. Norris approaching from the house, dazed and tired and deeply hurt. MIKE No... no, of course not. We just need to find out what caused Michael's illness. (back to Mrs. Norris) Did you feed him anything else besides the milk? (CONTINUED) 12. CONTINUED: (2) 10 MRS. NORRIS No... (her grief overcomes her) Excuse me... She hurries inside the house. Mr. Norris watches her go, then turns back to Mike, his sadness turning to anger: MR. NORRIS The only thing we fed him was your damn Indian plants. MIKE They couldn't have hurt him -- MR. NORRIS (figuring it out) In fact, that's all he ate before he got worse -- MIKE Well, actually, your wife also fed him more milk, which is why I need -- MR. NORRIS What you need is to leave. He starts to go inside. MIKE Mr. Norris please, all I want to do is -- MR. NORRIS You've done enough. My son's dead because of your incompetence. He goes in and slams the door, leaving Mike stunned. As she looks down, sees the baby's clothes left in the basket -- EXT. GRACE'S CAFE - DAY THREE 11 Sully is at a table with BRIAN, MATTHEW and Emma, finishing lunch. EMMA Finished two of 'em... but I still got three more dresses to take in. BRIAN All from Ma? (CONTINUED) 13. CONTINUED: 11 MATTHEW (smiling to Brian) She was pregnant a long time, remember? As Matthew and Brian share a smile: SULLY (to Emma) You enjoyin' workin' in the store? EMMA It's all right. Just wish business would pick up. MATTHEW What're you talkin' about? You got five dresses to work on. EMMA (pointedly) From one customer... and it's Dr. Mike. Matthew shuts up, seeing the building frustration on her face. After a beat: EMMA I better get goin'. Emma stands and starts off. Matthew looks at Sully, who puts an encouraging hand on his shoulder as he stands. SULLY Give it time. Folks'll come around. Matthew nods, as Sully starts out of the cafe (toward the meadow). +NEW ANGLE - AT THE ROAD 12 Sully stops in his tracks, reacting to something he sees at the edge of the trees: +HIS POV 13 of CLOUD DANCING, watching him, looking much better than the last time we saw him. 14. +BACK TO SULLY 14 as he starts over, pleased to see his friend. The two meet and grasp arms, smiling. CLOUD DANCING Ha-ho. SULLY Ha-ho. You got a day pass? Cloud Dancing holds up his pass. CLOUD DANCING I have followed the new Agent's rules, and so I have earned his trust. Sully sees the deep sadness in Cloud Dancing's expression. SULLY They makin' you live in the wood houses? CLOUD DANCING (nods) I am no longer allowed to speak my language or use my medicine. SULLY Ain't gonna stop 'til they change your whole way a life. CLOUD DANCING But they cannot change who I am. I will be the same man I have always been... Sully nods, quieting. CLOUD DANCING And so will you. On Sully, absorbing this in troubled silence... EXT. CLINIC - DAY THREE 15 Mike leads GRACE out of the clinic, followed by Andrew. Grace's hand is wrapped in a bandage. MIKE The cut should heal in a few days. GRACE Thanks, Dr. Mike. (CONTINUED) 15. CONTINUED: 15 ANDREW And next time, try sneezing after you've finished washing the knives. GRACE (smiles) I'll remember that. Grace starts off, pausing to coo at Katie, who is carried toward the clinic by BECKY. Becky continues over to Mike. BECKY She's gettin' hungry again, Dr. Mike. Mike takes Katie from her and gives the baby a sweet smile: MIKE You have the most voracious appetite... Mike starts to carry Katie into the clinic, but before she can close the door: MR. NORRIS (O.S.) Dr. Quinn... Mike, Andrew and Becky turn to see Mr. Norris walking up from the direction of the telegraph office, tense and tight-jawed. MIKE Mr. Norris... Mr. Norris pauses a moment, seeing Katie in Mike's arms. He steels himself, fighting back his emotions as he hands a piece of paper to Mike. MIKE What's this? Sully comes around the corner (from direction of the meadow) in time to hear: MR. NORRIS It's a restraining order, issued by Circuit Court Judge Frederick Webster in Denver. MIKE A restraining order...? MR. NORRIS It's a legal document prohibiting you from practicing medicine until he hears this case. (CONTINUED) 16. CONTINUED: (2) 15 SULLY (stepping in) What case? A crowd starts to gather (including ROBERT E, Dorothy from the Gazette, among other TOWNSFOLK). Mr. Norris struggles to keep his emotions in check, but his anger is getting away from him. MR. NORRIS I'm suing you for malpractice in the treatment of my son -- and I'm seeking restitution for his death. ANDREW Malpractice? MR. NORRIS (to Andrew) This woman killed my son with her Indian medicine. Now Sully's getting angry. SULLY She tried to save him -- DOROTHY 'Course she did -- Katie, hungry, starts to cry. Mr. Norris looks at her, which only fuels his fire. Mike pulls Katie close to her, rocking her as: MIKE Please, Mr. Norris, I understand you're upset -- MR. NORRIS Understand this: that is a legal document. If you practice medicine, you'll be thrown in jail. MIKE But I have patients -- DOROTHY This town needs her -- The crowd AGREES. Mr. Norris raises his voice to them: MR. NORRIS We needed her, too! She told me my son was going to be fine. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 17. CONTINUED: (3) 15 MR. NORRIS (CONT'D) (his grief overwhelming him) We listened to her, did what she told us... and within hours he was dead... (but he won't give into sorrow:) I'm doing you all a favor. MIKE Mr. Norris, please believe me, I did everything I could -- MR. NORRIS You did everything wrong -- and I'm going to make sure you never do it again. He strides off, leaving behind a confused town, and a very worried Mike, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: EXT. CAFE - DAY THREE 16 Mike (with Katie in her carriage) and Sully sit at a table, looking over the restraining order, surrounded by Townsfolk (including Matthew, Andrew, Loren, Robert E, Grace, and Dorothy). GRACE Can he really make you stop practicin', Dr. Mike? LOREN The man's a lawyer. They're always foulin' things up. DOROTHY (to Loren) But Michaela did her best, it wasn't her fault -- MATTHEW I can't believe he's doin' this. MIKE (quietly) He's very upset. He's lost his child. This quiets everyone. Sully looks at Mike. SULLY Still... it don't mean he's got a right to keep you from doctorin'. DOROTHY What're you gonna do, Michaela? Mike looks at the restraining order in her hand -- she's not quite sure. MIKE It'll be all right. Andrew is here to watch the clinic. Andrew nods. LOREN Yeah, 'til he gets sued like you. Andrew reacts to this, suddenly uneasy. (CONTINUED) 19. CONTINUED: 16 ROBERT E (to Mike) You're not gonna stop bein' a doctor, are you? Mike doesn't know what to say. MIKE I... I can't break the law -- SULLY It's only for a few days -- just 'til this hearin's over. (to Mike) Judge'll come out, see this for what it is -- a man upset 'bout losin' his son. Mike meets his look, hoping this will prove true... EXT. CEMETERY - DAY THREE 17 Mr. Norris kneels solemnly before a fresh grave, placing flowers in front of the wooden headstone, which reads simply: MICHAEL NORRIS -- 1870 - 1871. He bows his head, struggling with his overpowering grief. After a moment he looks up, sees Sully standing not far off, watching him. Mr. Norris collects himself and stands, putting on his hat as he starts out of the cemetery. As he passes Sully: SULLY Mr. Norris... I'm real sorry 'bout your boy -- MR. NORRIS (quiet, sullen) Please. I know you're only here on your wife's behalf, so you might as well save your breath -- SULLY I know how you feel -- MR. NORRIS (sudden, angry) No. Don't you dare... don't you dare condescend to me. You can't possibly know what it's like to lose a child. Sully holds his look for a moment, then: (CONTINUED) 20. CONTINUED: 17 SULLY I was mad at everythin' for a long time after my daughter Hannah died... Mr. Norris is caught off-guard by this. He watches as Sully walks a few steps to another grave, crouching before it. SULLY Passed away in childbirth, along with my wife. (beat, looks back at Mr. Norris) It ain't the same, I know that -- everybody hurts different. But bein' angry didn't change anythin'... (looks back at the grave) Didn't bring her back. That touches Mr. Norris' grief; for a moment, he seems about to connect. But then: MR. NORRIS This isn't about Michael... or me. (beat) It's about protecting the good people of this town from a doctor's incompetence. He walks off. Sully watches him go in silence. EXT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT THREE - ESTABLISHING (STOCK) 18 INT. HOMESTEAD - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT THREE 19 Brian finishes setting the table for dinner as Mike and Sully carry in food. BRIAN Feels strange settin' the table for just three people. MIKE I know. Colleen's only been gone a week, and already I miss her. (as they sit) But perhaps it's best she's not here. I'm sure this malpractice case would be very upsetting to her. (CONTINUED) 21. CONTINUED: 19 BRIAN What's it mean when somebody sues you for malpractice? Mike and Sully exchange a quiet look, then: MIKE Mr. and Mrs. Norris feel that I didn't do my job properly... that the Cheyenne tea I gave their son wasn't the correct treatment. BRIAN But you'd never do anythin' to hurt somebody. SULLY Judge is gonna come out and decide for himself. BRIAN An' 'til then you can't be a doctor? Mike nods quietly. BRIAN That ain't fair. MIKE It's a precautionary measure, Brian. When doctors are perceived to have made an error, the safest course is to prevent them from practicing medicine until their case is settled. Sully gives Mike a sympathetic look, then turns back to Brian: SULLY Doctors ain't like the rest of us, Brian. They ain't allowed to make mistakes. MIKE Sometimes it's necessary to... weed out the bad. There was a doctor in Boston -- an excellent surgeon, but he was frequently intoxicated. He was found guilty of malpractice, and they were right to do it -- he shouldn't have been practicing. SULLY That ain't the same... (CONTINUED) 22. CONTINUED: (2) 19 MIKE It is to Mr. Norris. (then) Since medicine's become more scientific, people expect scientific results. BRIAN So what happens if the Judge finds you guilty? SULLY He won't. MIKE If he does, he'll take away my license... and I won't be allowed to practice medicine again. All three fall silent, not eating, absorbing the weight of this. INT. GENERAL STORE - DAY FOUR 20 Mike (carrying Katie in the Cheyenne sling), stands by the counter (near the front door), holding up one of the dresses Emma has finished for her. She looks pleased with the result. MIKE It looks wonderful, Emma. EMMA I should have the rest done by Friday, if that's all right. MIKE Friday is fine. A WOMAN enters, gives Emma a cool look before proceeding to the back of the store. Emma tries to brush this off, turns back to Mike, who's noticed this exchange. MIKE I know it's been difficult for you. EMMA Yeah... (beat) Been wantin' to be a dress maker all my life... Emma quiets a moment as the woman moves past them, heading back out the door. As Emma and Mike watch the woman go out: (CONTINUED) 23. CONTINUED: 20 EMMA It's tough when people won't let you do what you love... Mike starts to nod, then something outside catches her eye: +MIKE'S POV 21 of Andrew, stepping out of the clinic with a PATIENT whose arm is in a sling. He sends the man off with a reassuring pat on the back, then goes back into the clinic and shuts the door. +BACK TO MIKE 22 watching this. MIKE I know exactly what you mean, Emma. Mike looks at Emma, and the two connect in a silent understanding. MIKE But I'm sure it'll all work out for the best... for both of us. Emma nods, wanting to believe this. EXT. CHURCH - DAY FOUR 23 Several townsfolk, including Loren, Dorothy, Andrew, Robert E, Grace and Emma surround Mike, Sully, Brian and Matthew. Everyone is waiting, trying to give Mike their support. GRACE We're all behind you, Dr. Mike. ROBERT E We'll tell that Judge what kinda doctor you are. SULLY (looking off) Here they come. All eyes turn to see: 24. +MR. NORRIS 24 approaching from the town with Mrs. Norris and two distinguished-looking men, JUDGE WEBSTER and DR. CASSIDY. Judge Webster is a gruff, impatient old man who likes to cut to the chase. Mr. Norris gestures to Mike, and the Judge steps forward. JUDGE WEBSTER Dr. Quinn? MIKE Yes. JUDGE WEBSTER (extending his hand) Judge Frederick Webster. Mike shakes his hand. JUDGE WEBSTER I understand you already know Dr. Cassidy. MIKE (uneasy) Yes... I do. DR. CASSIDY (tipping his hat) Good to see you again, Dr. Quinn. JUDGE WEBSTER He'll be offering medical testimony. Mike reacts uncomfortably to this. Dr. Cassidy just smiles. JUDGE WEBSTER (fast, hoping to get this over with soon) Dr. Quinn, only the Medical Review Board has the right to revoke your license. The purpose of this hearing is to evaluate whether you should be allowed to keep practicing prior to their determination of your competence. MIKE I understand, your honor. JUDGE WEBSTER (gesturing to the townsfolk) And who are all these people? (CONTINUED) 25. CONTINUED: 24 LOREN We're her patients. DOROTHY We wanna speak on her behalf. The Judge sighs -- this looks like it's going to take longer than he had hoped. JUDGE WEBSTER Fine, then. (gesturing to the church) Shall we? The crowd starts into the church. Sully holds Mike and Brian back a moment. SULLY (to Mike) You go on inside. We'll be along shortly. MIKE What are you going to do? SULLY (re: Dr. Cassidy) They got their expert witness, we're gonna get ours. (to Brian) C'mon. Mike reacts, confused, as Sully and Brian start off toward town. She then continues into the church. EXT. ROAD IN COUNTRYSIDE - DAY FOUR 25 Sully and Brian ride along on their horses, until Sully pulls to a stop. SULLY This is as far as I can go. You ride on into the reservation, find Cloud Dancing. I'll wait here. BRIAN All right. Brian rides on. 26. INT. CHURCH - DAY FOUR 26 The church has been set up for what looks like a trial. Judge Webster sits up front at a table; Mike sits at a table with Matthew. Across from them sits Mrs. Norris. The townsfolk (including Dorothy, Loren, Andrew, Robert E, Grace and Emma) sit behind them. Mr. Norris stands questioning Dr. Cassidy, who sits in a chair next to the Judge. MR. NORRIS Dr. Cassidy, would you ever use Indian potions to treat diarrhea? DR. CASSIDY Absolutely not -- there are many scientifically proven modern medications available... MR. NORRIS Would you ever use Indian potions to treat any malady? DR. CASSIDY No. Judge Webster gets to the point: JUDGE WEBSTER How would you have treated this patient? DR. CASSIDY Without having examined the child, it's difficult to say precisely. But there are any number of scientific remedies for gastrointestinal catarrh -- arsenicum, calcara, mercurius -- JUDGE WEBSTER Is it not possible that here, in a rural setting, a doctor might not be familiar with this information? DR. CASSIDY (looking right at Mike) It's the responsibility of every doctor to stay current -- with medical journals and periodicals. The Judge turns to Mike, who realizes this is going badly for her. (CONTINUED) 27. CONTINUED: 26 JUDGE WEBSTER Were you aware of these medications, Dr. Quinn? MIKE Yes, but in this instance -- JUDGE WEBSTER And did you have them available in your clinic? MIKE Yes, but I used a treatment with which I've had successful personal experience -- many times. JUDGE WEBSTER Then why was it not successful this time? MIKE It was successful. This quiets the room. Mike casts a glance at Mrs. Norris, hesitating a moment -- she knows that what she's about to say will not go over well: MIKE The baby's condition was improving. It wasn't until the child was fed milk that I now believe was impure -- MR. NORRIS (getting angry) You now believe?! Now that our son is dead! JUDGE WEBSTER Mr. Norris -- MR. NORRIS This is how you cover your mistakes, by shifting the blame to us -- JUDGE WEBSTER (firm) Mr. Norris. MR. NORRIS (to the Judge) She fed our son poison, Judge. A lethal Indian drink that killed him -- (CONTINUED) 28. CONTINUED: (2) 26 SULLY (O.S.) It ain't poison. All eyes turn to see Sully standing inside the doorway with Brian and Cloud Dancing. JUDGE WEBSTER (re: Cloud Dancing) Who is this? SULLY This man is a respected healer. He knows the treatments she used. He oughta be allowed to talk. DR. CASSIDY This is nonsense. DOROTHY No, it ain't. Cloud Dancin's helped a lotta people with his medicine. Other townsfolk chime their agreement. MR. NORRIS Judge, I must strongly object to this -- JUDGE WEBSTER Overruled. I'll allow him to speak. TIME CUT TO: INT. CHURCH - A SHORT TIME LATER - DAY FOUR 27 Cloud Dancing now sits in the chair next to the Judge. Dr. Cassidy sits beside Mrs. Norris, appalled that this Indian is being allowed to speak. MR. NORRIS And just how do you know this "tea" is safe? CLOUD DANCING Wild geranium has been used by our people for many years. It has never harmed anyone. JUDGE WEBSTER Well obviously something went wrong this time. (CONTINUED) 29. CONTINUED: 27 CLOUD DANCING The Great Spirit sometimes takes his child back. Then there is nothing we can do. DR. CASSIDY (to Cloud Dancing) We do not have such a cavalier attitude towards medicine as you do. We keep trying, we do not accept defeat. CLOUD DANCING Then your patients always live? MURMURS from the crowd. DR. CASSIDY I'm not on trial here -- (to the Judge) And I will not be lectured to regarding professional conduct by an Indian. MR. NORRIS The very fact that Dr. Quinn took medical lessons from him in itself proves her incompetence. Mike tries to get this back on course: MIKE Your honor, may I ask Dr. Cassidy a question? The Judge nods. Mike turns to Dr. Cassidy. MIKE If in fact the milk that was fed to the baby was impure, could that lead to cholera infantum? DR. CASSIDY If you believed the milk to be impure, why didn't you test it when the baby was first brought to you? MIKE I wasn't aware of the severity -- (CONTINUED) 30. CONTINUED: (2) 27 MR. NORRIS (interrupting) I'll tell you why -- negligence. (to the Judge) There was nothing wrong with that milk. If Dr. Quinn would've just followed the methods Dr. Cassidy spoke of, Michael would still be alive. Mike struggles to maintain her composure. MIKE Your honor, it's understandable that Mr. Norris wants to strike out at me. His loss is... tragic and incomprehensible. (to Mr. Norris) But we can't be sure, even if I'd used Dr. Cassidy's methods, that Michael would have lived. The townsfolk mutter their agreement. Mr. Norris takes that in, then turns to the Judge: MR. NORRIS Perhaps we should get another doctor's opinion. (turns to Andrew) Dr. Cook? As Andrew reacts, stunned -- TIME CUT TO: INT. CHURCH - A SHORT TIME LATER - DAY FOUR 28 Andrew now sits next to the Judge, answering Mr. Norris' questions. Andrew is extremely uneasy, wanting very much to help Mike. MR. NORRIS You've only worked with Dr. Quinn for a short time. ANDREW Yes, that's correct, but in that time, I've found Dr. Quinn to be exceedingly professional and diligent. I have the utmost respect for her -- (CONTINUED) 31. CONTINUED: 28 MR. NORRIS (cutting him off) Have you ever found yourself questioning her judgment? Andrew looks at Mike. ANDREW Yes... once. (back to Mr. Norris) But I was proven wrong. I've learned a great deal from her. MR. NORRIS What about in this instance? Would you have given my child an Indian "tea"? Andrew hesitates a moment. ANDREW Well... I'm not yet familiar with the various herbs -- MR. NORRIS Given the choice between the scientifically proven medicines Dr. Quinn has available in her clinic, and an ancient Indian potion, which would you prescribe? ANDREW Again, this is hard for me to -- JUDGE WEBSTER Just answer the question, son. Andrew quiets, feeling terrible. But he finally must admit the truth: ANDREW I would prescribe the medicines Dr. Cassidy spoke of. The crowd MURMURS uneasily. Andrew wilts in his chair, unable to meet Mike's look. The Judge seems satisfied and quiets the crowd. JUDGE WEBSTER All right, let's have it quiet in here. (then, to Mike) Dr. Quinn, you are obviously a well-meaning woman. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 32. CONTINUED: (2) 28 JUDGE WEBSTER (CONT'D) Yet the evidence demands that I suspend your license, pending the determination of the Medical Review Board. Until that time, you are forbidden to practice medicine, under penalty of law. Mike looks down. Sully puts his arm around her. The family and the townsfolk are all very upset. JUDGE WEBSTER Furthermore, I find that the ordinary care, expertise and diligence required of doctors in such cases were not exercised in a proper manner, thus causing irreparable loss. The townsfolk mutter, confused... what does this mean? JUDGE WEBSTER I therefore find for the plaintiff, and order you, Dr. Michaela Quinn, to pay damages to Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Norris in the sum of two thousand dollars. Mike is stunned. MIKE But I... I don't have two thousand dollars. JUDGE WEBSTER Then you must get it. Mike is overwhelmed -- she looks at Sully, who shakes his head. On their shared fear, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO 33. ACT THREE FADE IN: INT. GENERAL STORE - DAY FIVE 29 Robert E and Grace enter to find Dorothy and Emma at the front counter. Emma is signing a petition, as Loren watches. LOREN What's that? DOROTHY It's a petition, Loren, tellin' the Medical Review Board we know from personal experience that Michaela's an excellent doctor. GRACE Still can't believe that Judge. Didn't even give us a chance to speak. DOROTHY (turning to her) Well, now you can let your voice be heard, by signin' the petition. Dorothy holds out the pencil, and Grace takes it, signing the petition. ROBERT E I'll sign it, too. Dorothy turns to Loren. DOROTHY Loren? LOREN Might as well, though I don't know what good it's gonna do. As Loren moves in to sign: ANDREW (O.S.) I'd like to sign it as well. Everyone turns to discover Andrew standing in the doorway, an uneasy look on his face. But the townsfolk are not angry with him -- they understand his predicament and feel for him. (CONTINUED) 34. CONTINUED: 29 DOROTHY (holding out the pencil to him) Of course, Andrew. Andrew takes the pencil and signs his name, feeling a sense of relief. INT. HOMESTEAD - KITCHEN - NIGHT FIVE 30 It's late; the fire has almost gone out. Mike sits in her nightgown at the kitchen table, adding up some figures on a tablet, struggling to keep her emotions in check. Sully comes downstairs, puts an arm on her shoulder: SULLY Katie's asleep. (beat) What'cha doin'? MIKE I'm just figuring out how much I could sell my medical equipment for... Sully is very surprised. He sits next to her. MIKE It's... it's not nearly enough to pay the restitution, but I -- SULLY Ain't you gonna fight this? MIKE What can I do? The Judge said I have to pay it. And I don't want to ask my mother for anymore money. (beat) We may have to think about taking Colleen out of college. SULLY You can go to a higher court -- they'll have to listen to you after you win at the Medical Review Board. MIKE If I win. (CONTINUED) 34A. CONTINUED: 30 SULLY What do you mean? You said yourself the milk was prob'ly impure. (CONTINUED) 35. CONTINUED: (2) 30 MIKE Unfortunately, we may never know for sure. (beat) Sully... I have to prepare myself for any possibility... including not being able to practice medicine anymore. She falls silent, deeply troubled. Sully sees that she needs to face this, and figure it out: SULLY Alright. What if that's what happens? What're you gonna do? MIKE (struggling with it) I don't know... Being a doctor -- it isn't just what I do, it's who I am. This reminds Sully of Cloud Dancing's plight (and his as well), and the words Cloud Dancing spoke to him earlier: SULLY You'll still be the same person you've always been -- somebody who cares 'bout people and helps 'em. They can't take that away from you. Mike looks at him, absorbing these words in silence. She leans into him as he puts his arms around her, holding her close. EXT. [STREET/GENERAL STORE - MORNING - DAY SIX 30A Loren exits Grace's cafe (from between the clinic and Gazette), holding a cup of coffee. As he makes his way toward the store, Emma, coming out of the Gazette, sees him and catches up with him. EMMA Mornin', Loren. LOREN Mornin'. (as they walk to the store) What were you doin' at the Gazette? (CONTINUED) 35A. CONTINUED: 30A EMMA Talkin' to Dorothy about placin' an ad in next week's paper. Maybe that'll help get things started for me. LOREN (under his breath) Let's hope so. EMMA (after a beat) Loren... I was thinkin' 'bout the agreement we made -- the fifty percent split? With the work I've been doin' for Dr. Mike -- LOREN I ain't givin' you more, if that's where you're headin'. EMMA No. I was thinkin' a givin' you sixty percent, like you wanted, seein' as how your business has been slowin' down cause a me. Loren pauses a moment, affected by this. LOREN You sure about that? EMMA (nods) Just wanna do what's fair. Loren quiets a moment, then nods. He should be happy about this, but he isn't, and it troubles him. They continue walking, arriving at the store. Loren unlocks the door and opens it, but as Emma starts inside: LOREN Wait a minute... She stops, looks back at him. LOREN It ain't your fault people don't wanna buy from you. I seen your work. It's good. So we'll just keep our agreement the way it is - - fifty fifty. EMMA Loren, you don't -- (CONTINUED) 35B. CONTINUED: (2) 30A LOREN (firm, final) A deal's a deal. And with that, he goes inside the store, leaving Emma in the doorway, deep in thought.] EXT. NORRIS HOUSE - MORNING - DAY SIX 31 Mr. Norris climbs up into his carriage and rides away from the homestead passing by: Sully, who stands hidden behind some trees. Draped at his side is a small canteen. Once Mr. Norris is out of sight, Sully moves around behind the house. INT. CLINIC - DAY SIX 32 Mike is at her desk, poring over some medical texts, as the door swings open, revealing Sully, holding the canteen. MIKE (confused) Sully...? (CONTINUED) 36. CONTINUED: 32 He steps over to her, sets the canteen in front of her. SULLY Milk from the Norris' cow. Now you can be sure. Mike takes the canteen and fetches a tall narrow glass vessel. She pours some of the milk into the vessel and sniffs it, before looking at it against the light. She's not happy about what she sees: MIKE It appears normal. SULLY What're you lookin' for? During the following, Mike swabs some of the milk onto a glass slide and places it under the microscope: MIKE Pure cow's milk is perfectly white, with no deposits or any discernible smell. If the milk is bad... Mike suddenly stops short (before looking through the microscope), as something catches her eye: It's Andrew, standing in the doorway with his medical bag, looking very uneasy and nervous. ANDREW I, uh... I thought you weren't going to be working... Mike also feels uncomfortable. After a brief, strained silence: MIKE Sully managed to obtain a sample of the milk from Mr. Norris's cow. ANDREW (sincere) That's good. (to Sully) I can't believe he gave you permission. SULLY He didn't. (CONTINUED) 37. CONTINUED: (2) 32 Andrew quiets, nods. He steps tentatively toward Mike as she looks through the microscope. ANDREW How does it look? MIKE (not good news) Globules are fairly uniform in size... moving freely... Mike pulls back from the microscope, distraught, and motions silently for Andrew to look. As he does: SULLY What's that mean? Andrew pulls back from the microscope. ANDREW The milk is pure. He looks at Mike, feeling for her. ANDREW I'm sorry... Mike is rocked by this discovery, struggling to figure out what went wrong: MIKE Perhaps... perhaps I did overlook something. (starts back to her books) Perhaps the tea wasn't the proper -- SULLY No. (insistent) You didn't do anythin' wrong. (to Andrew) Tell her that. But Andrew can't find the words. He just stands there, watching as Mike feels her world crumbling around her. And then suddenly: Robert E carries in an unconscious MAN with a bullet wound to his stomach. ROBERT E Dr. Mike! (CONTINUED) 38. CONTINUED: (3) 32 Andrew and Sully hurry to help Robert E as he lays the man on the examining table. Mike instinctively goes to work on the man... ROBERT E Told me his gun misfired while he was cleanin' it. Managed to ride into town 'fore he passed out... MIKE (fast) No exit wound. The bullet's still inside him. He appears to be bleeding internally -- ... and then suddenly, she freezes. She looks up at Sully, hesitating. MIKE What should I do? She looks at Andrew. ANDREW I've never operated to remove a bullet before. SULLY (to Mike) But you have. Mike looks down at the man, then: MIKE (to Andrew) We'll need to prepare him for surgery. And as they rush to do so -- EXT. GAZETTE - A SHORT TIME LATER - DAY SIX 32A Mr. Norris approaches Dorothy, who is just leaving the Gazette. MR. NORRIS Excuse me, Miss Jennings? I want to place an ad in the Gazette -- I'm selling my house. It's surprising, but not unwelcome news to Dorothy: (CONTINUED) 38A. CONTINUED: 32A DOROTHY Perhaps it's for the best -- (then, not wanting to be unkind) I'm sure it has unhappy memories. (CONTINUED) 39. CONTINUED: (2) 32A Mr. Norris nods quietly... and then he notices something: +HIS POV 33 of Sully and Robert E coming out of the clinic with concerned looks on their faces. They walk off up the street, talking to each other. As they disappear around the corner: +MR. NORRIS 34 reacts, suspicious. MR. NORRIS What was he doing at the clinic? Before Dorothy can respond, Mr. Norris walks over, peering in the clinic window. What he sees makes him furious. INT. CLINIC - CONTINUOUS - DAY SIX 35 Mike and Andrew are preparing to operate on the man with the bullet wound. But before Mike can begin, Mr. Norris barges in, with Dorothy right behind him. MR. NORRIS What are you doing? MIKE This man has been shot. I need to remove the bullet. MR. NORRIS You're not doing anything -- MIKE He's bleeding internally. We can't wait any longer -- MR. NORRIS If you touch that man, I'll have you thrown in jail -- MIKE (angry) He'll die if I don't operate! MR. NORRIS He'll die if you do! Mike is stung by this, visibly shaken. Mr. Norris turns to Andrew. (CONTINUED) 40. CONTINUED: 35 MR. NORRIS You're a doctor -- you remove the bullet. ANDREW I've never actually performed this kind of procedure -- MR. NORRIS But you are familiar with it. ANDREW Yes. But I really think -- MR. NORRIS Then you'd better go to work. Andrew looks at Mike. MIKE (quiet) You can do it, Andrew. ANDREW I'll need assistance. MR. NORRIS (re: Mike) Not from her. DOROTHY (to Andrew) I'll assist you. Satisfied, Mr. Norris moves to the door, gesturing for Mike to leave. Andrew looks at Mike, clearly worried. MIKE It's all right. First locate the bleeders and tie them off. Then look for the bullet. MR. NORRIS Dr. Quinn. Mike hesitates a moment... then goes out. Mr. Norris starts to follow her, but Dorothy's voice stops him: DOROTHY Mr. Norris... (he looks back at her) If anythin' goes wrong in here, this time we'll know whose fault it is. He hadn't thought about that, and it gives him pause. (CONTINUED) 41. CONTINUED: (2) 35 ANDREW (firm) And I'll be sure to offer testimony. Mr. Norris holds Andrew's look for moment, then he turns and goes out, as Andrew begins the operation. EXT. CAFE - DAY SIX 36 Mike sits with Sully and PRESTON at a table. During the following, Mike keeps looking off toward the clinic. PRESTON I really do think a loan may be your best way to deal with this unfortunate -- and may I say, totally unfounded -- judgment. Mike looks at Sully to see what he thinks. He looks away, clearly doesn't like this. PRESTON And that's why I'm prepared to offer you a preferential rate. SULLY (to Mike) This ain't a good idea. MIKE I don't know that we really have a choice. PRESTON Precisely -- so why not borrow it discreetly from someone who knows you and trusts you. MIKE What would we need to do? PRESTON You'll need to arrange some collateral. What could you offer? MIKE Well, there's my medical and laboratory equipment... PRESTON I'm afraid that probably wouldn't suffice. (CONTINUED) 42. CONTINUED: 36 SULLY (restraining his anger) Thought you said you trusted us. PRESTON (smiles) Of course I do, Sully. But unfortunately, my investors have strict requirements. MIKE I can't think of anything else we own that has any real monetary value... PRESTON (too casually) Except your homestead... They both look at him sharply: MIKE The homestead? SULLY No. PRESTON We're not talking about giving anything up -- it's merely pro forma. SULLY (standing) Meetin's over. Sully leads Mike away from the table. Preston calls after them: PRESTON If you change your mind, you know where to find me. +ON MIKE AND SULLY 37 as they are about to leave the cafe, when Andrew comes in. He looks shaken. MIKE How did it go? (CONTINUED) 43. CONTINUED: 37 ANDREW I removed the bullet. It missed the major organs, but lacerated a branch of his hepatic artery. I applied a ligature, stopped the bleeding. MIKE Good. How's the patient? ANDREW He's... he's fine. Mike looks relieved. But Andrew is still troubled. Mike notices this. MIKE What is it? Were there any complications...? ANDREW No... His color's returning, pulse steady... (beat) It's just that... During the operation, I could barely move my hands. I was constantly second- guessing myself, terrified of making a mistake... MIKE (reassuring) But you didn't. ANDREW Not this time. Mike looks at him, understanding his fear. After a beat: ANDREW I'd better go check on him. Mike and Sully exchange a troubled look as Andrew goes out. EXT. STREET NEAR CLINIC - DAY SIX 38 Matthew helps Sully hitch the wagon, preparing to ride out, as Mike walks up, now holding Katie. SULLY All set? Mike nods, but hesitates a moment before climbing up onto the wagon. She's looking over at something offscreen: 44. +HER POV 39 of Mr. Norris, standing just outside the saloon door, drink in hand, watching her intently. He appears drunk. +BACK TO MIKE 40 as Sully and Matthew also look over at Mr. Norris. MATTHEW He's been at the saloon all afternoon. (to Mike) Told me to keep an eye on you. (looking back over) Gettin' angrier with each drink. SULLY Stayin' angry keeps him from feelin' the hurt. Mike looks at Sully, realizing he knows what this man is feeling. After a beat: SULLY C'mon, let's go home. Mike hands Katie over to Matthew, as Sully helps her up onto the wagon. +A WOMAN (PATRICIA) 41 rushes up to them, carrying her WAILING BABY (ten months old). PATRICIA Dr. Mike, you gotta help me. She's got diarrhea real bad... Mike stares down at the crying baby, torn. SULLY (to Mike) S'pose it's the same thing the other baby had? MIKE Perhaps... (to the woman) Patricia, my license has been suspended. But Dr. Cook is in the clinic -- MATTHEW No he ain't. Just rode outta town, takin' his patient back home. (CONTINUED) 45. CONTINUED: 41 PATRICIA Please, Dr. Mike, you gotta help her. Mike looks at the crying baby -- how can she not help her? She looks at Sully and Matthew, then over at: +MR. NORRIS 42 who sees what's happening and is already starting over. +BACK TO MIKE 43 as she makes her decision -- the only decision. She climbs down from the wagon and takes Patricia's baby in her arms. Patricia breathes a sigh of relief. MIKE Let's take her to the clinic -- MR. NORRIS Stop! Mike ignores him, starting toward the clinic. Mr. Norris turns to Matthew. MR. NORRIS Sheriff, arrest her! Matthew tries to head him off by taking him by the arm: MATTHEW Take it easy, Mr. Norris -- MR. NORRIS She's breaking the law! I demand you arrest her! MATTHEW I'm not arrestin' her! That baby needs help -- Mr. Norris shakes himself free: MR. NORRIS I won't let her kill that child the way she did mine -- Mr. Norris lunges at Mike, trying to stop her, but Sully is quickly on him, shoving his arm up behind his back to immobilize him. Mike and Patricia continue into the clinic. (CONTINUED) 46. CONTINUED: 43 Sully lets go of Mr. Norris, but stays between him and the clinic, making sure he doesn't go in. Mr. Norris stares hard at Sully and Matthew. MR. NORRIS I'm wiring the Marshall... All three of you are going to jail. He starts off toward the telegraph office. Sully and Matthew look at each other -- they know this has just gotten a lot worse, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE 47. ACT FOUR FADE IN: INT. CLINIC - RECOVERY ROOM - NIGHT SIX 44 It's dark now, as Mike checks on the baby, who is no longer crying. Patricia looks on, still somewhat worried. MIKE Her pain appears to be easing. She's falling asleep. (looks up at Patricia) How long has she had the diarrhea? PATRICIA Few days, off an' on. But it's been gettin' worse... MIKE Have you been nursing her? PATRICIA No, she just started takin' milk from a bottle. Mike pauses a moment, considering this. MIKE Patricia, I must warn you. Emily's condition is very similar to the baby who died. I'll need to keep her under close observation. PATRICIA (frightened again) What's wrong with her? MIKE I can't be certain, yet. But it's vital that we not feed her any milk for a day or so. Just water for now. (Patricia nods) I'd also like to get a sample of the milk to examine it. PATRICIA I have her bottle here -- she was feedin' from it when she got the attack. But the milk's fresh... (CONTINUED) 48. CONTINUED: 44 Patricia reaches into her bag and takes out a baby bottle. It's another turtle bottle, identical to the one that Mrs. Norris had. Mike sees it and reacts. MIKE That bottle... PATRICIA What about it? MIKE Where did you get it? PATRICIA Mr. Bray just started carryin' 'em in his store. Patricia hands the bottle to Mike, who studies it a moment, the wheels turning. She then quickly begins disassembling it. INT. CLINIC - NIGHT SIX 45 Andrew watches as Mike takes a knife and cuts off the end of the curved rubber tube that draws the milk from the bottle to the rubber nipple. MIKE Could you please bring me the microscope? As Andrew brings it over: MIKE This bottle is exactly the same as the one Mrs. Norris was using... She scrapes dried milk from the inside of the tube with the tip of the knife, then wipes the milk onto a glass slide and looks at it through the microscope: MIKE If the problem wasn't the milk -- She pulls back, looks at him. Andrew leans in, takes a look. ANDREW (confirming) -- Then it must be the bottle. Off Mike's look of relief... 48A. EXT. STREET/GENERAL STORE - DAY SEVEN 46 Mr. Norris walks with Judge Webster, Dr. Cassidy and TWO OTHER DENVER DOCTORS (male, fifties-up). The train on which they just arrived can be seen in the b.g. The mood is rushed, urgent: (CONTINUED) 49. CONTINUED: 46 MR. NORRIS I'm sorry to call you out here on such short notice, but the Marshall couldn't come, and this woman is a real menace -- JUDGE WEBSTER (angry) I can't believe she's practicing medicine in violation of my order. MR. NORRIS On babies, no less. DR. CASSIDY We won't wait for the Medical Review Board to meet formally -- (Re: himself and the other two doctors) The three of us form a quorum and can revoke her license on the spot. JUDGE WEBSTER Where is she -- at the clinic? MR. NORRIS (leads them to the store) No, in here... INT. GENERAL STORE - CONTINUOUS - DAY SEVEN 47 The men come in to discover Mike, Emma and Andrew watching as Sully and Loren take the turtle baby bottles off the shelf and pack them in a box. JUDGE WEBSTER Dr. Quinn... Mike turns, sees the men: MIKE Judge Webster -- thank goodness you're here. As the Judge and Doctors react with surprise -- EXT. CLINIC - DAY SEVEN 48 A small crowd, including Andrew, Matthew, Brian (with Katie in the baby carriage), Loren, Emma, Dorothy, Robert E and Grace watches as Sully peers through the door, which is open a crack. (CONTINUED) 50. CONTINUED: 48 LOREN Anythin' yet? Sully looks back at them, shakes his head: SULLY Doc Cassidy's still lookin' through the microscope. INT. CLINIC - CONTINUOUS - DAY SEVEN 49 Dr. Cassidy looks into the microscope as Mike explains to Judge Webster and the two other Doctors, who are inspecting the turtle bottle. Mr. and Mrs. Norris stand inside the doorway. MIKE As you can see, the design of the bottle makes it impossible to keep the tube clean. When the babies drank, they injested the bad milk residue along with he fresh milk, and that's what caused the infection. Dr. Cassidy looks up from the microscope; as much as he hates to admit it: DR. CASSIDY She's right. Mr. and Mrs. Norris react, stunned by this revelation. MRS. NORRIS (quietly, to herself) Then it was our fault... MIKE No, you can't blame yourself. It was the bottle -- you couldn't possibly know it was dangerous. DR. CASSIDY I'll make certain the manufacturer is notified. (beat, looking to the other Doctors) I'm sure we agree that Dr. Quinn's medical license should be reinstated -- and that the malpractice judgment be dismissed. The other doctors nod their agreement. Judge Webster looks over at Mr. Norris. (CONTINUED) 51. CONTINUED: 49 JUDGE WEBSTER Any argument, Mr. Norris? Mr. Norris, looking shell-shocked, shakes his head, no. JUDGE WEBSTER In that case, the restitution order is rescinded. A CHEER erupts from outside as Mike closes her eyes, a wave of immense relief washing over her. EXT. CLINIC - CONTINUOUS - DAY SEVEN 50 The crowd parts for the Judge, the Norris' and Doctors as they come out and walk off. Everyone then moves in on Mike, greeting her warmly as she steps out. DOROTHY Congratulations... Dr. Quinn. GRACE We never lost faith in you. MIKE Thank you. Sully gives Mike a hug as the crowd begins dispersing. SULLY You did good. MIKE I feel as if an enormous weight has been lifted. Mike turns to discover Andrew standing nearby, bolstered by her victory. ANDREW For a moment there, I was beginning to wonder if it was all worth it. I was questioning my decision to become a doctor. But seeing you fight to do what you love has inspired me. (conviction building) And that's why I'm going back to Boston... and I'm going to tell my Uncle I won't be joining his practice... Mike reacts to this, confused. Andrew smiles, gesturing to Mike's clinic. (CONTINUED) 52. CONTINUED: 50 ANDREW I've found a new home. Andrew goes inside, leaving Mike to absorb this in silence. INT. GENERAL STORE - DAY EIGHT 51 Emma lays Mike's finished dresses on the counter, as Mike (with Katie in the sling) pays for them. Matthew and Loren look on, pleased. MIKE Thank you, Emma. You've done a wonderful job with these. EMMA My pleasure. MIKE (for Loren to hear) This town is very fortunate to have a seamstress with your talents working here. Emma nods, managing a smile. But as Mike takes the dresses and starts out, Emma's smile fades. MATTHEW (Re: the money) Look at that. It's a start. Word's gonna spread -- EMMA But if it don't... This quiets Matthew. Emma looks at him, her resolve building. EMMA I been doin' some thinkin'. Figure I've waited long enough for folks in town to come around. Ain't good for me, or Loren. (beat) So I'll give it another two weeks. Things don't change for me, I'll go someplace I can start fresh... where people don't know me. Matthew looks at her -- he understands her frustration, but can't help feeling deeply hurt. 53. EXT. GENERAL STORE - DAY EIGHT 52 Mike has already loaded the dresses into the wagon and is preparing to ride home. But before she can load Katie into her traveling seat: MR. NORRIS (O.S.) Dr. Quinn. Mike turns to discover Mr. and Mrs. Norris stepping up, dressed for travel. A brief, uncomfortable silence, as they notice Katie, then: MR. NORRIS We only have a moment -- our train will be leaving soon. But... (difficult) I feel I owe you an apology. MIKE No... you don't. He looks at her, surprised. MIKE You've suffered a terrible loss. MR. NORRIS (after a beat) I just... I only wanted to prevent it from happening again, to someone else. MIKE I understand. Mr. Norris has been working on an idea -- and as he states it, it makes him stronger, more purposeful: MR. NORRIS That's why I'm going to find the manufacturer of that bottle -- and make him pay for his mistake. Mike reacts, surprised, as they walk off, heading for the train station. INT. HOMESTEAD - MIKE AND SULLY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT EIGHT 53 Sully stares thoughtfully down at Katie, who lies sleeping in her crib. After a beat he steps over to the bed, where Mike sits, reviewing some patient charts. SULLY Finally fell asleep. (CONTINUED) 54. CONTINUED: 53 MIKE Good. SULLY Gettin' late. We should turn in, too. MIKE I just want to finish reviewing this last patient chart. Sully sits beside her, watches her a moment. SULLY Bein' a doctor ain't so simple anymore. Not just about medicine... Mike looks up at him. MIKE But it doesn't mean I should stop trying. We do our best -- it's all anyone can ask for. Sully nods, kisses her, then takes the chart out of her hands. SULLY C'mon, you need to sleep... (smiles) You gotta go to work tomorrow. Mike returns the smile, and the two kiss again as we: