1. ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. BARN - DAY EIGHT 1 MIKE moves anxiously toward SULLY, who seethes in frustration and resentment. SULLY You knew, Michaela -- you knew how I felt about it. MIKE Sully, what was I supposed to do? SULLY You shoulda waited for me to get back. MIKE But we would have lost our home. SULLY You don't know that. MIKE Sully... you made a promise to me -- you said you'd never let us lose the homestead. Why don't I owe that same promise to you? SULLY 'Cause it's different. MIKE Why? SULLY 'Cause I'm s'posed to take care a things. MIKE Why? Because you're the man? The husband? That makes you more responsible than I? Sully, you've said yourself, whatever happens to you, happens to me. We face everything together. (CONTINUED) 2. CONTINUED: 1 SULLY Ya just shouldn'ta done it, that's all. Now we're still in debt, an' in debt to a friend. MIKE Which is better than Preston. Sully quiets, then angrily walks out. EXT. BARN - CONTINUOUS - DAY EIGHT 2 Sully comes outside and heads for his horse. Daniel stops him. DANIEL Sully, don't blame Michaela. She didn't wanna take the money. I insisted. SULLY Why? I told ya I was handlin' things. DANIEL I know. But if you coulda seen how I found her. In the middle a the night -- At this, Sully perks up, but Daniel quickly clarifies: DANIEL Downstairs, by the fire -- sick with worry. (beat) Can't ya understand? I had to do somethin'. Sully looks at Daniel for a long beat. SULLY (resolved) I'm payin' ya back. Ev'ry cent. Sully pulls out his salary from the cattle drive and hands it over. SULLY Consider that your first payment. Daniel swallows. Sully gets on his horse. Mike comes to the barn doorway as he rides off. Mike and Daniel watch him, then share a look. 3. INT. GENERAL STORE - DAY EIGHT 3 CLOUD DANCING enters. He notices the REVEREND sitting off-to-the side and alone. The Reverend looks vulnerable and bored. Cloud Dancing feels for him. CLOUD DANCING It is a beautiful day today, Reverend. The Reverend looks toward his voice. REVEREND Cloud Dancin'? CLOUD DANCING Yes. Perhaps you would enjoy a short walk outside. REVEREND Loren stays real busy 'til the afternoon. CLOUD DANCING By yourself. The Reverend smiles awkwardly, instantly anxious. REVEREND Oh. Yes, well, I have been out by myself before ... CLOUD DANCING Reverend, you have lived in this town for many years. Your mind will see what your eyes cannot. REVEREND I s'pose ... CLOUD DANCING And should you lose your way, surely your friends and neighbors will guide you home. The Reverend nods vaguely, considering this. LOREN interrupts, shoving a box toward Cloud Dancing. LOREN Your things ain't sellin' anymore. CLOUD DANCING Not selling? REVEREND But somebody bought -- (CONTINUED) 4. CONTINUED: 3 LOREN (stifling him) They ain't sellin'. An' they take up too much room in my store. (to Cloud Dancing) So I s'pose now ya ain't got much reason to come aroun' town anymore. Loren stares at Cloud Dancing meaningfully. Before Cloud Dancing can respond, DOROTHY comes in. She is flustered to see Cloud Dancing, even more so in front of Loren and his CUSTOMERS, who watch from the aisles. DOROTHY Cloud Dancin' ... I ... you gotta forgive me for the other day, I -- had a ... an unexpected deadline. CLOUD DANCING Deadline. DOROTHY Yes. Work to finish by a certain time? I hope you can understand. Cloud Dancing looks at Dorothy, glances at Loren, registers the disapproving townsfolk, then looks back at Dorothy. CLOUD DANCING I do understand. Dorothy knows that he indeed understands fully. She looks at him, pained. Cloud Dancing nods sadly, respectfully, to her, then walks out with his box of merchandise. Dorothy casts her eyes down. The Reverend senses her distress, but Loren nods, satisfied. EXT. LIVERY - DAY EIGHT 4 Sully repairs a wheel, pounding at the anvil, releasing tension with each blow. ROBERT E approaches him with a slight smile, puzzled by Sully's intensity. ROBERT E Sully, that's fine work, but slow down a bit. Mr. James ain't pickin' up that wheel 'til tomorrow. (CONTINUED) 4A. CONTINUED: 4 SULLY Just tryin' ta get it done. Sully keeps working. Robert E watches his friend, growing concerned. ROBERT E Cattle drive turn out alright? SULLY Yep. Rancher kept 'is word. ROBERT E Good. That should put ya ahead for awhile. Sully nods. ROBERT E An' ya won't need to be takin' on so much work. Sully hesitates and looks at Robert E, misinterpreting. SULLY Robert E, if you don't need my help around here -- ROBERT E I do, Sully, sure I do. SULLY 'Cause I don't want you just findin' things for me. ROBERT E I got plenty for ya to do. All I'm sayin' is ya just got back. SULLY Yeah? ROBERT E Well, ya hardly seen your family, an' here ya are, workin' like there's a fire under ya. (CONTINUED) 5. CONTINUED: (2) 4 SULLY I'm alright. ROBERT E I know, but if ya wanna spend some time at home now, 'specially since ya got Daniel visitin'... Sully sighs and shakes his head, not willing to share his situation with Daniel. SULLY I got debts to pay. ROBERT E (backs off) Well, when ya finish up here, I could use a hand with the horses. SULLY Sure thing. Robert E nods and turns away. SULLY Robert E? Robert E turns. SULLY Thank you. Robert E and Sully share a small smile of understanding, then Sully gets back to work. 6. INT. *COLLEEN'S ROOM - DAY EIGHT 5 Mike passes by in the hall and glances into the room. MIKE Daniel? 7. +REVEAL 6 Daniel packing his bags. Bare-chested, he sees Mike and quickly covers up with a shirt. MIKE (re: his packing) What are you doing? DANIEL (regretful) I came here to help Sully. All I did was bring 'im trouble. MIKE You acted with the best of intentions. DANIEL But they didn't work out. Mike enters the room. MIKE So you've had a disagreement, some contention with your dearest friend. You can't just pack up and go. DANIEL Don't think Sully wants me stickin' aroun'. MIKE Yes, he does. Your friendship is very important to him. DANIEL It's important to me, too. MIKE Then all the more reason for you to stay. Daniel looks at Mike, reminded of another reason for him to leave -- he's falling in love with her. DANIEL I should go. MIKE But I feel responsible for this -- DANIEL Ain't your fault, Michaela. (CONTINUED) 8. CONTINUED: 6 MIKE But this never would've happened if I hadn't taken the money. I feel as though I've come between the two of you, and I couldn't bear that, please -- stay and talk to Sully. Do it for me. Daniel looks into Mike's imploring eyes -- and surrenders. EXT. LIVERY - DAY EIGHT 6A Sully adjusts a horse's bridle. PRESTON approaches with curious amusement. PRESTON Still lingering around the livery? SULLY It's called workin'. PRESTON But why? Your debt has been paid. You can go back to doing whatever it is that you normally do. Sully turns to face Preston with an icy stare. PRESTON Now, don't be so sensitive, Sully. I'm just wondering why you're still doing Robert E's scrap work. You must really need the money. SULLY That's right. PRESTON Why not just ask your rich friend for some more? Sully bristles. SULLY I'm payin' 'im back. Sully returns to work. Preston smiles to himself. PRESTON It's just wounded pride then, is it? (MORE) (CONTINUED) 8A. CONTINUED: 6A PRESTON (CONT'D) (needling Sully) You left home to provide for your wife and family, only to find that your best friend stepped in and took your place. SULLY (hotly) Nobody took my place. Sully steps toward Preston, who pales. PRESTON A poor choice of words. Forgive me. Sully glares at Preston for a beat, then lets it go and gets back to work. Preston watches Sully thoughtfully. PRESTON Sully -- I'm just thinking... why should you waste your time and skill here, working for pennies? SULLY (agitated) You got somethin' to say? Say it. PRESTON Alright. How would you like to build an entire house -- create the design, use the finest materials, be completely in charge, and earn all the money that you need to repay your friend in one lump sum? Sully can't help but be interested, but he's wary. SULLY Who's hirin'? PRESTON (smiles) I'd like to move in by the Summer. Sully sighs -- he wishes he could reject Preston's offer, but the money is just too good ... 8B. INT. BANK - DAY EIGHT 7 Sully stands at Preston's desk, uneasy in Preston's domain. Preston draws on a pad. PRESTON I'm not an artist, Sully, you're the craftsman. Just indulge me and take these thoughts into consideration. We can discuss the final floor plan after you've had a look. SULLY Alright. Sully takes the sketches. Preston extends his hand. Sully hesitates, then shakes it. PRESTON I'm so pleased that you'll be -- (relishing the words) Working for me. DANIEL (O.S.) You workin' for him? Daniel steps inside, surprising Sully. DANIEL Robert E told me you were here. Why ya doin' this? SULLY (cuts to the chase) I build his house, you get your money. PRESTON Yes, and I will finally be the proud owner of an original Byron Sully. Daniel takes this in for a beat. He looks at Sully. (CONTINUED) 9. CONTINUED: 7 DANIEL You dead set on this? SULLY I am. DANIEL (beat) Then I'm helpin' ya. SULLY No. DANIEL Yes, Sully, I'm stayin', no arguments. We're gonna finish this thing together. Sully hesitates. DANIEL An' then ya can pay me back what ya owe me. Preston is completely befuddled. PRESTON Excuse me. You want to help him build my house so that he can pay you back? DANIEL That's right. Daniel stares at Sully, waiting for his response. PRESTON What kind of people are you? Sully turns to Daniel. They share a look. DANIEL Friends. This concept is clearly bewildering for Preston, but Sully starts to yield and Daniel smiles with relief. Their friendship is on the mend. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE 10. ACT TWO FADE IN: EXT. PRESTON'S HOMESTEAD - DAY NINE 8 Sully uses a spade to remove rocks from the plot of land. Daniel digs around a tree stump, preparing to uproot it. They're still tentative in each other's company. Daniel glances around. DANIEL Nice piece a land. SULLY Yeah. Sully looks over at Daniel. He realizes that Daniel is trying to make conversation, to reconnect -- and meets him halfway. SULLY Preston came to town, found out where the best spot was, then made sure he owned it. DANIEL The view sure is pretty. Daniel struggles with the stump. Sully heads over. SULLY Lotta folks used to come up here to enjoy it. Sully helps Daniel chop and dig around the base of the stump. SULLY Fact, they 'specially liked to sit under this tree. (beat) Preston cut it down. DANIEL You got a long list a grievances 'gainst that fella, now don't ya? (CONTINUED) 11. CONTINUED: 8 SULLY (small smile) It ain't like I'm keepin' track. DANIEL 'Course not. The ice between them is starting to melt. Working together, Sully and Daniel wrench the stump out of the ground, then look at each other with satisfaction. INT. CLINIC - DAY NINE 9 Mike examines MR. PERKINS' forearm, gently feeling the bone, rotating it, inspecting the scar. She looks pleased. MR. PERKINS Bone feels strong, Dr. Mike. An' hardly any scar. Ya done some real fine stitchin'. MIKE Thank you. Now, I don't want you to do any heavy lifting for six weeks, but after that you can do everything normally. Although you may experience a dull ache when it rains. MR. PERKINS Ya mean my arm's gonna tell me 'bout the weather? MIKE (smiles) That's right. Mike goes to her desk. Mr. Perkins puts on his jacket and plucks one of the four new cigars out of his breast pocket. Mike glances up from her paperwork and sees him unwrap the cigar and stick it in his mouth. Then, steeling her resolve, she brings a page over to Mr. Perkins. MR. PERKINS (looks at the paper, caught off-guard) What's this? MIKE (smiles nervously) It's a bill. For my services. (CONTINUED) 12. CONTINUED: 9 MR. PERKINS (reading down the list) A bill ... ? MIKE Yes, I think you'll find everything in order. (pointing them out) A compound fracture. Setting the bone, closing the wound, and all of your follow-up visits, including today's, Mr. Perkins' eyes bulge at the grand total. MR. PERKINS Three dollars? Mike swallows hard, but holds her ground. MIKE I do believe I've charged you a fair price. MR. PERKINS But I was hopin' -- I mean, my wife was plannin' to bake you some a her apple pies. MIKE That would be very kind of her, and my family has always enjoyed them -- (bracing herself) But from now on, I really must require payment in cash for my work. MR. PERKINS But three dollars, Dr. Mike ... I can't afford to pay ya that now. MIKE (sighs softly, nods) I understand. Mr. Perkins feels relieved, not expecting: MIKE What can you afford to pay now? Mr. Perkins gapes at her. (CONTINUED) 13. CONTINUED: (2) 9 MIKE Mr. Perkins, forgive me, but surely the price of your healed arm is worth at least as much as a new cigar. Mr. Perkins reacts. Mike waits. He reaches into his pocket. MR. PERKINS I got about a dollar on me. That gonna do it for now? MIKE That will be fine. I'll give you a receipt. Mr. Perkins nods, rustling for change. Mike turns away and returns to her desk, pleased with herself. EXT. PRESTON'S HOMESTEAD - DAY NINE 10 Preston stands between Sully and Daniel, surveying their work, holding a rolled-up poster. +THEIR POV 11 The plot of land looks level, smoothly raked. Cord is strung between markers to indicate the outline of the house. +BACK TO PRESTON 12 As he takes in the layout. PRESTON You're placing the bay window over there? SULLY That's what we talked about. Said ya wanted to see the sun come up. PRESTON Well, I put some more thought into that and, you know, I think I'd really prefer to see the sun set. Sully and Daniel trade looks. SULLY Then the bay window'll face West. (CONTINUED) 14. CONTINUED: 12 Preston smiles. Sully starts back to work with Daniel, but Preston stops him. PRESTON Just a few more minor changes ... Preston unfurls a large drawing of his floor-plan. PRESTON Perhaps you should follow me. Sully takes a calming breath and moves off to tour the site with Preston. Daniel gets back to work, surprised when Mike rides up. DANIEL Michaela. MIKE Daniel ... Mike climbs off her horse, in high spirits. MIKE I couldn't wait to tell you and Sully. (proud) I was paid today. In cash money. DANIEL Congratulations. MIKE It was difficult for me to insist, I didn't enjoy it, but ... DANIEL It feels good to be paid for your work. MIKE (beat) Yes. Yes, it does. +ANGLE ON - SULLY AND PRESTON 13 They stop some distance away. PRESTON What I'd really like is an entirely separate room -- with cabinets and shelves, room for a desk. A study. (CONTINUED) 15. CONTINUED: 13 SULLY (getting annoyed) 'Nother room ... PRESTON Yes, and I think now is a good time to discuss the scheduling change. SULLY Schedulin' change? PRESTON I want my house completed in four months. SULLY Four months? PRESTON Don't be alarmed, Sully. I'm offering you a ten percent bonus, a little incentive, if you finish the work in time. Sully relaxes for a moment, then: PRESTON And if you don't...? Sully looks at him. PRESTON Then I'll begin deducting wages with each day you run late. SULLY That ain't what we agreed. PRESTON But surely this deadline won't be a problem for you. After all, you have your friend's help now. Preston glances off. +PRESTON'S POV 14 Mike and Daniel chat and laugh together. +BACK TO PRESTON 15 As he observes them curiously. (CONTINUED) 15A. CONTINUED: 15 PRESTON Well, now. That must warm your heart, Sully. To see your wife and your best friend enjoying each other's company. Confused, Sully looks up and notices Mike and Daniel for the first time. +SULLY'S POV 16 Mike enjoys her conversation with Daniel. She glances over at Sully, smiles and waves brightly, but doesn't head over -- she turns back to Daniel. +BACK TO SULLY AND PRESTON 17 Preston is primed to push Sully's buttons. PRESTON I imagine they got to know each other quite well while you were away. Sully gives Preston a sizzling look. Preston backs off, but Sully looks back at Mike and Daniel, growing troubled. +CLOSE ON - MIKE AND DANIEL 18 Mike is warm and friendly. Daniel is cordial but uncomfortable, aware of Sully's presence. MIKE I want to thank you, Daniel, for staying here and making things right with Sully. (CONTINUED) 16. CONTINUED: 18 DANIEL Sure thing. Mike smiles gratefully and puts her hand on Daniel's arm. Daniel reacts to her touch, glancing at Sully. Mike doesn't notice. +ANGLE ON - SULLY 19 He watches Daniel with alert, suspicious eyes ... EXT. GAZETTE - DAY NINE 20 Dorothy sweeps dust out the front door. She starts to smile at a passing TOWNSMAN, but he turns up his nose and moves on. Dorothy sinks briefly, then calls out in frustration, refusing to be ignored: DOROTHY Hey there, Mr. Harriman! Ya haven't bought your paper this week! The man keeps walking. Dorothy frowns. She turns and sees ... +DOROTHY'S POV 21 From the direction of the church, the Reverend carefully heads up the street, using his cane to guide him. +BACK TO DOROTHY 22 Astonished and concerned to see him out walking on his own. DOROTHY Reverend ... ? +BACK TO SCENE 23 The Reverend smiles at the sound of her voice. REVEREND Afternoon, Dorothy. DOROTHY Are you -- you're alright to be ... ? (CONTINUED) 17. CONTINUED: 23 REVEREND I'm fine. I've walked this road so many times, I could do it blind. Dorothy pauses, unprepared for his black humor. He smiles, then she lightens up and laughs. DOROTHY Well, it's good to see -- I mean, it's nice that you're out enjoyin' the day. REVEREND Can't spend every hour just sittin' in Loren's store. DOROTHY Yes, I remember how that can be. They share a knowing smile. REVEREND Would ya care to join me for a bit? Keep the horses outta my way? DOROTHY Well, sure. Dorothy accompanies the Reverend toward the General Store. They stroll quietly for a few beats. REVEREND Sounded like ol' Mr. Harriman wasn't in a friendly mood today. Dorothy pauses, realizing that the Reverend overheard her. DOROTHY Yes, well ... he sure wasn't. The Reverend wants to offer his counsel gingerly. REVEREND Dorothy ... bein' blind doesn't keep me from knowin' what goes on in this town. DOROTHY Reverend, whatever folks've been sayin' or thinkin', it just isn't true. REVEREND I'm not askin' if it's true. (CONTINUED) 18. CONTINUED: (2) 23 The Reverend tries another tack. He wants to bolster Dorothy, not make her uneasy or defensive. REVEREND Y'know, it's a strange thing 'bout my blindness ... sometimes I think it's helped me to "see" things more clearly than ever. DOROTHY Whad'ya mean? REVEREND Well, since I can't see how a person looks anymore -- what he's wearin' or the color of his skin -- nothin' on the outside much matters to me. (beat) Now it seems like I can see right past all that ... kinda like inside people -- to their very heart and soul ... DOROTHY That sounds like a lovely thing. REVEREND It can be. With a man like Cloud Dancin', for instance ... Dorothy freezes at the mention of his name. REVEREND It was him suggested I start takin' these walks more often. DOROTHY Was it? REVEREND That's right. I never took much time to know 'im before, but now I can see ... Cloud Dancin's a very kind 'n lovin' soul ... an' I feel lucky just knowin' 'im. Dorothy smiles softly, reflective. The Reverend taps the front step of the store with his cane. REVEREND Thanks for walkin' with me, Dorothy. He holds out his hand. She grasps it. (CONTINUED) 19. CONTINUED: (3) 23 DOROTHY Happy to, Reverend. Thank you. The Reverend nods and makes his way back into the store, leaving Dorothy to ponder. EXT. CLINIC - SAME TIME - DAY NINE 24 Sully and Daniel drive the buckboard wagon up to Mike's porch. Mike comes outside, smiling at both of them. MIKE You're early. Daniel hops out of the front seat. Sully guardedly watches Daniel's behavior toward Mike. DANIEL How was the rest of your day? MIKE I just put twenty-three stitches in Mr. Bailey's leg. At three cents a stitch, that's ... Mike smiles at Daniel, but his smile is forced. Briefly puzzled by this, Mike smiles at Sully. MIKE I'll get my things. Sully nods. Mike goes inside. Daniel and Sully share an uneasy look. Dorothy heads back to the Gazette from her walk with the Reverend. DOROTHY Afternoon, gentlemen ... almost evenin', I suppose. SULLY H'lo, Dorothy. DANIEL Dorothy, nice to see ya. Dorothy senses the tension between them and tries to make light conversation. DOROTHY Sully, I understand you two're buildin' Preston's house. (CONTINUED) 20. CONTINUED: 24 SULLY That's right. DOROTHY Would ya consider fixin' a special lock on it? So we can keep Preston inside now 'n then? She smiles. Sully returns it. SULLY Long as I get to keep the key. Mike comes outside, carrying her medical bag, pulling on her coat. She misses the arm hole and the coat slips down. She looks to Daniel for help. MIKE Daniel? Would you ... Dorothy watches as Daniel hesitates, glancing uncomfortably at Sully. Then Daniel moves to Mike and slips the coat over her shoulders. MIKE Thank you. Mike and Daniel move to the wagon. She looks at him and smiles, waiting for a hand-up, but Daniel hesitates again, awkwardly glancing at Sully. Sully comes around and helps Mike into the wagon. Dorothy takes all of this in. MIKE I'll see you in the morning, Dorothy. DOROTHY 'Night, Michaela. Gentlemen. Sully and Daniel nod at her. Mike turns to Sully. MIKE Ready? Sully snaps the reins. Mike waves to Dorothy as they drive away. OFF Dorothy watching the trio, wondering ... 21. INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT NINE 25 The fire roars. Mike sits between Sully and Daniel, listening intently to BRIAN read his short story. Sully and Daniel are distracted, gauging each other. BRIAN (reading from his notebook) "The battle wore on, long after the moonlight first danced across the silvery lake ... " Sully looks at Daniel. Daniel meets his glance. BRIAN "But in the end, only one man stood ... " Sully puts his arm around Mike and gently pulls her closer. Daniel looks away. BRIAN "The wise and noble Knight. With a bow to his countrymen, he climbed onto his white horse and rode off silently into the night." (looks up, smiles) That's it. Mike grins and applauds, jarring Sully and Daniel. MIKE Brian, that was wonderful. So descriptive. DANIEL Real excitin'. SULLY Your best story yet. BRIAN (grins) Thanks. MIKE Well ... you do have school in the morning. BRIAN I know, I know. G'night. They all exchange "good nights" and Brian heads upstairs. (CONTINUED) 22. CONTINUED: 25 For a moment, Mike, Sully and Daniel sit in silence, then Mike looks at the chess board and turns eagerly to Daniel. MIKE Would you like to play? Daniel hesitates. SULLY I'll play with ya. Mike turns to Sully, stunned. SULLY I know how. MIKE I know, you're a good player, but... SULLY Ya just gotta keep the board out from now on, else I never think to ask ya. MIKE (smiles) I'd love to play chess with you. Sully returns her smile and they move to the chess board. Feeling out-of-place, Daniel stands up. DANIEL I think I'll turn in. MIKE But it's so early. Daniel, you should wait around. Sully hasn't played in awhile. (smiles at Sully) This game may not last very long. SULLY Don't be so sure. Daniel sees their playful, loving interaction -- and feels like the proverbial third wheel. DANIEL I'm tired. He heads for the stairs. MIKE Good night then. (CONTINUED) 23. CONTINUED: (2) 25 DANIEL (pauses, looks back) 'Night, Michaela. Mike nods, then smiles at Sully. MIKE I'll get us some coffee. As Mike goes into the kitchen, Sully glances at Daniel. Their eyes lock, and in that chilling instant, the tension brewing at the homestead is undeniable. Daniel goes upstairs, leaving Sully very disturbed by the turn of events as we slowly... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: INT. HOMESTEAD - MORNING - DAY TEN 26 Mike brings biscuits to the table, where Sully, Daniel, and Brian eat breakfast. KATIE is in her high-chair. MIKE Careful now, they're hot. BRIAN Smells good, Ma. Mike smiles at him, then looks at Sully and Daniel. The men are both somber and distracted. Mike sits, puzzled. She looks to Brian for conversation. MIKE Are you doing anything special in school today? BRIAN We're startin' a new chapter on Explorers. MIKE Explorers. That should be very interesting. Brian nods, glancing at the men, confused by their silence, too. He tries to break the ice: BRIAN How long's it gonna take you to build Mr. Lodge's house, Sully? SULLY Few months. Brian smiles at Daniel, delighted. BRIAN Then that means you'll be stayin' here for awhile. Daniel exchanges tense glances with Sully. Mike notices, growing more concerned. DANIEL Long time for a visit, Brian. Think I best find a place to stay in town. (CONTINUED) 25. CONTINUED: 26 SULLY I can manage the house by m'self if ya wanna go. DANIEL No, I wanna help, Sully. I promised ya. Mike listens, perplexed by their strained interaction. MIKE Well, you can stay here as long as you like, Daniel. You're a wonderful house guest. Like family. DANIEL (smiles appreciatively) Thank you, Michaela. Mike prompts Sully, expecting him to reassure Daniel, too. SULLY (flat) Sure. Stay as long as ya like. Not very reassured, Daniel smiles weakly and keeps eating. Mike looks at Sully, hoping for an explanation of his mood, but his expression is tight and unreadable. OFF Mike's increasing worry, we CUT TO: INT. GAZETTE - DAY TEN 27 Dorothy stops working her press and gives Mike her full attention. DOROTHY How do ya mean -- tense? Mike feels awkward discussing the breakfast scene, but she needs her good friend's feedback. MIKE Well ... Sully and Daniel were both very quiet. DOROTHY Quiet's not unusual for Sully. (CONTINUED) 26. CONTINUED: 27 MIKE (smiles slightly) No -- I mean especially quiet. (troubled) I thought this whole fuss about the money was over, but obviously it's not for Sully. I felt such ... an anger brewing in him. DOROTHY Toward you? MIKE No, no, toward Daniel. If anything, Sully's been more attentive to me. Last night, he asked me to play chess. DOROTHY Chess? MIKE Yes, he was so eager to play, and he's never shown much interest before. DOROTHY (confirming her suspicions) Before Daniel arrived, ya mean. Mike looks at her, puzzled by her line of thought. DOROTHY Michaela, I think Sully's jealous. MIKE Jealous? DOROTHY Of you 'n Daniel. MIKE Dorothy. DOROTHY I think Daniel's fallin' in love with you. MIKE Oh, don't be ridiculous. (CONTINUED) 27. CONTINUED: (2) 27 DOROTHY Well, maybe you don't see it, but Sully's clearly seen somethin'. An' I did, too. Mike looks at her. DOROTHY When they picked ya up yesterday? A simple thing like helpin' ya on with your coat -- it made Daniel so uncomfortable. MIKE That's nonsense. DOROTHY An' when you got into the wagon? The way he looked at Sully? Afraid to touch your hand ... MIKE (pondering, then dismisses the notion) No. Absolutely not. Daniel is Sully's best friend, it's not possible. DOROTHY Michaela, sometimes, when you're right in the middle of a situation, you can't see how it's comin' across -- Dorothy glances at something and falters -- she sees the lavender sprig from Cloud Dancing on her desk. Her words and thoughts now take on a more personal meaning. MIKE You may perceive what you like, that does not make it true. DOROTHY Yes, I suppose you're right... but maybe... Thinking this through for herself, Dorothy reaches out and touches the lavender. DOROTHY ... what folks see is true ... an' you just don't wanna accept it. Mike shakes her head, too overwhelmed to consider the possibility of Daniel being in love with her. (CONTINUED) 27A. CONTINUED: (3) 27 MIKE I have patients to see. (CONTINUED) 28. CONTINUED: (4) 27 Dorothy nods, distracted. Mike walks out. EXT. GAZETTE - CONTINUOUS - DAY TEN 28 Mike leaves, her mind reeling. She heads for the clinic and stops short, flustered to see: Daniel driving the buckboard wagon toward her. He spots Mike and slows. Mike and Daniel smile awkwardly. MIKE Daniel. I wasn't expecting to see you. DANIEL Sully sent me into town to buy lumber. Mike nods. A beat. DANIEL Michaela? Can I talk to ya for a minute? MIKE (smiles tensely) Certainly. Daniel takes a breath, not certain how to proceed. DANIEL Ain't sure how to say this... MIKE (nervously interrupts) Daniel, I just remembered. I need to prepare for an appointment. Perhaps we can talk later? Mike musters a shaky smile. Daniel nods sadly, aware of her discomfort. DANIEL Sure. See ya at the house then. MIKE Yes. They exchange taut smiles, then Daniel drives on. Mike anxiously watches him. 29. EXT. RESERVATION - DAY TEN 29 Near some shacks, Cloud Dancing chats with TWO INDIANS, who glance over his shoulder and stop talking with a frown. Cloud Dancing turns to see the object of their disapproval. +CLOUD DANCING'S POV 30 It's Dorothy, riding up on her horse. She looks toward Cloud Dancing, apprehensive and uncertain. +BACK TO CLOUD DANCING 31 As he nods to Dorothy, surprised by her visit. He steps away from his disgruntled friends to meet her. +BACK TO SCENE 32 Dorothy climbs off her horse and moves toward Cloud Dancing. DOROTHY Cloud Dancin', I hope I'm not intrudin' ... CLOUD DANCING As you see, I am very busy. Dorothy allows a slight smile -- but she's nervous, here with a purpose. DOROTHY I -- well, I want to apologize again -- for not meetin' ya that day. CLOUD DANCING You had a -- deadline. DOROTHY No. No, I didn't, Cloud Dancin', that was just an excuse. (beat) I chose not to come. Cloud Dancing is surprised by and curious about her candor. DOROTHY The folks in town -- well, they don't understand how I -- I mean, they don't think it's right that you 'n me are spendin' time together ... (quickly qualifying) For my book. (CONTINUED) 30. CONTINUED: 32 CLOUD DANCING My people also do not approve. Dorothy glances behind Cloud Dancing. +DOROTHY'S POV 33 Several Indians watch them scornfully. +BACK TO DOROTHY AND CLOUD DANCING 34 As she realizes that he has been facing the same prejudice. DOROTHY Then you understand. CLOUD DANCING That we both live among foolish people? Again, a smile sneaks across Dorothy's face. DOROTHY It's just that I, well, I've enjoyed doin' our interviews -- (stops, frustrated) Our talks. I've enjoyed havin' our talks very much. CLOUD DANCING So have I. Dorothy pauses briefly to absorb this, very pleased. DOROTHY When I think about 'em bein' over ... Cloud Dancing knits his brow. Dorothy explains: DOROTHY Well, I'm almost done with my research. CLOUD DANCING And then, we will no longer speak? DOROTHY Yes, Cloud Dancin', we'll speak, surely -- when I see ya. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 31. CONTINUED: 34 DOROTHY (CONT'D) (sighs) I guess that's what's been truly botherin' me. Not the town's gossip, but -- when my research is over, and I'm ready to start writin', there won't be any real reason to see ya anymore. Cloud Dancing looks troubled. DOROTHY I mean -- is there? Dorothy and Cloud Dancing search each other's eyes. DOROTHY Have folks've been seein' somethin' we don't? 'Bout us ... Cloud Dancing raises his eyebrow. DOROTHY (embarrassed) Oh, this is nonsense ... CLOUD DANCING No. We must consider -- about us. Dorothy proceeds tentatively, but she's desperate to know. DOROTHY Yes, what are we -- to each other -- exactly? Cloud Dancing thinks about this for a long beat. He looks at Dorothy, with great affection and simplicity: CLOUD DANCING We are ... friends. Dorothy mulls his answer and decides that ... yes, this is indeed the perfect label for them now. She smiles. DOROTHY Friends. OFF Dorothy and Cloud Dancing, two friends regarding each other with warm appreciation ... INT. HOMESTEAD - NIGHT TEN 35 Dinner time. Mike, Sully, and Daniel eat quietly, occasionally looking up from their plates to exchange hesitant glances. (CONTINUED) 32. CONTINUED: 35 MATTHEW sits opposite Brian. Both are puzzled by the silence. MATTHEW Dinner's real good tonight, Dr. Mike. Mike looks up and smiles wanly. MIKE Thank you, Matthew. I'm glad you could join us. Matthew nods, glancing around the dreary table. MATTHEW Wouldn't miss it. Mike smiles at him awkwardly, then looks down at her plate. Matthew looks at Brian -- what's going on? Brian shrugs, equally mystified. More silence. Matthew thinks of a topic. MATTHEW Saw Ben Marcus in town today. Mike perks up. MIKE Ben Marcus? How is he? MATTHEW Oh, real good. MIKE And his family? MATTHEW Real good, too. Mike nods, hoping for more. Matthew thinks of something: MATTHEW He said to send 'is regards. Mike smiles. Matthew smiles. End of conversation. It's Brian's turn. He interrupts another long pause: BRIAN Mr. Bray's been talkin' 'bout makin' some big changes at the store. (CONTINUED) 33. CONTINUED: (2) 35 MATTHEW Yeah? What kinda big changes? BRIAN Oh, movin' stuff aroun'. MATTHEW What kinda stuff? BRIAN Y'know -- stuff. Brian and Matthew look at each other, glance around, and give up. Everyone eats in silence. INT. MIKE AND SULLY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT TEN 36 It's very late, but Mike is awake in bed, worrying. Sully is asleep, turned away from her. Mike watches his steady breathing for a moment. She slides closer, needing to talk. She's just about to wake him when the floorboards creak outside their door. Mike reacts, sitting up. She listens to the footsteps pass by then tread quietly downstairs. INT. HOMESTEAD - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT TEN 37 Daniel, wearing his coat, places his bags by the front door. He turns to scribble a note at the table. MIKE (O.S.) Daniel? Daniel looks over at Mike. She comes downstairs, pulling a robe over her nightgown. Daniel sighs. DANIEL I didn't wanna wake ya. MIKE What are you doing? DANIEL Figure it's time I move on now, Michaela. MIKE You're leaving? (CONTINUED) 34. CONTINUED: 37 DANIEL I think it's best. MIKE In the middle of the night? But you have to say goodbye to Sully. You can't go now, Daniel. Please don't go. SULLY (O.S.) What's goin' on? Mike jolts and Daniel turns, both surprised to see Sully on the stairs. SULLY What're you two doin' down there? DANIEL I was just leavin'. SULLY Good. MIKE (shocked) Sully. You don't mean that. SULLY Yeah, I do. Sully strides aggressively toward Daniel. He stops in front of him, glowering. SULLY I see the way ya been lookin' at her. Daniel says nothing. MIKE (shaken) Sully... SULLY (to Daniel) Go ahead. Tell her. Still, Daniel keeps quiet. SULLY Ya denyin' it? Daniel shifts awkwardly. Sully goes to the door, opens it, then looks coldly at Daniel. (CONTINUED) 34A. CONTINUED: (2) 37 SULLY Whatcha waitin' for? Daniel picks up his bags and hesitates, looking at Sully. DANIEL Sully, I... SULLY (with an indignant shove) Go. Daniel halts and glares at Sully, but restrains himself. Mike steps between them. MIKE (anguished) Sully, he's your friend. SULLY Used to be. (CONTINUED) 35. CONTINUED: (3) 37 Daniel swallows, wounded. He shares a look with Sully, then leaves. Mike turns to Sully, but he brushes past her, grabs his coat, and walks out the side door. OFF Mike, shattered and alone. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: EXT. PRESTON'S HOMESTEAD - MORNING - DAY ELEVEN 38 Mike rides up on Flash. She looks like she's been agonizing all night. Mike looks around. There are some stacks of lumber, but the site is empty -- Sully is not there. Distressed, Mike rides off. INT. GENERAL STORE - DAY ELEVEN 39 Loren tallies HANK's purchases. The Reverend sits near the door. Several CUSTOMERS browse the shelves and racks. Dorothy comes in and greets the Reverend warmly. DOROTHY Mornin', Reverend. REVEREND Dorothy. Loren and Hank look over. Dorothy nods politely. DOROTHY Gentlemen. She moves inside to shop, acknowledging other CUSTOMERS even while some of them ignore her. DOROTHY Miz Fowler ... 'mornin, Miz Davis ... Hank watches Dorothy. Loren finishes packing Hank's items. LOREN That it? HANK Well, lemme see now ... Hank pretends to scan a display, loud enough to be overheard: HANK Where can I find me some a that Injun-made stuff? Hearing this, Dorothy halts, her back to Hank. The Reverend perks up. The surrounding customers pause to listen. (CONTINUED) 37. CONTINUED: 39 LOREN (frowns) I told ya, I stopped sellin' 'it. HANK But I want a pair a those soft moccasins. (looks at Dorothy, as if just remembering) Say, Dorothy ... Dorothy steels herself as Hank approaches her. HANK You got some sort a "personal" connection with them Injuns, don't ya? Maybe you can get me a good deal on some moccasins. Dorothy turns to face him. DOROTHY I'm a journalist, Hank, I'm not in the shoe business. HANK Then how 'bout that Cloud Dancin' fella? Maybe he could help. DOROTHY I'm sure Cloud Dancin' would be very happy to assist you. HANK Oh, you're "sure" now, huh? Well, you must know 'im real well then. Dorothy glances around, feeling everyone's stare. Loren and the Reverend listen closely for her response. DOROTHY As a matter of fact -- I do. Loren reacts and people murmur at the scandal, but the Reverend smiles to himself, proud of Dorothy. DOROTHY Cloud Dancin' is a gentleman. I'm real proud to call him my friend, an' I'm gonna keep seein' 'im, when I like an' where I like. An' if anybody don't approve? (MORE) (CONTINUED) 38. CONTINUED: (2) 39 DOROTHY (CONT'D) (glancing at Loren) And I mean anybody ... (determined to all) Then that's just too bad. Everyone quiets, stunned, the wind taken out of their sails. Hank turns away from Dorothy, defeated. Dorothy turns, head held high, and procedes to shop. After a beat, all normal activity in the store resumes. EXT. TOWN - JUST LATER - DAY ELEVEN 40 Mike rides into town, looking distraught. She sees Dorothy leaving the store, and trots over. Dorothy is carrying her groceries in a basket. MIKE Dorothy ... have you seen Sully this morning? I've been looking all over for him. DOROTHY (sees her distress) No, I haven't, Michaela. What's wrong? MIKE Oh Dorothy ... something terrible happened last night. (looks at her, still reeling) You were right. Sully thinks Daniel -- has feelings for me. DOROTHY Oh dear ... MIKE Sully was so upset. He walked out. DOROTHY He just needs some time to cool off. MIKE But I can't find him anywhere. What must he be thinking? (CONTINUED) 39. CONTINUED: 40 DOROTHY Sully loves you, Michaela. I never seen a man so devoted to his wife. (beat) He'll be home. Don't you worry. Mike looks at Dorothy, wanting to believe her, then rides off ... EXT. TRAIN STATION -- DAY ELEVEN 41 The train approaches as Mike rides up. She glances toward the platform and slows her horse +MIKE'S POV 42 Daniel stares off pensively, his luggage beside him. He senses Mike's gaze and turns to her. He looks apologetic. +MIKE 43 She's glad to find him, but very uneasy. She rides across the tracks. +BACK TO SCENE 44 Mike climbs off Flash and meets Daniel on the platform. It's awkward. Neither knows where to begin or what to say. Mike glances at the hard benches behind him. MIKE Those benches must've been very uncomfortable. DANIEL I slept at the Gold Nugget. MIKE You didn't happen to find Sully there? DANIEL He left home? Mike nods and glances down, fighting her tears. Daniel looks on in distress, feeling responsible, wishing he could comfort her. (CONTINUED) 40. CONTINUED: 44 DANIEL Michaela -- I'm so sorry for all this. Last thing I wanna do is make trouble for you 'n Sully MIKE (composing herself, with renewed urgency) Then let's go find him. Let's tell him what nonsense he's been thinking, how absurd that is. DANIEL (beat) I can't do that. MIKE Why? Daniel looks at Mike, his emotions surging. DANIEL Michaela ... it ain't nonsense. Mike goes numb. DANIEL What Sully's been thinkin' -- it's true. Mike shakes her head, wishing the truth away. MIKE No ... DANIEL You're the finest woman I ever met -- MIKE Don't -- Daniel, please... DANIEL An Sully's the best friend I ever had. (beat) An' that's why I gotta go. Mike looks at him, floored, but not without compassion. MIKE Yes -- you should. Daniel nods sadly. Tentatively at first, Mike holds out her hand. (CONTINUED) 41. CONTINUED: (2) 44 MIKE Goodbye, Daniel. Daniel looks at her, his heart aching. He shakes her hand. SULLY (O.S.) Michaela? Mike and Daniel turn, surprised to see Sully solemnly approach. Mike is relieved to see him, but apprehensive about the situation. Sully comes over to them. It's very tense. Sully looks at Daniel. SULLY Wanted to catch ya 'fore ya left. Daniel nods. An awkward beat. Mike turns to Sully. MIKE I'll be at home. Sully nods. Mike glances at Daniel with a small, sorrowful smile, then gets on her horse and rides off. Sully and Daniel stand in strained silence, watching her. +THEIR POV 45 Mike gallops away from the tracks. +BACK TO SULLY AND DANIEL 46 They keep their eyes on Mike. DANIEL (gently, genuine) You're the luckiest man in the world. Sully stays silent, but he knows that Daniel is right. DANIEL An' I wish nothin' but ev'ry happiness for you both. Sully nods slightly. Daniel struggles to find the words. (CONTINUED) 42. CONTINUED: 46 DANIEL I never meant for this to happen, Sully. I just couldn't help my feelin's. (heartfelt) I'm sorry. SULLY (nods) Me, too. Daniel glances forlornly at the train. DANIEL Well. Seems like we're always puttin' so many miles between us. Sully looks at his oldest and closest friend, letting go of his anger and mistrust ... SULLY Miles don't matter. Daniel reacts, moved and relieved. He and Sully exchange warm, bittersweet looks that are rich with shared history. DANIEL Say g'bye to Matthew for me. Katie 'n Brian. I'm really gonna miss 'em. Sully looks at Daniel. SULLY They're gonna miss you. Daniel nods. Sully sticks out his hand. Daniel takes it. They hold their firm handshake for a beat. Daniel climbs aboard the train, turning to Sully: DANIEL I'll let ya know where I am. (CONTINUED) 43. CONTINUED: (2) 46 SULLY Ya better. (beat) 'Cause I'm payin' ya back. DANIEL (smiles) You bet ya are. Ev'ry last cent. They trade final looks, then Daniel moves onto the train. OFF Sully watching the train carry his friend out of the station ... EXT. HOMESTEAD - DAY ELEVEN 47 Alone on the porch, Mike sits despondently, staring out at the road. +MIKE'S POV 48 The road is empty. +BACK TO MIKE 49 As she lowers her eyes with a disheartened sigh. A beat. Mike gets up and moves toward the door. Just before she goes inside, she hears an approaching rider and turns. +MIKE'S POV 50 Sully gallops her way. +ANGLE ON - MIKE 51 Her face floods with relief. She heads down the steps. +ANGLE ON - SULLY 52 He climbs off his horse at the corral and turns toward Mike, regretful, hopeful. +ANGLE ON - MIKE 53 She stops and smiles at Sully uncertainly, with apprehension. 44. +RESUME 54 Mike and Sully stand apart, neither sure how to relieve the pain of the night before. They slowly move toward each other, their eyes locked. They stop. MIKE You're home. SULLY Only place I wanna be. Mike smiles softly. They kiss and Sully takes her in his arms and she snuggles against him, secure in his loving embrace as we slowly... FADE OUT. THE END ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ€#@