DR. QUINN, MEDICINE WOMAN "Expedition - Part II" Written by Sara Davidson & Andrew Lipsitz Directed by Chuck Bowman CBS ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTIONS Prod. #2244-0410 in association with PRODUCTION DRAFT THE SULLIVAN COMPANY August 22, 1995 (C) MCMXC Rev. Blue, August 25, 1995 CBS Inc. Rev. Pink, August 28, 1995 All Rights Reserved Rev. Yellow, August 29, 1995 Rev. Green, August 30, 1995 Rev. Goldenrod, October 18, 1995 Rev. Salmon, October 23, 1995 Rev. Buff, October 24, 1995 CBS INC. IS THE AUTHOR OF THIS PROGRAM FOR THE PURPOSE OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHER LAWS No portion of this material may be copied or distributed without the prior consent of CBS Inc. DR. QUINN, MEDICINE WOMAN "Expedition - Part II" Cast List MICHAELA QUINN SULLY MATTHEW COLLEEN BRIAN LOREN DOROTHY JAKE HANK HORACE MYRA SAMANTHA GRACE ROBERT E PRESTON REVEREND BOUNTY HUNTER * BACKGROUND: TOWNSFOLK CUSTOMERS ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. PIKE'S PEAK - ESTABLISHING - DAY SIX 1 The women are still out there, somewhere. EXT. MOUNTAIN CREVICE - DAY SIX 2 MIKE remains in the crevice. She studies a spot on the rock face that might provide a hold. She takes a step up, but she can't reach for a hand hold, because she's sprained her right shoulder, as well. She steps back on the ground, wincing as she lands on her bad right knee, and then continues searching for a way out. INT. STORE - DAY SIX 3 LOREN, JAKE, PRESTON, and HORACE (with the baby carriage by him) have gathered to celebrate their victory. Loren stands beside a display at the front counter featuring cigars for ten cents each. JAKE How 'bout breakin' out those cigars? We're celebratin'. LOREN I'd hate to give away somethin' that's sellin' so good. JAKE When the hotel opens, I'll buy you a whole box. PRESTON Think of it as your first official business transaction with our hotel. The first of many. LOREN Well... Loren hands out the cigars, which the other three light. PRESTON If these are selling as well as you say, you should raise the price. LOREN Dorothy hates it when I do that. (CONTINUED) 2. CONTINUED: 3 PRESTON Dorothy isn't here right now. LOREN That's right, she ain't. Loren takes a pencil and happily raises the price to twenty cents a cigar. EXT. MOUNTAIN TRAIL - DAY SIX 4 DOROTHY (lost in thought) hikes down the mountain with GRACE and MYRA. GRACE We keep goin' like this, we could be soakin' in the hot springs by tomorrow. MYRA Forget the hot springs. I'm gonna eat first -- roast beef, mashed potatoes, and corn bread. GRACE How 'bout you, Dorothy? DOROTHY (slightly queasy) Oh, I ain't thinkin' much 'bout food right now. MYRA You feelin' all right? DOROTHY I'm fine, now that we're headin' down. GRACE Then what's wrong? (CONTINUED) 3. CONTINUED: 4 DOROTHY I feel bad 'bout leavin' Michaela. (a beat) But I had no choice. I couldn't keep goin'. (another beat) Maybe I could a few years back... but I'm old now. That's how come I was feelin' so bad up there. MYRA You feel better now, don't you? DOROTHY Well... yes. GRACE There you go. I've heard a folks feelin' bad when they get high up, but soon as they start down, they feel better. Don't matter how old ya are. DOROTHY But I am getting older. Dorothy stops, takes a beat, Grace and Myra watching. DOROTHY I do my best to hold it off. I tell myself, I still feel young. I still look good. (shakes her head) Then I start to notice -- other folks ain't that interested in how I look. I mean, if a young girl walks by, people's heads will turn. But a woman my age... (a beat) I sometimes feel like I'm becomin' invisible. GRACE I know that feelin'. (CONTINUED) 4. CONTINUED: (2) 4 DOROTHY But the funny thing is, on the inside, I feel more alive than ever. I got a hankerin' to do all sorts a new things. MYRA Like what? Dorothy starts walking, Grace and Myra follow. DOROTHY Like... livin' on my own. All my life I been livin' under somebody else's roof. First my Daddy's, then my husband's, now Loren's. ON MYRA Nodding, taking it all in. GRACE You could find a place in town, make a home for yourself. DOROTHY Yes, I could. (a beat) But it wouldn't be right to move out a Loren's now; with all he's just been through. There's nothing the other two can say. Dorothy's caught in a bind. EXT. STORE - DAY SIX 5 Loren, Jake, Preston, and Horace (with the carriage by his side) puff away, enjoying the taste of legislative victory as they gaze out over the town. JAKE I can't believe I'm gonna be runnin' a hotel. PRESTON You won't have to do everything yourself, Jake. LOREN That's right. A hotel like that's gonna need a whole staff. (CONTINUED) 5. CONTINUED: 5 PRESTON And a staff there shall be. HORACE (hinting, hopeful) Who're you gonna hire? PRESTON The group of investors I've organized knows some men with experience in the field, and I'll be bringing them in to consult... JAKE Consult? PRESTON Just to make sure things move along as they should. As you say, Jake, you've never run a hotel, so I wouldn't dream of putting everything on your shoulders. Jake thinks about what Preston is saying. Something's a little off, but it's nothing to get concerned about, so he keeps puffing along. HORACE You think I might be able to do somethin'? PRESTON (aside, to Horace) I'm going to need you to help me communicate with my consultants. Horace stands tall, proud to serve. EXT. MOUNTAIN CREVICE - DAY SIX 6 Mike takes her canteen and tries to drink, but it's empty. To the side, there's a trickle of water coming down the rock. She takes a handkerchief and holds it under the trickle, wetting it. She squeezes what she can from the handkerchief, careful to drink every possible drop, and then holds the handkerchief under the trickle again, repeating the painstaking process. EXT. MOUNTAIN TRAIL - DAY SIX 7 Myra and Dorothy have stopped to drink water from their canteens. Grace scouts the trail just ahead of them, pointing: (CONTINUED) 6. CONTINUED: 7 GRACE If we cut down here, we can save ourselves some walkin'. MYRA What d'you think, Dorothy? Grace reacts, walks back to them as Dorothy considers. DOROTHY Well... GRACE (hurt, to Myra) How come anytime I make a suggestion 'bout what direction to go, you ask Dr. Mike or Dorothy what they think? MYRA (taken aback) No reason, Grace. Just seein' how everybody else feels. GRACE If Dr. Mike suggests somethin', you don't ask how everybody else feels. DOROTHY Now, that ain't true... (CONTINUED) 7. CONTINUED: (2) 7 GRACE Like when I tried to tell everybody we were on the wrong trail... DOROTHY Michaela had a different opinion, that's all. GRACE But you listened to her, didn't you? Grace turns away, upset both by her feeling and by the conflict it's generating. DOROTHY I can see how you'd be mad if you believed that, but it just can't be. GRACE (without turning) Why not? Dorothy goes to her, puts a hand on her shoulder. DOROTHY 'Cause we're friends. Grace looks at Dorothy. DOROTHY Good friends. If only it were so simple... Myra joins them. MYRA Yeah, Grace. And after climbing that mountain together... (glances back uphill) ... we're better friends than ever. Grace sees the utterly ingenuous sincerity on Dorothy's and Myra's faces. Moved, but still frustrated, she looks back up the hill, too. (CONTINUED) 8. CONTINUED: (3) 7 GRACE But we didn't really climb that mountain, did we? A beat. There's a look between them, and then all eyes turn... looking up the mountain. There's silent confirmation that they're all on the same page, and then they set off, back up the trail.[ INT. BANK - DAY SIX 7A Preston shines his shoes as Hank walks in the bank with two prostitutes. PRESTON What can I do for you, Hank? HANK Just came to talk a little business. PRESTON Do you often talk business with your... associates in the room? HANK I do when I'm makin' a point. PRESTON Which is? HANK Which is, there's no reason for you an' me to have competin' hotels. PRESTON Competition is the locomotive that drives all business. HANK My train's already up an runnin'. Why not get on board with me? PRESTON Because the train you're on only goes so far. The track I'm laying has no limits. Hank takes a beat. (CONTINUED) 8A. CONTINUED: 7A HANK You may got plenty 'a money, but I know how to put that money to use. Hank puts his arms around the prostitutes. HANK Nobody in town knows more 'bout... entertainin' than me. PRESTON I'm not running that sort of hotel, Hank. Preston slowly circles toward the prostitutes, laying on the charm. PRESTON My hotel is going to be a first-class operation, from the gaming tables to the entertainment. The women in my stage show are going to be the finest performers in the country, working on a world-class stage with the most exotic costumes. Preston now stands in-between the two prostitutes. PRESTON Do you ladies dance? Hank takes the prostitutes back, giving Preston a cold look. HANK They already work for me. Preston smiles. PRESTON Competition, Hank. Get used to it. Hank and the prostitutes leave, and Preston resumes shining his shoes.] EXT. LIVERY - DAY SIX 8 ROBERT E hands SULLY the rip saw he's fixed for him, and as Sully looks it over, Robert E takes a horseshoe and heats it in the forge. SULLY How much I owe you? (CONTINUED) 8B. CONTINUED: 8 ROBERT E Nothin'. I appreciate what you tried to do in that meetin' yesterday. Even if it didn't work out. SULLY You were right 'bout the hotel, Robert E. Robert E takes the horseshoe from the forge and puts it down so he can work on it. ROBERT E Wish other folks 'round here could see that. Robert E brings his hammer down on the shoe. SULLY But they don't. It's like when folks got the train to come through town; nobody's thinkin' ahead. Robert E hits the shoe again, this time with more force. ROBERT E Well, I am. (CONTINUED) 9. CONTINUED: (2) 8 Robert E hits the shoe again, delivering his strongest blow yet. Sully looks at Robert E, but Robert E's gaze travels over Sully's shoulder, to the street, where the BOUNTY HUNTER rides up on a horse. +ON THE BOUNTY HUNTER 9 He stares right at Robert E, making sure Robert E gets a good long look at his horse. +ON THE LIVERY 10 Robert E holds his gaze, but Sully doesn't know why. +ON THE BOUNTY HUNTER 11 He turns the horse and rides out of town. +ON THE LIVERY 12 ROBERT E I'm gonna fight that hotel right up to the day they try to open it. Robert E turns, heating the shoe again, not in a mood to talk anymore. EXT. MOUNTAIN CREVICE - DAY SIX 13 Mike stands, still searching for a way to climb out... and then she HEARS something; branches snapping, a rock coming over the wall, landing at her feet... and then VOICES, carrying from above. MIKE Hello? Is anyone there? DOROTHY (O.S.) Michaela? MYRA (O.S.) Where are you? MIKE Down here. But there's no way to get up. 10. +ON THE TRAIL 14 Grace tears off her pack and digs inside, pulling out a rope, as Myra and Dorothy lean over the edge. GRACE We got a rope, Dr. Mike. Grace goes to a rock by the edge of the trail and then throws the rope over the side. +ON THE CREVICE 15 Mike tries to grab the rope and tie it around her, but with only one good arm, she can't do it. MIKE I hurt my shoulder... I can't hold the rope. +ON THE TRAIL 16 The three women look amongst themselves. There's a beat, and then Grace takes the end of the line and wraps it around a log. DOROTHY What're you doin'? GRACE This is gonna help get Dr. Mike. MYRA How? GRACE I'll climb down and get the rope on Dr. Mike. Then you pull her up. MYRA No. GRACE It's the only way. MYRA I ain't disagreein', Grace. But I should go. I'm the smallest. You and Dorothy stay up here and pull. Standing next to each other, we can see that Myra is definitely smaller, and so with no time to lose, Grace gives the rope to Myra. (CONTINUED) 11. CONTINUED: 16 GRACE Thought you were afraid a heights? MYRA I am. There's a hint of a smile on both their faces, and then Myra climbs down the rope. OMITTED (17) 17 OMITTED (18) 18 +ON THE CREVICE 19 Myra slowly lowers herself down. +ON MIKE 20 This is the first she's seen of their plan. MIKE Myra. +ON THE CREVICE 21 Myra touches down safely. She embraces Mike, a little too hard, and then she ties the rope around Mike. MYRA Let's get you back up there. GRACE (O.S.) Ready? Myra looks to Mike. MIKE Ready. +ON THE TRAIL 22 Dorothy and Grace struggle to lift Mike, but as they make progress, Grace wraps the slack around the log, creating a mechanical advantage, and making it that much easier to lift Mike. 12. +ON THE CREVICE 23 Mike slowly makes her way up the wall. +ON THE TRAIL 24 Grace and Dorothy keep pulling. We see how hard Dorothy struggles. GRACE How you doin'? DOROTHY I'm just gettin' a second wind. The women pull... a little more... and then they see Mike's head about to clear the top. Grace wraps the rope around the log, holding Mike in place, and then she and Dorothy go to the edge, lifting Mike to safety. They embrace. DOROTHY Are you all right? MIKE I'm fine. (off their concern) I promise. (a beat) Let's get Myra back up. Grace and Dorothy lower the rope. +ON MIKE 24A More shaken than she'd ever admit. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE 13. ACT TWO FADE IN: EXT. CAMPSITE - DAY SEVEN 25 The women sit , drinking water and eating biscuits. (Mike has her injured knee stretched out in front of her, bandaged. Her arm rests in a sling.) The initial euphoria of saving Mike has passed, and now they're left with the emotional residue from harsh words spoken earlier. MYRA Good biscuits. The others AD LIB their agreement, and then fall back into awkward silence. MIKE I owe each of you an apology. GRACE No, you don't. DOROTHY We all said some things we didn't mean, Michaela. MIKE Perhaps... but there was some truth in what you said about me. I was only thinking about reaching the top, and if you hadn't had the courage to come back up... MYRA But we did. There's a beat, recognition of what they accomplished. MIKE Yes, you did. (a beat) I can't think of three women I'd rather see at the top of Pike's Peak. DOROTHY Four women. And one day, we'll come back up and finish what we started. (CONTINUED) 14. CONTINUED: 25 MIKE We may never get that chance again, Dorothy. We have to go now. DOROTHY You can't go up there. MIKE I don't mean me. I mean you. MYRA Don't start talkin' crazy, Dr. Mike. We're not leavin' you here. GRACE Why not? There's a look between Mike and Grace. They're thinking the same thing. DOROTHY I'll tell you why not. Michaela's injured, and we're not gonna let her sit here all by herself. MIKE I can move my arm. She demonstrates enough mobility to be convincing. MIKE And my knee doesn't require surgery. I need a day to allow the swelling to go down, and then I'll be able to make it back with you. MYRA No. MIKE When Sam died, I spent the night up here by myself, and I was fine. DOROTHY Well, if you'd come up here by yourself this time, you'd still be stuck down where we found ya. GRACE Dr. Mike ain't gonna be doin' much climbin' for a day or two. She'll be safe right here. (CONTINUED) 15. CONTINUED: (2) 25 MYRA Are you listenin' to yourself, Grace? MIKE I'm listening. And it makes perfect sense. You're one day from the top. If you set out right now, you'd be back before sunset tomorrow. That's one night. DOROTHY Which is one night too many. MIKE What if I was Sully? DOROTHY If he was injured, we'd carry him down to see a doctor, which is what we should do for you. MIKE I am a doctor, and if any of you had my injuries, I'd make sure you rested them for a day, then went down. MYRA We didn't come back up here to leave you alone again. MIKE No, you didn't. You came back because you wanted to prove you could climb to the top. And now's your chance. GRACE (to Myra and Dorothy) Might as well think 'bout it. We know we ain't goin' anywhere 'till Dr. Mike's ready. MIKE And that means you can sit here, watching the swelling in my knee go down, or you can go do something you may never have the opportunity to do again: stand on top of a mountain. There's a beat as Mike looks at them, and then they begin to look at each other, thinking about it. 16. INT. CLINIC - DAY SEVEN 26 SAMANTHA sits by the open door as COLLEEN closes and locks the supply cabinet. BRIAN picks up the children's books scattered on Mike's desk. COLLEEN I'm gonna go over to Becky's house this afternoon. BRIAN Who's gonna watch Samantha? COLLEEN You are. BRIAN By myself? COLLEEN You've had plenty a practice, and 'sides, I'll just be five minutes. BRIAN Oh, no, I know how long five minutes takes when somebody leaves a baby with you. COLLEEN All you gotta do is read those books to her. BRIAN Sully said he'd take me fishin' today. COLLEEN You can go fishin' tomorrow. Becky invited me over this afternoon. +ON THE DOORWAY 27 Empty now. Samantha has left the building. BRIAN (O.S.) Where's Samantha? +BACK TO SCENE 28 A beat of horror. COLLEEN Oh, no. 17. EXT. CLINIC - CONTINUOUS - DAY SEVEN 29 Colleen and Brian come running out, looking for the baby. BRIAN Samantha! COLLEEN She couldn't have gone far. They run around the corner of the clinic, into the alley leading to the cafe. EXT. BARBERSHOP - CONTINUOUS - DAY SEVEN 30 Jake has a book in his hands, and he's pointing out something to Preston as they walk. JAKE We oughta order this for the casino. It's called a Lewis (Louis) the X V I chair, and they got 'em in France. That's where Lewis (Louis) used to live. PRESTON Most impressive, Jake. You've been doing your homework. JAKE Runnin' a hotel's a lot a responsibility. PRESTON Yes, it is. And I have good news on that very subject: I've located just the man to oversee our operations. JAKE You mean, someone who's gonna make sure things go the way we want 'em to. PRESTON Actually, I think it's best if we follow his lead on matters concerning the day-to-day running of the hotel. JAKE But, we said I was gonna be runnin' things. PRESTON We said you'd have a position of authority, and so you shall. (CONTINUED) 18. CONTINUED: 30 Jake takes a final, discouraged look in the book he's holding, and then he closes the pages before heading back to the barbershop. Preston hears a BABY NOISE, and he looks down to see Samantha, by the corner of the clinic, just as Brian and Colleen rush up. BRIAN Samantha. COLLEEN There you are. PRESTON She's quite a handful, isn't she? BRIAN She doesn't wanna keep still. PRESTON What she wants is irrelevant. You're in charge. COLLEEN But you gotta watch her every second or she runs away. PRESTON Then find a place where she can't run away. Preston continues on his way leaving Colleen and Brian to consider his advice. EXT. CAMPSITE - DAY SEVEN 31 Mike sits, alone. She shifts to reach into her pack, and then winces as her knee moves. It hurts, but the pain isn't too bad, and she brings the pack close. +ON THE PACK 31A It's stuffed with biscuits. +ON MIKE 31B She takes a biscuit, smiling now, and looks up the mountain. 19. EXT. UPPER MOUNTAIN TRAIL BY STREAM - DAY SEVEN 32 By the water, Dorothy, Grace, and Myra search through their packs. DOROTHY I snuck all my biscuits into Michaela's bag... just to be sure she had enough. MYRA I did, too. GRACE We're gotta eat one more time 'fore we get to the top. Grace drifts a step closer to the water. MYRA Grace, what d'you... (sees Grace eye the water) What're you doin'? GRACE There's fish in there. DOROTHY I don't see any. GRACE Trout. (points) Look, by those rocks. MYRA I see 'em. DOROTHY Anybody bring a fishin' pole? GRACE Don't need one. Grace takes a hairpin from her hair and fashions a hook. Dorothy and Myra watch, and then do the same as Grace takes string from her pack and ties it to the hook, before offering the string to the other two. GRACE They like bugs, but ya gotta know what kinda bug they're eatin', 'cause trout're smart. Grace starts looking under rocks in the stream, and then produces her first bug as the other two tie string to their hooks. (CONTINUED) 20. CONTINUED: 32 GRACE (holds up the bug) There. MYRA What is it? GRACE I don't know the name, but I know trout love 'em. DOROTHY How? GRACE I used to go fishin' with my brothers. Grace hands it to Dorothy, who puts it on her hook, and then Grace finds two more bugs, giving one to Myra and keeping one for herself. GRACE Just put your line in, real quiet, and let the fish do the work. Myra and Grace put their lines in. DOROTHY You ever caught anythin' with one a these before? GRACE Not personally. But there's a first time for everythin'. Grace and Dorothy exchange a smile. MYRA I got one! Myra yanks at her line awkwardly, pulling the fish out of the stream, but then she lets go of the line in an attempt to grab the fish. She misses, but Dorothy drops her line and gets the fish in both hands. DOROTHY It's a beauty. Whoa... The fish starts flopping and wriggling and jumps right out of Dorothy's hands, back into the shallow water. MYRA Get it. (CONTINUED) 21. CONTINUED: (2) 32 Myra jumps in the water, trying to catch the fish. Dorothy joins her, and the two flail about in the water, frustrated at first, and then slowly devolving into laughter. As they emerge from the water, we see Myra has the fish in her hands. EXT. LIVERY - DAY SEVEN 33 +ON ROBERT E 34 A set of reins drops by his feet as he hammers a board (with his back to the street). He sees the reins and turns around. +PULL BACK TO REVEAL 35 The bounty hunter, standing by the side of his horse. Behind him, in handcuffs with a rope tied around his neck, is the FUGITIVE we saw on the "Wanted" poster earlier. He's been beaten; his eye is swollen, he's got a cut lip, and a gash on his forehead. In the b.g., Sully loads the wagon in front of the store. BOUNTY HUNTER Now you got a horse to rent, case anybody comes lookin' for one. +ON ROBERT E 36 He locks eyes with the fugitive. The man in shackles looks hopeless, and Robert E fills with anger. +BACK TO SCENE 37 The bounty hunter gives the rope a yank, dragging the prisoner toward the train station. +ON ROBERT E 38 He's got the hammer in his hand, and he's holding it as tight as he can, almost to stop himself from using it. He watches the bounty hunter lead his prisoner up the street, and he doesn't even notice when Sully reaches him. +BACK TO SCENE 39 SULLY Hey. Robert E still watches the bounty hunter and his prisoner. (CONTINUED) 22. CONTINUED: 39 SULLY Somethin' wrong, Robert E? ROBERT E No. There's a beat as Robert E turns to face Sully, his hands slowly loosening their grip on the hammer, until he finally puts it down. SULLY You sure? Robert E casts one last look over his shoulder, then turns to Sully. ROBERT E Yeah. (a beat) But there is somethin I been meanin' to ask ya... more like somethin' I need your promise on. (off Sully's nod) This ain't a little thing, Sully. I... I want you to look after Grace case anythin' ever happens to me. I wanna know she'll be taken care of. SULLY Why're you talkin' like this, Robert E? Robert E is silent, not sure if he can have this conversation. ROBERT E I don't know. Guess all this talk 'bout the hotel got me thinkin'. SULLY You got more'n that on your mind. ROBERT E (a beat) You see that man the bounty hunter captured? SULLY You know 'im? ROBERT E No. (a beat) But I know what he feels like. (CONTINUED) 23. CONTINUED: (2) 39 SULLY You in some kinda trouble, Robert E? (off Robert E's silence) 'Cause if you are, you got friends in town who'll stand behind you. ROBERT E This ain't the kinda thing folks understand. SULLY You ever try tellin' anybody? (off Robert E's silence) Grace? ROBERT E I ain't tellin' Grace. The less she knows 'bout it, the better. I don't want her involved. SULLY Involved in what? Robert E takes a beat. He's kept this for so many years, it's almost a relief to have Sully bringing it into the open. ROBERT E I killed a man, Sully. (a beat) I killed the man who owned me. Sully remains silent. ROBERT E I was escapin', with my brother Joe, and his little boy. We waited 'till the fog was so thick you couldn't hardly see ten feet in front a you, and we headed right for the swamp, so the dogs couldn't track us... but we could hear 'em barkin', tryin' to get our scent. And just 'fore we made it out a the swamp... he was there, standin' in front a us. Shot Joe right off. Then he asked me if he should drown the boy, or just shoot im'. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 24. CONTINUED: (3) 39 ROBERT E (CONT'D) (a beat) I waited half a second, maybe, and he said I was too late, and he walked over to the boy and he just put his head under the water. Not even the whole way, 'cause he said he wanted me to see what I did to the boy. What I did. (a beat) I dove under that water, and when I came up, I was right behind him. He tried to turn around and shoot me, but I got 'im in a hold no man could ever get out of -- and I told the boy to run -- run on back and don't say nothin'... and then I killed 'im. A beat. SULLY It was self-defense, Robert E. Robert E looks in the direction of the train station. ROBERT E Where I come from, they called it murder. Silence, as the two men look at each other. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO 25. ACT THREE FADE IN: EXT. UPPER MOUNTAIN TRAIL BY STREAM - DAY SEVEN 40 A fire CRACKLES and a fish cooks on a crude spit. Dorothy and Grace eat fish they've already cooked. Myra has finished, and now she's brushing her hair out. DOROTHY Fire's doin' well, Grace. GRACE Just the way Dr. Mike showed us. DOROTHY (to Myra) Your hair's so long. I'd forgotten how pretty it is. MYRA I haven't worn it down in a while... (beat) I haven't done a lot a things I used to. DOROTHY Ya got married. That changes everythin'. MYRA I figured it would... just not the way it has. GRACE You 'an Horace got a nice, normal life now. A beat. MYRA And that's what I wanted more than anythin' else when I was workin' for Hank: a nice, normal life. (others smile) When Horace and I fell in love, I was so happy. We'd get married in a normal church weddin', and we'd live in a normal house and have a normal family and... normal life is drivin' me crazy. (CONTINUED) 26. CONTINUED: 40 DOROTHY It's gotta be better than workin' in the saloon. MYRA Yeah... but least back then I used to speak my mind. I had gumption. But lately, I been wearin' grey dresses, puttin' my hair up in a bun, actin'... meek. GRACE You weren't meek when we were lowerin' you down to get Dr. Mike. MYRA I wasn't, was I? DOROTHY Maybe ya oughta wear your hair down more often. MYRA It ain't just the hair. I thought, once I married Horace, all my problems would be solved. (a beat) I love Horace, and Samantha's been the greatest blessin' a my life. There's a beat. She feels guilty for this. MYRA But I still wanna be somebody in my own right. That's a big admission; too big for Myra, so she puts down her brush and picks up her plate, picking at the remnants of her dinner as Dorothy and Grace exchange a look. EXT. MOUNTAIN CAMPSITE - DAY SEVEN 41 The WIND picks up as Mike tries to start a fire. She's taken her arm out of it's sling, but with her sore shoulder, she can't make the fire go. She discards the sticks she's been using, and looks for others. +MIKE'S POV 42 A few yards away lie more sticks. 27. +BACK TO SCENE 43 Mike stands and gathers the sticks. It's an effort to get up and gather the new wood, and on her way back to her bedroll she stumbles, falling to the ground. She lands squarely on her knee, and now we see that she's in genuine pain. She throws the sticks away and pulls her pant leg up. +ON MIKE'S KNEE 44 The knee is still swollen, and she's opened a new cut. +BACK TO SCENE 45 The brave face Mike put on earlier is now gone. We see all the frustration and sadness she's feeling as she rifles through her pack, looking for something to clean her wound. She finds what she's looking for, and we leave her to cope as best she can. INT. STORE - DAY SEVEN 46 Loren looks up at the shelves. There's something he wants, but there's no one there to help him get it. Determined, he puts his cane down and brings the ladder over. Sully walks in and sees Loren climb, tentatively at first, but more confident with each step, so that by the time he reaches the sack of beans he's after, Loren knows just how much he's recovered. SULLY Looks like you're gettin' your strength back. Loren can't hide the sense of satisfaction as Hank walks in. LOREN And 'bout time, too. I got a store to run. Loren comes down the ladder, and as he does, Jake and Preston enter the store and stop, just inside. Jake puts the catalogue he's holding on the counter, gestures to it. JAKE These chairs are gonna be gone if we don't order 'em right away. PRESTON (losing patience) I don't want to order them, Jake. JAKE Then I will. (CONTINUED) 28. CONTINUED: 46 PRESTON You can't. JAKE Why not? I thought we were partners. PRESTON I wouldn't exactly say we were "partners." JAKE But that's exactly what you said we were. PRESTON Jake, we're still in the process of defining our positions. JAKE You said we had a deal. We shook on it. PRESTON Technically, until we draw up the contract, I'm the only person with decision-making authority. JAKE You sayin' I'm not your partner? PRESTON Let's not get bogged down with certain words. I have men investing a great deal of money in this venture, and they all want the mayor involved. (off Jake's look) Trust me, you're going to be an integral part of this hotel. Jake looks to his friends. Loren and Hank look away, embarrassed for Jake, but Sully keeps his eyes on Preston. Jake pulls closer to Preston, lowers his voice, which is more urgent now. JAKE I don't wanna be an integral. I wanna be a partner, just like we said. PRESTON I promise, you're going to love your position at the hotel. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 29. CONTINUED: (2) 46 PRESTON (CONT'D) In Monte Carlo, everyone would call you "le coiffeur extraordinaire." (off Jake's look) You'll have ten chairs at your disposal, assistants to give shaves so you won't have to... JAKE I'm runnin' the barbershop? PRESTON And you'll be the envy of every barber in the territory. Jake is shocked, and mortified. He looks at Preston, his anger building, but Preston holds his smile, thinking he's doing Jake a favor. Loren feels for his friend, as does Hank. Sully shoots a look at Preston as he walks out of the store. INT. JAIL - DAY SEVEN 47 ON SAMANTHA, BRIAN, AND COLLEEN They're seated happily on a cot, with a picture book open on Colleen's lap. COLLEEN And what does a cow say? BRIAN (to Samantha) Moooooooo. Samantha giggles with glee, and Colleen can't help but laugh. COLLEEN You're gonna be a real good older brother. BRIAN It's kinda fun readin' to somebody. COLLEEN Maybe tomorrow we could bring Samantha out to the homestead? HORACE (O.S.) Colleen? Brian? COLLEEN In here. 30. +WIDEN TO REVEAL 48 Where "in here" refers to: the town jail cell. Horace comes over to them, and at the sight of her father, Samantha climbs down and presses her tiny hands against the metal bars. HORACE What're you doin'? BRIAN Readin'. HORACE I can see that, but... you're in jail. COLLEEN Samantha kept gettin' away. Horace opens the door and picks up Samantha. HORACE Is she all right? COLLEEN She's fine. BRIAN 'Cept... I think she's been missin' her pa. HORACE I'll tell you who she really misses: her ma. That's who. Horace takes Samantha home, and Colleen and Brian watch her go with mixed emotions as they close the picture book. EXT. CAFE - DAY SEVEN 48A Empty, except for Robert E, who's fixing the broken leg on a table. There's a stack of chairs next to him, waiting their turn to be mended. Sully walks over from the livery. SULLY Need a hand? ROBERT E No, thanks. Robert E keeps working, so as to avoid Sully, but Sully stays. SULLY You can tell her, Robert E. ROBERT E No. (CONTINUED) 30A. CONTINUED: 48A SULLY She'd understand. A beat. ROBERT E What good would it do? SULLY It'd put your mind at ease. ROBERT E My mind ain't ever at ease, and I don't expect it ever will be. SULLY That how you plannin' on livin' the rest 'a your life? ROBERT E I'll get by. SULLY If you just wanted to get by, you never woulda married Grace. ROBERT E That's just it... He stops working, turns to face Sully. ROBERT E S'pose I'm afraid Grace would leave me. SULLY Not the Grace I know. Sully leaves, as Robert E absorbs these words. EXT. UPPER MOUNTAIN TRAIL BY STREAM - NIGHT SEVEN 49 Grace sleeps, off to the side. Myra stares at the fire as it dies out, and Dorothy watches her. Both Myra and Dorothy are bedded down. +ON DOROTHY AND MYRA 50 DOROTHY Thinkin' 'bout Samantha? (CONTINUED) 30B. CONTINUED: 50 MYRA She needs her bunny to get to sleep. (a beat) I hope Horace remembers. (CONTINUED) 31. CONTINUED: (2) 50 DOROTHY I'm sure he did. MYRA I know, she's probably fine, but I can't help thinkin', even if we get to the top tomorrow, maybe I shoulda been home this week. DOROTHY I don't... MYRA And then I think, 'course I should be up here. Havin' a family don't mean you stop livin' your life. Dorothy's just letting her talk now. MYRA Fact, I should be doin' more things. I want my Samantha to look at me the way Colleen looks at Dr. Mike. I want her to tell her friends how she wants to be just like me when she grows up, how's she proud a her ma, 'cause... her ma's climbed all the way to the top a Pike's Peak. (a beat) How many little girls can say that 'bout their mas? The look on Dorothy's face answers the question: not many, and that's enough to let Myra go to sleep. INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT SEVEN 51 Books and papers cover the table in front of Sully. He looks like he's cramming for finals as he pores over the material. Brian walks down the stairs, tying a line to his fishing pole as Sully looks up. SULLY Never did get to go fishin', did we? BRIAN That's all right. Colleen walks out of the kitchen, drying a plate. (CONTINUED) 32. CONTINUED: 51 SULLY And we been cleanin' up right after every meal, too, not havin' any cookies or pie... goin' to bed early... COLLEEN We had fun. SULLY Thought you spent most a your time watching Samantha. COLLEEN We did. Colleen and Brian share a smile, and then Colleen moves next to Sully. COLLEEN What're you doin? SULLY Lookin' at the town charter, and anythin' else 'bout government regulations I could find. COLLEEN You mind if we stay up, too? SULLY We got any dessert? COLLEEN We got pie. (a beat) And I got everythin' I need to make Ma's birthday cake. SULLY Save it. You can make her a cake when she gets back. BRIAN She probably ain't gonna want a cake. SULLY Why not? COLLEEN 'Cause Grace probably brought somethin' special to save for Ma's birthday. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 33. CONTINUED: (2) 51 COLLEEN (CONT'D) (a beat) And tomorrow they're gonna be on top a Pike's Peak, havin' a celebration. SMASH CUT TO: EXT. MOUNTAIN CAMPSITE - NIGHT SEVEN 51A Mike dozes off by the smoldering embers of what was once a fire. There's a NOISE in the bushes, and Mike is instantly awake, sitting up as quickly as she can. She scans the periphery, and then hears a low GROWL. The growl grows LOUDER, and Mike sits, the fear showing on her face. There's another NOISE in the bushes; the closest yet. Mike stands, searching for something; anything that might help. Mike grabs the pot from her pack, and a rock, and then stands, alert. The WIND blows, and then there's the sound of movement in the bushes. Mike BANGS the rock against the pot, making as much noise as she can. She hears the same RUSTLING sound, this time from farther away. She gathers more sticks and returns to the smoldering embers, preparing to build a new fire as she settles in for a long night. OMITTED(52) 52 FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE 34. ACT FOUR FADE IN: EXT. PIKE'S PEAK - ESTABLISHING - DAY EIGHT 53 The women must be close to the top by now. EXT. STEEP MOUNTAIN TRAIL - DAY EIGHT 54 But getting there won't be easy. We see Grace, Myra, and Dorothy climbing on sheer rock, using their hands and feet to propel them up the last bit of climbing. It's slow and arduous, and even though they're breathing hard in the thin air, they're determined, and they continue to make progress. EXT. MOUNTAIN CAMPSITE - DAY EIGHT 54A It's morning now. Mike sits calmly, reading Emerson, as she reaches into her bag for a biscuit. Instead, she finds a crumpled piece of paper: Brian's birthday card. Mike smoothes out the card lovingly, and then opens it. BRIAN (V.O.) "Love is like a flower, blooming in the spring, Love is like a power, telling you to sing. Love means happiness, it also means mother, So I hope this birthday is better than any other. I love you, Brian." She smiles for the first time since she started up the mountain. It's the kind of smile you give when the mere thought of someone you love supersedes whatever difficulties you may be facing in the present. Mike sits back, holding the card open, savoring it. EXT. STORE - DAY TEN 55 Loren stands by the bins, stocking corn as Brian helps him. (Note: Loren's cane rests by the door.) (CONTINUED) 35. CONTINUED: 55 BRIAN Ain't you excited to see Miss Dorothy? LOREN 'Course I am, I just been busy. BRIAN That's 'cause Miss Dorothy ain't been around to help. LOREN Aw, I can take care a things on my own. BRIAN But she does more'n help out with work. You're always talkin' with her, and you go to Grace's together, and church. LOREN So? BRIAN Now that you're gettin' better, you two can get married. That hits Loren hard, and he sits on the steps next to Brian. LOREN Gettin' sick made me realize we shouldn't be married. (a beat) I wanna be here, takin' care a my store, and Dorothy, well... She wants to do new things with her life. BRIAN Like what? LOREN (a beat) Like climbin' mountains. Brian sits down next to Loren, and Loren leans on his friend, silently grateful for his support. EXT. TOP OF PIKE'S PEAK - DAY EIGHT. 56 Myra, Grace, and Dorothy take their final steps... and then they've made it. They've climbed to the top of the mountain. They stand, in awe, and take in the view. (CONTINUED) 36. CONTINUED: 56 They spread out for a second, (Note: Dorothy kneeling down, picking something from the ground), looking in all directions, and then they come back to each other and embrace: `We did it.' They stand, arm-in-arm, looking out over the Colorado territory. INT. SALOON - DAY EIGHT 57 Hank pours drinks for Jake and Loren (without cane). LOREN Don't worry, Jake. I ain't doin' any business with Preston's hotel. HANK You can do business with my hotel. LOREN Sounds good. Jake is doing a long, slow burn as he drinks his whiskey. JAKE You better watch out if you go up 'gainst Preston. He's a snake. Sully (carrying the town charter), MATTHEW, and Robert E walk in. SULLY Been lookin' for you, Jake. LOREN This ain't a good time, Sully. Can it wait? ROBERT E Not 'less you wanna see Preston build that hotel. JAKE I'm gettin' real tired a hearin' 'bout this. SULLY Then do somethin'. JAKE There's nothin' anybody can do. SULLY I ain't talkin' 'bout anybody. I'm talkin' bout you. (CONTINUED) 37. CONTINUED: 57 Sully holds up the charter, and the men all look. What is Sully talking about? EXT. STREET - DAY EIGHT 58 Preston sizes up the site he plans to turn into Monte Carlo west. He's consumed with plans, so he doesn't see Sully, Jake, Robert E, Hank, Matthew, and Loren walk up behind him. SULLY Nice spot, ain't it? PRESTON Not nearly as nice as it's going to be. ROBERT E I don't know. I kinda like it the way it is. MATTHEW Be a shame to see it change. JAKE 'Specially if we can't trust the person changin' it. PRESTON Gentlemen, we've already had this discussion. SULLY How 'bout we have a different discussion? PRESTON Regarding? SULLY Historical landmarks. LOREN That's a good discussion to have. PRESTON There are no historical landmarks in Colorado Springs. SULLY Then maybe it's time we got one. JAKE Let's see, where would be a good place for a historical landmark? (CONTINUED) 38. CONTINUED: 58 They all look around, just to drag it out. SULLY How 'bout right here? ROBERT E Good idea. HANK Bet folks'll come from all over to see this spot. PRESTON Don't be ridiculous. There's no history here. LOREN Sure there is. Right here's where one a this town's foundin' fathers, Walter Brooks, proposed to his wife, Nellie. Oh, what a weddin' they had. PRESTON Gentlemen, this site represents the future of Colorado Springs. Sully stands directly in front of Preston. SULLY No, it don't. This spot's been declared a historical landmark, which means no construction, and no hotel. PRESTON You have no authority to do that. SULLY I can make a proposal to the mayor, and if he signs it, then it's law. Sully takes out a rolled up piece of paper and hands it to Preston. SULLY It's all there in writin', 'cause we know how important it is to you to have somethin' on paper. Preston does a slow burn. He casts an angry look to Jake, then returns to his confrontation with Sully. (CONTINUED) 39. CONTINUED: (2) 58 PRESTON Very clever, Sully. But things in Colorado Springs are going to change, whether you like it or not. I promise you. SULLY Then we got nothin' to worry 'bout, 'cause you ain't so good with promises, are you? That's all that Preston can stand to hear. He turns and heads for the bank, leaving nothing but smiles in his wake. Jake offers his hand in thanks to both Sully and Robert E. EXT. MOUNTAIN CAMPSITE - DAY EIGHT 59 Mike sits quietly, reading Emerson. As she turns a page, she HEARS something in the distance. It's SINGING, and she puts down the book to listen better, smiling as she picks up the lyrics. DOROTHY/GRACE/MYRA (O.S.) For she's a jolly good climber, For she's a jolly good climber, The women reach the campsite. DOROTHY/GRACE/MYRA Which nobody can deny. Mike stands to greet them. She's sore, but mobile. The women gather around and AD LIB "Happy Birthday," to Mike. DOROTHY How're ya feelin', Michaela? MIKE Better, now that you're back. GRACE Any trouble while we were gone? MIKE No. (a beat) Nothing I couldn't handle. DOROTHY We brought you a birthday present. Dorothy takes a tiny wildflower out of her pocket. (CONTINUED) 39A. CONTINUED: 59 DOROTHY It's from the top a the mountain. (CONTINUED) 40. CONTINUED: (2) 59 MIKE You made it? The women beam at her. DOROTHY There was two a these flowers up there, and we were gonna pick the other to lay on Sam's grave... GRACE But it seemed fittin' to leave it up where Sam wanted to be. Dorothy hands the flower to Mike. MIKE Thank you. It's lovely. Mike opens her book, and presses the flower inside it. MIKE Now I'll always have something from the top of Pike's Peak. MYRA We were thinkin' of you the whole way there. GRACE Someday, we oughta come back. MIKE You think it would be worth it? DOROTHY When you get to the top... it's like nothin' else you can imagine. MIKE (open sadness) I wish I could have been there. GRACE You will... someday. MYRA You just gotta plan another trip, that's all. (CONTINUED) 41. CONTINUED: (3) 59 MIKE I was thinking that, when you first left, and then I started thinking about how I plan everything. The way I run the clinic. The way things are at home. The way I was down below, pushing ahead, map or no map, food or no food. (a beat) But then I realized something: The most important events in my life were things I didn't plan; things I had no control over at all. MYRA Like what? MIKE Like meeting Sully. Adopting the children. And... She stops, unsure about going on. She's sad, wistful. GRACE And? MIKE ... having a baby... DOROTHY Michaela, you've only been married, what is it? MIKE Six months. MYRA You gotta be patient. DOROTHY You ain't worried 'bout this, are ya? MIKE Well, as a woman gets older... every year, it becomes... more difficult. DOROTHY You're gonna have a baby, I'm sure of it. Mike is silent a moment. This is hard to face. (CONTINUED) 42. CONTINUED: (4) 59 MIKE But the truth is, it's beyond my control. She's right. Dorothy puts her arm around Mike, while Grace and Myra move closer, offering what emotional support they can. EXT. MEADOW - DAY NINE 60 Sully, Robert E, Horace (baby carriage beside him), Matthew, Colleen, and Brian are having a victory picnic. Colleen finishes pouring glasses of iced tea. ROBERT E Let's have a toast -- to politics. SULLY And to friends lookin' out for each other. ROBERT E That's even better. They toast, and as they do, we look across the meadow... +ON THE SALOON 61 Where Hank, Loren (without cane), and Jake stand outside, having their own toast. +BACK TO SCENE 62 Colleen starts serving food as Horace looks out. HORACE They're back! The ladies are back! Everyone jumps up and runs to the road, joined by the men from the saloon. BRIAN There they are! +THEIR POV 63 The women, side by side, walk back into town. They look dirty and ragged, and Mike limps a little, but they're glowing. The men and kids hurry to meet them, with Brian leading the way. (CONTINUED) 43. CONTINUED: 63 BRIAN Ma! He hugs her, and then steps back. BRIAN (re: her limp) Are you all right? MIKE I'm fine. MATTHEW What happened? MIKE I had a little fall. Myra, Dorothy, and Grace look at her. MIKE But luckily I had my friends to look after me. SULLY How was your birthday? MIKE (look back to the women) Better than I could have ever planned. COLLEEN You hungry? GRACE You bet we are. ROBERT E You're just in time for a picnic. He starts guiding Grace out to the meadow, as everyone else cheers and hugs. +ANGLE - HORACE, MYRA, AND SAMANTHA 64 A warm, hugging reunion. HORACE I'm awful glad you're back. I learned somethin' real important while you were gone. (CONTINUED) 44. CONTINUED: 64 MYRA So did I, Horace. HORACE A family needs a ma at home. I don't want ya ever goin' off like this again. Ya understand? Myra turns her face aside. In her eyes, we see, there's going to be trouble ahead. +ANGLE - ROBERT E AND GRACE 65 GRACE I feel so good. Like I got a fresh start on life. ROBERT E So do I. Fact, there's somethin' I gotta tell ya. Somethin' I could never tell ya before. GRACE What's that? +ANGLE - DOROTHY AND LOREN 66 DOROTHY Loren, how're ya feelin'? LOREN Better. DOROTHY Good. Ya been doin' your exercises? (Loren nods) Now that I'm back, I can help ya with 'em. LOREN Dorothy, I been thinkin'... I mean, you'll always be welcome at my place. Don't get me wrong. But... maybe it's time you thought about lookin' for a place a your own. Dorothy is startled, amazed and relieved. 45. +ANGLE - SULLY, MIKE, MATTHEW, COLLEEN, AND BRIAN 67 SULLY (looks to Pike's Peak) What was it like up there? MIKE (gestures to her leg) I didn't make it. Everyone takes a beat. SULLY I'm proud a you, no matter how far up you got. MIKE Yes, I think the whole trip was something to be proud of. (a beat) And how were things here? MATTHEW Good. Thanks to Sully. COLLEEN He took your place on the council. BRIAN And then he made sure Preston couldn't build his casino. MIKE Casino? SULLY (off Mike's look) C'mon, we'll tell you all about it. We PULL BACK, as the crowd disperses, some going to the meadow, some to town. Everyone is hugging, talking, catching up, as